description Apache FOP Java XSL-FO Print Formatter
long_description Apache FOP is the world's first print formatter driven by \
XSL formatting objects. It is a Java application that \
reads a formatting object tree conforming to the XSL 1.0 \
Recommendation (15 October 2001) and then turns it into a \
PDF document, certain other output formats or allows you \
to preview it directly on screen. Some parts of the XSL \
1.1 specification (work in progress!) have also been \
# Apache recommends at present that FOP be linked to FOP-specific versions of
# the Java libraries that it depends on (which are distributed with FOP), as
# both it and some of those libraries are undergoing a lot of changes, and they
# do not guarantee that FOP will work with any other versions. We therefore
# might as well only use the binary distribution, unless anyone else comes up
# with a compelling reason to change this. For the same reason, we also stick
# to the directory structure within the archive, since it isolates FOP and its
# libraries from conflicts with other versions.
if {${name} eq ${subport}} {
checksums md5 8b6f4747482d77449fd4c30df129a507 \
sha1 6b96c3f3fd5efe9f2b6b54bfa96161ec3f6a1dbc \
rmd160 fdeee43b73f0b005738661bb9b86d9f9a4434f63
patchfiles java_home.patch
# It may be possible to install both versions just by changing subport fop2's
checksums rmd160 0b261f214c2d841147f84a76ce14c78d473d1b59 \
sha256 a93b59aa4d0b6d573c9090d8f21dee6c7d0c449a4bd2d48a1723e233dfb423ea
livecheck.regex "${name}-(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)*)-bin${extract.suffix}"
distname ${name}-${version}-bin
master_sites apache:xmlgraphics/fop/binaries/
worksrcdir ${name}-${version}