categories sysutils shells
description Customization of the zsh shell for OS X
long_description This is a collection of files that help the user to customize \
the zsh shell for the Mac OS X operating system. It is entirely \
optional and is not part of the zsh shell distribution. \
It is designed to 'work out of the box' but to be amenable \
# Actually includes some prebuilt binaries, but close enough.
distname zsh-templates-${version}
checksums rmd160 f38b59511bdda63d68310f54489135c37dc0a5f2 \
sha256 205fd66958c1b14e0308f4238920dff5e6be793afd63013dace3a65ccdf6dfe5
depends_run path:${prefix}/bin/zsh:zsh
# Binary "Play Hook.bundle" is linked with libstdc++
configure.cxx_stdlib libstdc++
file copy ${worksrcpath}/Library/init/zsh ${destroot}${prefix}/etc
file copy ${worksrcpath}/etc/zshenv ${destroot}${prefix}/etc
file copy ${worksrcpath}/etc/zshrc ${destroot}${prefix}/etc
file delete ${destroot}${prefix}/etc/zsh/zshrc_local.d/phenix_env.zsh