# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
if {[variant_isset perl5_12]} { perl5.default_branch 5.12 }
if {[variant_isset perl5_14]} { perl5.default_branch 5.14 }
maintainers dports openmaintainer
description a BibTeX replacement for users of biblatex
Biblatex relies on the venerable BibTeX program only for sorting and \
generating a very generic bbl file without any formatting \
instruction. Everything else is taken care of by biblatex, which \
provides a powerful and flexible macro interface for authors of \
citation styles. With Biber it is no longer necessary to rely on \
BibTeX, allowing full Unicode support, no memory limitations, \
homepage http://biblatex-biber.sourceforge.net/
variant perl5_12 description "use perl version 5.12" conflicts perl5_14 {}
variant perl5_14 description "use perl version 5.14" conflicts perl5_12 {}
if {![variant_isset perl5_14]} {
default_variants +perl5_12
master_sites sourceforge:project/${name}/${name}/${version}
dist_subdir ${name}-${version}
worksrcdir ${name}-v${version}
checksums rmd160 09e1d889be83fab62300227f7c2f5391b7b33002 \
sha256 9251de044578e03469f400a6e32fb967e95d90b1a6f4398bd1323208df9c47e2
depends_build-append port:p${perl5.major}-config-autoconf \
depends_lib-append port:p${perl5.major}-config-general \
port:p${perl5.major}-data-compare \
port:p${perl5.major}-data-dump \
port:p${perl5.major}-date-simple \
port:p${perl5.major}-file-slurp-unicode \
port:p${perl5.major}-ipc-cmd \
port:p${perl5.major}-ipc-run \
port:p${perl5.major}-ipc-run3 \
port:p${perl5.major}-libwww-perl \
port:p${perl5.major}-list-allutils \
port:p${perl5.major}-list-moreutils \
port:p${perl5.major}-log-log4perl \
port:p${perl5.major}-readonly \
port:p${perl5.major}-readonly-xs \
port:p${perl5.major}-regexp-common \
port:p${perl5.major}-text-bibtex \
port:p${perl5.major}-unicode-collate \