# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
maintainers snc openmaintainer
description Allows you to embed DOT descriptions in your TeX document
The dot2texi package allows you to embed graphs written the DOT \
description language directly in your document. The dot2tex tool \
is used to transform the output from Graphviz to LATEX code using \
either the TikZ and PGF package, orthe PSTricks package. The generated \
code can then be included directly in you document. This package can \
automate the process if shell escape is enabled.
homepage http://www.fauskes.net/code/dot2tex/documentation/#the-dot2texi-latex-package
master_sites googlecode:dot2tex
checksums rmd160 053f8db5f6f579f1850f02b9afc269986ee43ef5 \
sha256 ce5af84973286889ea19d5f898153414ed33c5500e6812fb6a7f87f652694ebd
distname ${name}sty-${version}
# Depends on xkeyval (>= 2.3) (provided by texlive, but not by tetex)
# Also depends on moreverg and PSTricks or PGF
depends_run bin:dot2tex:dot2tex port:texlive port:pgf
depends_lib bin:texhash:texlive
set texmf ${destroot}${prefix}/share/texmf-local/
set r ${worksrcpath}/dot2texi
file mkdir ${texmf}/tex/latex
file mkdir ${texmf}/doc/latex/dot2texi
file copy ${r}/dot2texi.sty ${texmf}/tex/latex/
file copy ${r}/dot2texi.tex ${r}/dot2texi.pdf ${r}/gpl.txt ${r}/README \