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github.setup wofr06 lesspipe 1.84
description lesspipe is an input filter for the pager less.
long_description lesspipe.sh is an input filter for the pager less as \
described in its man page. The script runs under a ksh compliant \
shell (ksh, bash, zsh) and allows to view files with binary content, \
compressed files, archives and files contained in archives. A large \
and growing number of formats are supported both as plain and \
compressed files using compress, gzip, bzip2 or zip.
checksums rmd160 8785b54c2c3d52178e626174edca8cb7d881f431 \
sha256 df4501559ebd7e6a1e14db93bc7a4a50a96fa70cde95c6b356e9ee742fd177a4 \
configure.args --yes --shell=/bin/bash
destroot.destdir PREFIX=${destroot}${prefix}
To use $name, set this in your .bash_profile:
export LESSOPEN='| ${prefix}/bin/lesspipe.sh %s'