PortSystem 1.0
name rox-all
version 1.4
categories x11
platforms darwin freebsd linux
maintainers nomaintainer
description a single archive containing launchers for most of the ROX applications
long_description \
ROX-All is a single archive containing launchers for most of the ROX applications. \
It contains everything you need to get started with ROX. Because actually putting \
all the software in this archive would make it very big and quickly out of date, \
it will download the latest versions of programs when you run them the first time. \
Therefore, you will need a network connection (but only when downloading or upgrading programs).
homepage http://rox.sourceforge.net/desktop/ROX-All
master_sites sourceforge:rox
use_bzip2 yes
checksums md5 48bc92054587882bfd874ffd0b487730 \
sha1 d3247138056b74b5864446a70af8a708897f7bbb \
rmd160 fe5eb4a5575c32fde0ba97554a85dd319972e0f8
depends_lib port:rox-filer port:zeroinstall-injector
use_configure no
build {}
post-extract {
delete ${worksrcpath}/rox
delete ${worksrcpath}/show-apps
destroot {
copy ${worksrcpath}/apps ${destroot}${prefix}/apps
post-destroot { ui_msg "To show apps run \"rox ${prefix}/apps\"" }
# not in mtree: ${prefix}/apps
destroot.violate_mtree yes
livecheck.distname All