
David Mehringer authored 9f73eeba947
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84 84 testConfiguration_p.define("factory",True);
85 85 testConfiguration_p.define ("timebin", "1s");
86 86 MSTransformIteratorFactory plainVIFactory(testConfiguration_p);
87 87 ViImplementation2 *inputVI = plainVIFactory.getInputVI()->getImpl();
88 88
89 89 // Generate TVI to test
90 90 StatWtTVIFactory testFactory(testConfiguration_p, inputVI);
91 91 VisibilityIterator2 testTVI(testFactory);
92 92 */
93 93 // no binning
94 - cout << __FILE__ << " " << __LINE__ << endl;
95 94 vi::IteratingParameters ipar(0.001);
96 95 MeasurementSet msref(referenceFile_p);
97 - cout << __FILE__ << " " << __LINE__ << endl;
98 96 vi::VisIterImpl2LayerFactory dataRef(&msref, ipar, True);
99 97 Vector<vi::ViiLayerFactory*> factsRef(1, &dataRef);
100 98 vi::VisibilityIterator2 refTVI(factsRef);
101 - cout << __FILE__ << " " << __LINE__ << endl;
102 99
103 100 MeasurementSet mstest(testFile_p);
104 101 vi::VisIterImpl2LayerFactory data(&mstest, ipar, True);
105 102 Record config;
106 103 vi::StatWtTVILayerFactory statWtLayerFactory(config);
107 - cout << __FILE__ << " " << __LINE__ << endl;
108 104 Vector<vi::ViiLayerFactory*> factsTest(2);
109 105 factsTest[0] = &data;
110 106 factsTest[1] = &statWtLayerFactory;
111 107 vi::VisibilityIterator2 testTVI(factsTest);
112 108 // Determine columns to check
113 109 VisBufferComponents2 columns;
114 - cout << __FILE__ << " " << __LINE__ << endl;
115 110 columns += VisBufferComponent2::NRows;
116 111 columns += VisBufferComponent2::FlagRow;
117 112 columns += VisBufferComponent2::FlagCube;
118 113 columns += VisBufferComponent2::WeightSpectrum;
119 114 columns += VisBufferComponent2::Weight;
120 115 // Compare
121 116 Bool res = compareVisibilityIterators(testTVI,refTVI,columns,tolerance);
122 117
123 118 // Store result
124 119 if (not res) {
125 120 testResult_p = res;
126 121 }
127 - cout << __FILE__ << " " << __LINE__ << endl;
128 -
129 122 // Trigger google test macro
130 123 ASSERT_TRUE(res);
131 124 }
132 125
133 126 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
134 127 // Googletest macros
135 128 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
136 129 TEST_F(StatWtTVITest, testCompareTransformedData)
137 130 {
138 131 testCompareTransformedData();

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