description Enhanced version of VNC
long_description This is an enhanced version of VNC, called TightVNC, \
which includes a lot of new features, improvements, \
optimizations and bugfixes over the original VNC \
version. Note that TightVNC is still free, \
cross-platform and compatible with the standard VNC. \
Many users agree that TightVNC is the most advanced \
free remote desktop package.
master_sites sourceforge:vnc-tight
distname ${name}-${version}_unixsrc
checksums md5 397b35faad32d5246b6d44b142f8304f \
sha1 ab4ed3d8e9d5188edf0ff27fce3027495f1a8851 \
rmd160 0c24207ec13c1d41f445ccbdea16ce2b5d0729a7
depends_build port:gccmakedep
depends_lib port:xorg-libXaw \
depends_run path:bin/perl:perl5
if {${os.platform} eq "darwin" && ${os.major} >= 12} {
depends_build-append port:tradcpp
set cppcmd ${prefix}/bin/tradcpp
patchfiles patch-Xvnc.diff \
patch-vncconnect_vncconnect.c.diff \
patch-include_vncauth.h.diff \
reinplace "s|@PREFIX@|${prefix}|g" \
${worksrcpath}/Xvnc/config/cf/vnclibs.def \
${worksrcpath}/vncserver \
if {[catch {set perl [binaryInPath "perl"]}] == 0} {
reinplace "s|@PERL@|${perl}|g" ${worksrcpath}/vncserver
# The Vncviewer sample configuration file conflicts with the vncviewer binary
# on case-insensitive filesystems like Mac OS X's default Mac OS Extended.