
Takeshi Nakazato authored 882a9de0e7b Merge
Merge pull request #521 in CASA/casa from CAS-11418 to master

* commit 'f57c0c75bb14a7cfd75b0ffc6e28ec7f7992ea7b': Fix oldsplit and tclean2 warnings Add task warnings - CAS-11418
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44 44 default='' means all times. examples:
45 45 timerange = 'YYYY/MM/DD/hh:mm:ss~YYYY/MM/DD/hh:mm:ss'
46 46 timerange='< YYYY/MM/DD/HH:MM:SS.sss'
47 47 timerange='> YYYY/MM/DD/HH:MM:SS.sss'
48 48 timerange='< ddd/HH:MM:SS.sss'
49 49 timerange='> ddd/HH:MM:SS.sss'
50 50 scan -- Scan numbers to select.
51 51 default '' (all).
52 52 intent -- Scan intents to select.
53 53 default '' (all).
54 - array -- (Sub)array IDs to select.
54 + array -- (Sub)array IDs to select.
55 55 default '' (all).
56 56 uvrange -- uv distance range to select.
57 57 default '' (all).
58 58 correlation -- Select correlations, e.g. 'rr, ll' or ['XY', 'YX'].
59 59 default '' (all).
60 60 observation -- Select by observation ID(s).
61 61 default '' (all).
62 62 combine -- Data descriptors that time averaging can ignore:
63 63 scan, and/or state
64 64 Default '' (none)
65 65 keepflags -- Keep flagged data, if possible
66 66 Default True
67 67
68 68 keepmms -- If the input is a multi-MS, make the output one, too. (experimental)
69 69 Default: False
70 -
70 +
71 71 """
72 72
73 73 casalog.origin('oldsplit')
74 +"Warning: the oldsplit task is only for testing. Please use split or mstransform instead.", "WARN")
74 75 mylocals = locals()
75 76 rval = True
76 77 try:
77 78
78 - if (keepmms and ParallelTaskHelper.isParallelMS(vis)):
79 - if (timebin!='0s' and timebin!='-1s'):
79 + if (keepmms and ParallelTaskHelper.isParallelMS(vis)):
80 + if (timebin!='0s' and timebin!='-1s'):
80 81'Averaging over time with keepmms=True may lead to results different\n'
81 82 +' from those obtained with keepmms=False due to different binning.', 'WARN')
82 -
83 +
83 84 myms = mstool()
84 85
85 86 mses = myms.getreferencedtables()
86 - myms.close()
87 + myms.close()
87 88 mses.sort()
88 89
89 90 nfail = 0
90 91 if os.path.exists(outputvis):
91 92 raise ValueError, "Output MS %s already exists - will not overwrite." % outputvis
92 93 tempout = outputvis+str(time.time())
93 94 os.mkdir(tempout)
94 95 successfulmses = []
95 96 mastersubms = ''
96 97 masterptab = ''
97 98 emptyptab = tempout+'/EMPTY_POINTING'
98 99 nochangeinpointing = (str(antenna)+str(timerange)=='')
99 100
100 - if nochangeinpointing:
101 + if nochangeinpointing:
101 102 # resulting pointing table is the same for all
102 103 # -> replace by empty table if it is a link and won't be modified anyway
103 104 # and put back original into the master after split
104 105
105 106 # find the master
106 107 for m in mses:
107 108 theptab = m+'/POINTING'
108 109 if not os.path.islink(theptab):
109 110 #print "is master ", theptab
110 111 mastersubms = m
118 119 tmpp.close()
119 120 del tmpp
120 121 break
121 122
122 123 mytb = tbtool()
123 124
124 125 # prepare the input MMS for processing
125 126 replaced = []
126 127 outputviss = []
127 128 theptabs = []
128 -
129 +
129 130 for m in mses:
130 131
131 132 # make sure the SORTED_TABLE keywords are disabled
132 133, nomodify=False)
133 134 if 'SORTED_TABLE' in mytb.keywordnames():
134 135 tobedel = mytb.getkeyword('SORTED_TABLE').split(' ')[1]
135 136 mytb.removekeyword('SORTED_TABLE')
136 137 os.system('rm -rf '+tobedel)
137 138 mytb.close()
138 139
179 180 if len(successfulmses)==0:
180 181'Split failed in all subMSs.', 'WARN')
181 182 rval=False
182 183 else:
183 184'*** Summary: there were failures in '+str(nfail)+' SUBMSs:', 'WARN')
184 185'*** (these are harmless if they are caused by selection):', 'WARN')
185 186 for m in mses:
186 187 if not goretval[m]:
187 188': '+str(goretval[m]), 'WARN')
188 189 else:
189 -': '+str(goretval[m]), 'NORMAL')
190 +': '+str(goretval[m]), 'NORMAL')
190 191
191 192'Will construct MMS from subMSs with successful selection ...', 'NORMAL')
192 193
193 194 if nochangeinpointing: # need to take care of POINTING table
194 195 # in case the master subms did not make it
195 196 if not (tempout+'/'+os.path.basename(mastersubms) in successfulmses):
196 197 # old master subms was not selected.
