homepage http://sablotron.sourceforge.net/
description XSLT, DOM and XPath processor
long_description Sablotron is a fast, compact and portable XML toolkit \
implementing XSLT 1.0, DOM Level2 and XPath 1.0. Sablotron is an open \
project. The goal of this project is to create a \
lightweight, reliable and fast XML library processor conforming to the W3C \
specification, which is available for public and can be used as a base for \
multi-platform XML applications.
distname Sablot-${version}
checksums md5 72654c4b832e7562f8240ea675577f5e \
sha1 4e60a6aef32b661d7887b3ffd28339f47e2565e1 \
rmd160 bbf2b57d95efbe1fce0ba42813560df4dbde9e3a
depends_build port:libtool
depends_lib port:libiconv port:expat port:spidermonkey
# Unfortunately, we have to set an internal configure script variable to stop
# it auto-detecting whether or not to build the API documentation; no configure
configure.env BUILD_APIDOCS=no
configure.args --mandir=${prefix}/share/man --enable-javascript
configure.cppflags-append -I${prefix}/include/js
# Ensure -arch flags are also used when building the dynamic library;
# fixes universal and non-default-build_arch builds.
copy -force ${prefix}/bin/glibtool ${worksrcpath}/libtool
variant apidocs description {Install HTML documentation of Sablotron's API} {
depends_build-append path:bin/perl:perl5 port:p5-xml-parser
configure.env-append PERL_PROG=${prefix}/bin/perl
configure.env-delete BUILD_APIDOCS=no
configure.env-append BUILD_APIDOCS=yes
variant debugger description \
{Enable XSLT debugger features; user must accept GPL on all of Sablotron} {
# Strictly speaking, sablotron's debugger still works without readline, but
# it's worth having the features that readline provides (like command-line
# history) to keep users of the debugger sane :-)
depends_lib-append port:ncurses port:readline
configure.args-append --enable-debugger --with-readline
configure.env-append SABLOT_GPL=1