github.setup tDOM tdom 0.8.3
categories textproc devel
description high performance XML data processing with easy and powerful Tcl scripting functionality
tDOM combines high performance XML data processing with easy and \
powerful Tcl scripting functionality. tDOM should be one of the fastest \
ways to manipulate XML with a scripting language and uses very little \
memory in the process (for example the DOM tree of the XML \
recommendation in XML (160K) needs only about 450K in memory)! The tDOM \
project was started by Jochen Löwer. It is currently maintained by Rolf Ade.
github.tarball_from downloads
checksums rmd160 df52d8b7c3ac9134dae20a3bcaa21e0e512e3289 \
sha256 496d5950907dd70db61bc20c55a05a5521363ce3c076e2fdd97270181bc720b9
patchfiles tdom-tcl86.patch
worksrcdir ${distname}/unix
configure.cmd ../configure
configure.args --with-tcl=${prefix}/lib \