categories sysutils archivers
description Automatic updater and package installer/remover
long_description The Smart Package Manager project has the ambitious \
objective of creating smart and portable algorithms \
for solving adequately the problem of managing software \
upgrading and installation. This tool works in all \
major distributions, and will bring notable advantages \
over native tools currently in use (APT, APT-RPM, YUM, \
checksums md5 573ef32ba177a6b3c4bf7ef04873fcb6 \
sha1 51fae89900c386f7848cf5575f5729042c33e171 \
rmd160 d570cdda7a5c69cc0a3a3ea37711388944d88ce2
patchfiles patch-prefix.diff
depends_lib path:lib/python2.7/site-packages/rpm/ port:python27
### by default, it will run --shell interface.
### to run it with --gui, you will need:
#depends_run port:py27-pygtk
foreach patch $patchfiles {
system "cd '${workpath}/${distname}' && \
sed -e 's#@@PREFIX@@#${prefix}#g' '${filespath}/${patch}' | patch -p0"
build.args-append PYTHON="${prefix}/bin/python2.7"
destroot.args-append PYTHON="${prefix}/bin/python2.7"
test.args-append PYTHON="${prefix}/bin/python2.7"
destroot.keepdirs ${destroot}${prefix}/etc/smart/channels \
livecheck.url ${homepage}
livecheck.regex ${name}-(\[0-9\\.\]+)${extract.suffix}