maintainers { @lloyd}
description GTK bindings for the librep LISP implementation
long_description rep-gtk is a binding of the GTK and GDK libraries \
for the librep Lisp environment. It's currently \
targeted at GTK 1.2 and is based on the guile-gtk \
binding by Marius Vollmer.
checksums rep-gtk-0.18.tar.gz md5 220b0d728656472c068e40823f0a3b22 \
patch-config.guess md5 fa9e9ad8c181df7298fb3fa592fb84c1 \
patch-gtk-compat.c md5 e2303e80fb1ea919fc7db741981002c2 \
patch-gtk-glue.c md5 673e837d76db705d9dc23f34baa52256 \
patch-rep-gtk.h md5 b314e8518de931847ad60c9c346d06d4 \ md5 a4e3ec91d136f91caa58d570d3ca808e
patchfiles patch-config.guess \
depends_lib port:gtk2 port:librep
configure.args --without-gnome --without-libglade