# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
set openjade_version 1.3.2
maintainers {gmail.com:tlockhart1976 @lockhart} openmaintainer
# Actually - there is no homepage of this project, on that URL
# page you could get complete ISO 8879 listing as was on the
# old page - only part of it is included in sgml-common package.
homepage http://www.w3.org/2003/entities/
description A collection of entities and DTDs common to multiple packages.
The sgml-common package contains a collection of entities and DTDs \
that are useful for processing SGML, but that don't need to be \
included in multiple packages. Sgml-common also includes an \
up-to-date Open Catalog file. \
Transcribed from the Fedora 15 RPM written originally by \
Tim Waugh <twaugh@redhat.com> based on work by Eric Bischoff \
and with recent maintenance by Ondrej Vasik <ovasik@redhat.com>.
master_sites ftp://sources.redhat.com/pub/docbook-tools/new-trials/SOURCES/:redhat \
set openjade openjade-${openjade_version}
distfiles ${distname}${extract.suffix}:redhat \
checksums ${distname}${extract.suffix} \
rmd160 246d01272f70cd8382a7d596392e61d7dc0eec78 \
sha256 7dc418c1d361123ffc5e45d61f1b97257940a8eb35d0bfbbc493381cc5b1f959 \
rmd160 3b12f6596a42c49a60cc07cd9b8f4c5fdf3bafd2 \
sha256 1d2d7996cc94f9b87d0c51cf0e028070ac177c4123ecbfd7ac1cb8d0b7d322d1
depends_lib-append port:perl5 \
set sgmldir ${prefix}/share/sgml
patchfiles patch-bin-install-catalog.in.diff \
patch-config-sgml.conf.diff \
patch-xml-iso-entities-Makefile.am.diff \
reinplace "s|@PREFIX@|${prefix}|" \
xinstall -d ${destroot}${sgml.confdir}
xinstall ${worksrcpath}/config/sgml.conf ${destroot}${sgml.confdir}/sgml.conf
xinstall -d ${destroot}${sgmldir}
# Following 4 from openjade/pubtext - same maintainer as in SGML-common, so up2date:
xinstall -W ${workpath}/${openjade}/pubtext xml.dcl xml.soc html.dcl html.soc ${destroot}${sgmldir}