description Redland RDF Language Bindings
long_description Redland is a set of free software libraries that provide \
support for the Resource Description Framework (RDF). \
This package provides higher-level language APIs to \
Redland for multiple popular scripting languages.
checksums sha1 98c20b64cf5e99cbf29fcb84490e73e2a828213a \
rmd160 0f4ac6f67fd2ddfa842dc82c52e5c380d9fc95d3
if {![variant_isset perl5] && ![variant_isset php5] && ![variant_isset python26] && ![variant_isset python27] && ![variant_isset ruby] && ![variant_isset tcl] && ![variant_isset lua]} {
ui_error "You must select at least one variant."
return -code error "no variant selected"
foreach {badport badfile} "raptor ${prefix}/include/raptor.h" {
if {[file exists ${badfile}]} {
ui_error "${name} cannot be built while ${badport} is active."
ui_error "Please deactivate ${badport} and try again."
ui_error "You can reactivate ${badport} again later."
return -code error "${badport} is installed"
depends_lib-append path:bin/perl:perl5
configure.args-append --with-perl
configure.perl ${prefix}/bin/perl
configure.args-append --with-php
depends_lib-append path:bin/php:php5
variant python26 conflicts python27 {
configure.args-append --with-python --with-python-ldflags="-Wl,-F. -Wl,-F. -bundle ${frameworks_dir}/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/Python"
depends_lib-append port:python26
variant python27 conflicts python26 {
configure.args-append --with-python --with-python-ldflags="-Wl,-F. -Wl,-F. -bundle ${frameworks_dir}/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Python"
depends_lib-append port:python27
configure.args-append --with-ruby
depends_lib-append port:ruby