# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8::et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
PortSystem 1.0
PortGroup github 1.0
github.setup tstack lnav 0.8.1 v
revision 2
maintainers {g5pw @g5pw} openmaintainer
categories sysutils
description An advanced log file viewer for the small-scale.
long_description Many logging tools, like Splunk, provide great features but \
are optimized for large-scale deployments. They require \
installing and configuring servers before they can be \
effectively used. There is still a need for a robust log \
file analyzer for the terminal.
platforms darwin
license BSD
depends_lib port:curl \
port:pcre \
port:sqlite3 \
port:ncurses \
port:readline \
port:zlib \
port:bzip2 \
checksums rmd160 9aa5556c9957f04f438ac33a65aaa0da897ae111 \
sha256 80776cc4c79d6ae5d41c7fdec7385bd4fd340dadf0e919835d8a05d002930780
configure.args --disable-silent-rules \
--disable-static \
--with-libcurl=${prefix} \
--with-ncurses \
--with-pcre \
--with-readline \
use_autoreconf yes