description Hyper Estraier is a full-text search system.
Hyper Estraier is a full-text search system. It has the following \
(1) High performance of search \
(2) High scalability of target documents \
(3) Perfect recall ratio by N-gram method \
(4) High precision by hybrid mechanism of N-gram and morphological analyzer \
(5) Phrase search, regular expressions, attribute search, and similarity search \
(6) Multilingualism with Unicode \
(7) Independent of file format and repository \
(8) Intelligent web crawler \
(9) Simple and powerful API \
(10) Supporting P2P architecture.
master_sites ${homepage} \
checksums md5 847aefb9e23266545280378d797f3981 \
sha1 21c3f325f42019fef096172105c2fc16f3e72fc0 \
rmd160 8af0af25df6d5bd45a09e9abfbb26300339b5a2c
depends_build port:pkgconfig
depends_lib port:qdbm port:libiconv port:zlib
configure.args --mandir=${prefix}/share/man \
reinplace "s|\$HOME|\${prefix}|g" \
reinplace "s|\$(HOME)|\$(prefix)|g" \
${worksrcpath}/ install-mac
depends_lib-append port:mecab
configure.args-append --enable-mecab
depends_lib-delete lib:libz:zlib
configure.args-append --disable-zlib
depends_lib-append lib:liblzo2:lzo2
configure.args-append --enable-lzo