# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
maintainers hal-9k.de:julian
description Convert MS Word/Excel documents to plain ASCII or TeX.
long_description catdoc is program which reads one or more Microsoft \
word files and outputs text, contained insinde them \
to standard output. Therefore it does same work for \
.doc files, as unix cat command for plain ASCII files. \
It is now accompanied by xls2csv - program which \
converts Excel spreadsheet into comma-separated value \
Newest addition to catdoc suite is catppt - a program,\
which extracts readable text from the PowerPoint \
homepage http://www.wagner.pp.ru/~vitus/software/catdoc/
master_sites http://ftp.wagner.pp.ru/pub/catdoc/
checksums sha1 58afc3f64d43c13d07070103b36cd83b81c94616 \
rmd160 b05737ce36f2175b4f5b6df6a5786b8aaa14989a \
sha256 514a84180352b6bf367c1d2499819dfa82b60d8c45777432fa643a5ed7d80796
patchfiles patch-Makefile.in.diff
configure.args --with-wish="/usr/bin/env wish"
destroot.destdir prefix=${destroot}${prefix}