197 198 # copy the original masterptab into the new master
198 199 shutil.rmtree(successfulmses[0]+'/POINTING')
199 200 shutil.copytree(masterptab, successfulmses[0]+'/POINTING')
200 -
201 +
201 202 if rval: # construct new MMS from the output
202 203 if(width==1 and str(field)+str(spw)+str(antenna)+str(timerange)+str(scan)+str(intent)\
203 204 +str(array)+str(uvrange)+str(correlation)+str(observation)==''):
204 205 ph.makeMMS(outputvis, successfulmses)
205 206 else:
206 207[0], nomodify=False)
207 208 auxfile = "split_aux_"+str(time.time())
208 209 for i in xrange(1,len(successfulmses)):
209 210 myms.virtconcatenate(successfulmses[i], auxfile, '1Hz', '10mas', True)
210 211 myms.close()
211 212 os.remove(auxfile)
212 - ph.makeMMS(outputvis, successfulmses, True, ['POINTING'])
213 + ph.makeMMS(outputvis, successfulmses, True, ['POINTING'])
213 214
214 215
215 216 shutil.rmtree(tempout, ignore_errors=True)
216 217
217 218
218 219
219 220 else: # do not output an MMS
220 221
221 222 rval = split_core(vis, outputvis, datacolumn, field, spw, width, antenna,
222 223 timebin, timerange, scan, intent, array, uvrange,
223 224 correlation, observation, combine, keepflags)
224 225
225 226 except Exception, instance:
226 227"*** Error: %s" % (instance), 'SEVERE')
227 228 rval = False
228 -
229 +
229 230
230 231 return rval
231 232
232 233 def split_core(vis, outputvis, datacolumn, field, spw, width, antenna,
233 234 timebin, timerange, scan, intent, array, uvrange,
234 235 correlation, observation, combine, keepflags):
235 236
236 237 retval = True
237 238
238 239 if not outputvis or outputvis.isspace():
252 253 if (os.path.exists(outputvis+".flagversions")):
253 254 myms.close()
254 255 raise ValueError, "The flagversions \"%s.flagversions\" for the output MS already exist. Please delete." % outputvis
255 256
256 257 # No longer needed. When did it get put in? Note that the default
257 258 # spw='*' in myms.split ends up as '' since the default type for a variant
258 259 # is BOOLVEC. (Of course!) Therefore both split and myms.split must
259 260 # work properly when spw=''.
260 261 #if(spw == ''):
261 262 # spw = '*'
262 -
263 +
263 264 if(type(antenna) == list):
264 265 antenna = ', '.join([str(ant) for ant in antenna])
265 266
266 267 ## Accept digits without units ...assume seconds
267 268 timebin = qa.convert(qa.quantity(timebin), 's')['value']
268 269 timebin = str(timebin) + 's'
269 -
270 +
270 271 if timebin == '0s':
271 272 timebin = '-1s'
272 273
275 276 # does), and I don't want to mess with bison now. A .upper() might be a
276 277 # good idea too, but the MS def'n v.2 does not say whether OBS_MODE should
277 278 # be case-insensitive.
278 279 intent = intent.replace(', ', ',')
279 280
280 281 if '^' in spw:
281 282"The interpretation of ^n in split's spw strings has changed from 'average n' to 'skip n' channels!", 'WARN')
282 283"Watch for Slicer errors", 'WARN')
283 -
284 +
284 285 if type(width) == str:
285 286 try:
286 287 if(width.isdigit()):
287 288 width=[string.atoi(width)]
288 289 elif(width.count('[') == 1 and width.count(']') == 1):
289 290 width = width.replace('[', '')
290 291 width = width.replace(']', '')
291 292 splitwidth = width.split(',')
292 293 width = []
293 294 for ws in splitwidth:
294 295 if(ws.isdigit()):
295 - width.append(string.atoi(ws))
296 + width.append(string.atoi(ws))
296 297 else:
297 298 width = [1]
298 299 except:
299 300 raise TypeError, 'parameter width is invalid...using 1'
300 301
301 302 if type(correlation) == list:
302 303 correlation = ', '.join(correlation)
303 304 correlation = correlation.upper()
304 305
305 306 if hasattr(combine, '__iter__'):
342 343 whichcol=datacolumn,
343 344 scan=scan, uvrange=uvrange,
344 345 combine=combine,
345 346 correlation=correlation, intent=intent,
346 347 obs=str(observation)):
347 348 myms.close()
348 349 if os.path.isdir(cavms):
349 350 import shutil
350 351 shutil.rmtree(cavms)
351 352 return False
352 -
353 +
353 354 # The selection was already made, so blank them before time averaging.
