description Extra GTK+2 Widgets
long_description GtkExtra is a useful set of widgets for creating \
GUIs for the Xwindows system using GTK+2. You can \
use it complementary to GTK+ and it is written in \
C. It is also Free Software and released under the \
master_sites sourceforge:project/gtkextra/${version}
distname gtk+extra-${version}
depends_build port:pkgconfig
checksums md5 10779394f39d39115fa3fd0f3dea4436 \
sha1 1b6cccbf89a79c8fe551d77c84dbf21a82c69f07 \
rmd160 e14bfc2a055fdef0d037b494018ca25047cc3c9e
patchfiles gtkitementry.c.patch patch-glib-2.32.diff