description A multi-tabbed terminal emulator for the X Window System.
Mrxvt is a multi-tabbed (like gnome-terminal/konsole) terminal emulator \
for the X Window System. It targets to be light-weight, so the desktop \
environment, like CDE, KDE or GTK is not required in order to run it. It \
achieves this without losing the common useful features, like tab, image \
and pseudo-transparent background, multi-style scrollbars, XIM and CJK \
# Yes, the homepage name is correct; the project changed names.
master_sites sourceforge:project/materm/mrxvt%20source/${version}
patch_sites ${master_sites}
patchfiles patch-src__rxvt.h.diff \
mrxvt-0.5.4-001-fix-segfault-when-wd-empty.patch \
checksums ${distname}${extract.suffix} \
md5 0232c8868484751dcb931a28f0756f69 \
sha1 f50e9ad2f652d4212b0ac5241b919372d9e43744 \
rmd160 175ce5c554c267ada4efde18e22704ff1b688dac \
mrxvt-0.5.4-001-fix-segfault-when-wd-empty.patch \
md5 2b6ecc9d68185e56a50eca0a2548fa8b \
sha1 62b1d128f71e463dd38239efa4d5bc0daa77e9cf \
rmd160 039929a83065055abfe29e239d7760390bb54a6b
configure.args --mandir=${prefix}/share/man \
--infodir=${prefix}/share/info \
--with-terminfo=${prefix}/share/terminfo \
--enable-mouseslipwheel \
variant cjk description {Adds CJK language support} {
configure.args-append --enable-cjk
variant greek description {Adds support for Greek keyboards} {
configure.args-append --enable-greek
variant minimal conflicts cjk greek \
description {Builds mrxvt with minimal features} {
configure.args-append --enable-minimal