
Sandra M. Castro authored acca32f5130
MMS used in test should have the same name as normal MS.
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35 35
36 36 # Local copy of the agentflagger tool
37 37 aflocal = aftool()
38 38
39 39 # Base class which defines setUp functions for importing different data sets
40 40 class test_base(unittest.TestCase):
41 41
42 42 def setUp_flagdatatest(self):
43 43 '''VLA data set, scan=2500~2600 spw=0 1 chan, RR,LL'''
44 44 self.vis = ""
45 - if testmms:
46 - self.vis = "flagdatatest.mms"
47 45
48 46 if os.path.exists(self.vis):
49 47 print "The MS is already around, just unflag"
50 48 else:
51 49 print "Moving data..."
52 50 os.system('cp -r '+datapath + self.vis +' '+ self.vis)
53 51
54 52 os.system('rm -rf ' + self.vis + '.flagversions')
55 53
56 54 default(flagdata)

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