set branch [join [lrange [split ${version} .] 0 1] .]
description x3270 is an IBM 3270 terminal emulator for the X Window System.
long_description x3270 is an IBM 3270 terminal emulator for the X \
Window System. It runs on most Unix-like operating \
systems -- e.g., Linux, Mac OS X, Solaris, and Cygwin.\
x3270 runs over a TELNET connection, emulating either \
an IBM 3279 (color) or 3278 (monochrome). It supports: \
* The full TN3270E protocol \
* SSL/TLS (via the OpenSSL library) for \
* Non-English character sets, including \
Russian, Turkish, Hebrew and DBCS Chinese \
* IND\$FILE file transfer \
* NVT mode (emulating a color xterm) \
* A pop-up keypad for 3270-specific keys \
* Printer session integration \
* Extensive debugging and scripting facilities \
It does not yet support graphics.
distname suite3270-${version}-src
worksrcdir ${name}-${branch}
extract.post_args-append ${worksrcdir}
checksums sha1 c72c4f72313659863e8718ffdcd43b03aa77b8e5 \
rmd160 1f5214a2e18f2cbea7aa7a1d81f943f07e8f0dce
depends_build port:bdftopcf \
depends_lib port:libiconv \
path:lib/libssl.dylib:openssl \
configure.args --disable-dbcs \
--with-fontdir=${prefix}/lib/x3270/fonts \
configure.universal_args-delete --disable-dependency-tracking
If you wish to use a font other than \"fixed\", activate x3270 fonts by\