description A secure, fast, compliant and flexible web-server
long_description lighttpd is a secure, fast, compliant and very flexible\
web-server which has been optimized for high-performance\
environments. It has a very low memory footprint\
compared to other webservers and takes care of cpu-load. \
This is the 1.5.x pre-release version.
master_sites ${homepage}assets/2007/2/23/
distname lighttpd-${version}
worksrcdir lighttpd-1.5.0
checksums ${distname}.tar.gz \
md5 529909adbafee7e2c26bb427226f1457 \
sha1 afe4ce968fc898404cd9e61e8e48b2ea3f6db5ca \
rmd160 fc3bb80265e0090fce622822d4658568a5aa536c
depends_build port:pkgconfig
patchfiles patch-doc-lighttpd.conf \
reinplace "s|__PREFIX|${prefix}|g" "${worksrcpath}/doc/lighttpd.conf"
configure.args --mandir=${prefix}/share/man
set lighttpd_config_name lighttpd.conf
set lighttpd_config ${prefix}/etc/${name}/${lighttpd_config_name}
set lighttpd_pidfile_name
set lighttpd_pidfile ${prefix}/var/run/${lighttpd_pidfile_name}
startupitem.init "PIDFILE=${lighttpd_pidfile}"
startupitem.start "${prefix}/sbin/lighttpd -f ${lighttpd_config}"
startupitem.stop "kill \$(cat \$PIDFILE)"
file mkdir "${destroot}${prefix}/etc/${name}/"
xinstall -m 644 -v "${worksrcpath}/doc/lighttpd.conf" \
ui_msg "\n Before starting lighttpd it must be configured.\n\
Lighttpd is configured by editing ${lighttpd_config}\n\
There's a sample config file at ${lighttpd_config}.default.\n\
Please note that the launchd daemon relies on the PID being at\n\
variant mysql4 conflicts mysql5 {
depends_lib-append port:mysql4
configure.args-append --with-mysql=${prefix}/bin/mysql_config