# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
description Drupal Open Source enterprise content management platform
long_description Drupal is Open Source social publishing software that \
empowers individuals, teams, and communities to easily publish, manage and \
organize a wide variety of content on a website. Tens of thousands of \
people and organizations have used Drupal to power scores of different web \
sites, including community web portals, corporate web sites, social \
networking sites, personal web sites or blogs, and much more.
homepage http://drupal.org
distname drupal-${version}
master_sites https://ftp.drupal.org/files/projects/ \
checksums md5 5d198f40f0f1cbf9cdf1bf3de842e534 \
sha1 4647ccc356a8557659a3a3891dbae1dce8467396 \
rmd160 49dcde9a4801bf4d9f753ab197e2c104b31a2880 \
sha256 02fb4b46060d53c2f876d2381a8741249819e3a02ea1d7291036f6ea280d7b69
depends_lib port:apache2 \
path:bin/mysql_config5:mysql5 \
variant apache22 description "use apache22 instead of apache2" {
depends_lib-replace port:apache2 port:apache22
variant sqlite conflicts postgresql postgresql83 description "use sqlite instead of mysql5" {
depends_lib-append port:php54-sqlite
depends_lib-delete path:bin/mysql_config5:mysql5
variant postgresql conflicts sqlite postgresql83 description "use postgresql as the drupal database" {
depends_lib-append port:postgresql84
depends_lib-delete path:bin/mysql_config5:mysql5
variant postgresql83 conflicts sqlite postgresql description "use postgresql83 as the drupal database" {
depends_lib-append port:postgresql83
depends_lib-delete path:bin/mysql_config5:mysql5
worksrcdir drupal-${version}
set docroot ${destroot}${prefix}/www/data
xinstall -d -m 0755 ${docroot}/drupal7