354 355 field = ''
355 356 spw = ''
356 357 width = [1]
357 358 antenna = ''
358 359 array = ''
359 360 timerange = ''
360 361 datacolumn = 'all'
361 362 scan = ''
362 363 intent = ''
386 387 return False
387 388 myms.close()
388 389
389 390 if do_both_chan_and_time_mod:
390 391 import shutil
391 392 shutil.rmtree(cavms)
392 393
393 394 # Write history to output MS, not the input ms.
394 395 try:
395 396 param_names = split_core.func_code.co_varnames[:split_core.func_code.co_argcount]
396 - param_vals = [eval(p) for p in param_names]
397 + param_vals = [eval(p) for p in param_names]
397 398 retval &= write_history(myms, outputvis, 'oldsplit', param_names, param_vals,
398 399 casalog)
399 400 except Exception, instance:
400 401"*** Error \'%s\' updating HISTORY" % (instance),
401 402 'WARN')
402 403
403 404 # Update FLAG_CMD if necessary.
404 - # If the spw selection is by name or FLAG_CMD contains spw with names, skip the updating
405 + # If the spw selection is by name or FLAG_CMD contains spw with names, skip the updating
405 406
406 407 if ((spw != '') and (spw != '*')) or do_chan_mod:
407 408 isopen = False
408 409 mytb = tbtool()
409 410 try:
410 411 + '/FLAG_CMD', nomodify=False)
411 412 isopen = True
412 413 nflgcmds = mytb.nrows()
413 -
414 +
414 415 if nflgcmds > 0:
415 416 updateFlagCmd = False
416 417 # If spw selection is by name in FLAG_CMD, do not update, CAS-7751
417 418 mycmd = mytb.getcell('COMMAND', 0)
418 419 cmdlist = mycmd.split()
419 420 for cmd in cmdlist:
420 421 # Match only spw indices, not names
421 422 if cmd.__contains__('spw'):
422 423 cmd = cmd.strip("spw=")
423 424 spwstr ='^[^a-zA-Z]+$', cmd)
424 425 if spwstr != None and spwstr.string.__len__() > 0:
425 426 updateFlagCmd = True
426 - break
427 -
428 -
429 - if updateFlagCmd:
427 + break
428 +
429 +
430 + if updateFlagCmd:
430 431 mademod = False
431 432 cmds = mytb.getcol('COMMAND')
432 433 widths = {}
433 434 #print "width =", width
434 435 if hasattr(width, 'has_key'):
435 436 widths = width
436 437 else:
437 438 if hasattr(width, '__iter__') and len(width) > 1:
438 439 for i in xrange(len(width)):
439 440 widths[i] = width[i]
440 441 elif width != 1:
441 442 #print 'using myms.msseltoindex + a scalar width'
442 443 nspw = len(myms.msseltoindex(vis=vis,
443 444 spw='*')['spw'])
444 445 if hasattr(width, '__iter__'):
445 446 w = width[0]
446 447 else:
447 448 w = width
448 449 for i in xrange(nspw):
449 450 widths[i] = w
450 - #print 'widths =', widths
451 + #print 'widths =', widths
451 452 for rownum in xrange(nflgcmds):
452 453 # Matches a bare number or a string quoted any way.
453 454 spwmatch ='spw\s*=\s*(\S+)', cmds[rownum])
454 455 if spwmatch:
455 456 sch1 = spwmatch.groups()[0]
456 457 sch1 = re.sub(r"[\'\"]", '', sch1) # Dequote
457 458 # Provide a default in case the split selection excludes
458 459 # cmds[rownum]. update_spwchan() will throw an exception
459 460 # in that case.
460 461 cmd = ''
481 482 mademod = True
482 483 cmds[rownum] = cmd
483 484 if mademod:
484 485'Updating FLAG_CMD', 'INFO')
485 486 mytb.putcol('COMMAND', cmds)
486 487
487 488 else:
488 489'FLAG_CMD table contains spw selection by name. Will not update it!','DEBUG')
489 490
490 491 mytb.close()
491 -
492 +
492 493 except Exception, instance:
493 494 if isopen:
494 495 mytb.close()
495 496 myms = None
496 497 mytb = None
497 498"*** Error \'%s\' updating FLAG_CMD" % (instance),
498 499 'SEVERE')
499 500 return False
500 501
501 502 myms = None

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