
Sanjay Bhatnagar authored 5928f947223
        New Development: No             JIRA Issue: No         Ready for Test: Yes      Interface Changes: No What Interface Changed: Please list interface changes          Test Programs: List test programs   Put in Release Notes: Yes              Module(s): Module Names change impacts.            Description: Describe your changes here...

Changed the value of alpha to pass the regression. It's an insignificant change.
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195 195 #correct_mtmfs_alpha = 0.0188
196 196 #correct_mtmfs_avgPB.tt0 = 0.4836
197 197
198 198 # 28 Oct 2013 (UR). After fixing more PBSQ and sqrt errors.
199 199 # These are pixel values at the center of the source, pixel 256, 315
200 200
201 201 # 29 Jan 2014 (SB): Added Stokes-V testing
202 202 # Test 1
203 203 correct_cs_intensity = 0.6710
204 204 #correct_cs_intensity_v = -0.0007073
205 - #correct_cs_intensity_v = -0.002090328
206 - # 3June15 (SB): changed from above after turning on full-pol. CFs (PJ's code)
207 - correct_cs_intensity_v = -0.0015946944477
205 + correct_cs_intensity_v = -0.002090328
206 + # 03June15 (SB): Changed the v-intensity after switch to full-pol. CF comp. (PJ's) code
207 + # This can be un-done in by changing BeamCalc->calculateAperture(...,inStokes)
208 + # and setting tempmueller=-1
209 + correct_cs_intensity_v = -0.001594
208 210 correct_cs_avgpb = 0.4830
209 211 # Test 2
210 212 correct_mtmfs_intensity = 0.6803
211 213 correct_mtmfs_alpha = 0.0360
214 + # 03June15 (SB): Changed the alpha after switch to full-pol. CF comp. (PJ's) code
215 + # This can be un-done in by changing BeamCalc->calculateAperture(...,inStokes)
216 + # and setting tempmueller=-1
217 + correct_mtmfs_alpha = 0.0324
212 218 correct_mtmfs_avgPB_tt0 = 0.4830
213 219
214 220
215 221 ###################################################
216 222 ###################################################
217 223 print >>logfile,'*********************** Comparison of results **********************************'
218 224 print >>logfile,'** **'
219 225 print >>logfile,'** (1) CS with WideBand A-Projection **'
220 226 print >>logfile,'** **'
221 227 print >>logfile,'********************************************************************************'

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