categories textproc devel
description Spellchecker wrapping library
On the surface, Enchant appears to be a generic spell checking library. \
You can request dictionaries from it, ask if a word is correctly spelled, \
get corrections for a misspelled word, etc. but all it really does is to \
provide a uniform wrapper over several popular spell checking libraries \
including aspell, ispell and AppleSpell.
checksums md5 de11011aff801dc61042828041fb59c7 \
sha1 321f9cf0abfa1937401676ce60976d8779c39536 \
rmd160 a992034355bb36b9acabdbd400c9f4a3b996cce6
depends_lib path:lib/pkgconfig/glib-2.0.pc:glib2
depends_build port:pkgconfig
configure.args --disable-ispell \
if {${os.platform} eq "darwin" && ${os.major} >= 13} {
# users most likely have AppleSpell already set up for their language
default_variants +applespell
variant ispell description {Enable ispell backend} {
configure.args-replace --disable-ispell --enable-ispell
variant aspell description {Enable aspell backend} {
configure.args-replace --disable-aspell --enable-aspell
depends_lib-append port:aspell
depends_run port:aspell-dict-en
variant myspell description {Enable myspell backend, using hunspell} {
configure.args-replace --disable-myspell --enable-myspell