
Takahiro Tsutsumi authored bc1a99862f2
minor help doc mod


156 156 Default: '' (None, just make clist.)
157 157 Example: 'alma.cycle0.extended.cfg'
158 158
159 159 Subparameters of antennalist:
160 160 showplot: Whether or not to show a plot of S vs. |u| on screen.
161 161 Subparameter of antennalist.
162 162 Default: Necessarily False if antennalist is not specified.
163 163 True otherwise.
164 164 savefig: Filename for saving a plot of S vs. |u|.
165 165 Subparameter of antennalist.
166 - Default: False (necessarily if antennalist is not specified)
166 + Default: ''
167 167 Examples: '' (do not save the plot)
168 168 'myplot.png' (save to myplot.png)
169 169 symb: One of matplotlib's codes for plot symbols: .:,o^v<>s+xDd234hH|_
170 170 Default: '.'
171 171 include0amp: Force the amplitude axis to start at 0?
172 172 Default: False
173 173 include0bl: Force the baseline axis to start at 0?
174 174 Default: False
175 175 blunit: unit of the baseline axis ('' or 'klambda')
176 176 Default:''=use a unit in the data

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