
Takahiro Tsutsumi authored bd9d79b8564
Fixed a typo and made revisions in in-line help document


1810 1810 subparameters : maskthreshold, maskresolution, pbmask, nmask
1811 1811
1812 1812 if pbmask is >0.0, the region outside the specified pb gain level is excluded from
1813 1813 image statistics in determination of the threshold.
1814 1814 maskresolution and nmask are used to 'prune' the automask regions.
1815 1815
1816 1816 auto-multithresh: automask by multiple thresholds for deconvolution
1817 1817 subparameters : sidelobethreshold, noisethreshold, lownoisethreshold, negativethrehsold, smoothfactor,
1818 1818 minbeamfrac, cutthreshold, pbmask, growiterations, dogrowprune, minpercentchange, verbose
1819 1819
1820 - Note: By default the intermidiate mask generated by automask at each deconvolution cycle
1820 + Note: By default the intermediate mask generated by automask at each deconvolution cycle
1821 1821 is over-written in the next cycle but one can save them by setting
1822 1822 the environment variable, SAVE_ALL_AUTOMASKS="true".
1823 1823 (e.g. in the CASA prompt, os.environ['SAVE_ALL_AUTOMASKS']="true" )
1824 1824 The saved CASA mask image name will be imagename.mask.autothresh#, where
1825 1825 # is the iteration cycle number.
1826 1826
1827 1827 </description>
1828 1828 <value type="string">user</value>
1829 1829 <allowed kind="enum">
1830 1830 <value>user</value>
1899 1899 from a T/F one.
1900 1900
1901 1901 Note : Work is in progress to generate more flexible masking options and
1902 1902 enable more controls.
1903 1903
1904 1904 </description>
1905 1905
1906 1906 <!---
1907 1907 <value type="string"></value>
1908 1908 </param>-->
1909 - <any type="varient" limittypes="string stringArray"/>
1909 + <any type="variant" limittypes="string stringArray"/>
1910 1910 <value type="string"></value>
1911 1911 </param>
1912 1912
1913 1913
1914 1914 <param type="double" name="pbmask" subparam="true">
1915 1915 <shortdescription>primary beam mask</shortdescription>
1916 1916 <description>Sub-parameter for usemask='auto-thresh','auto-thresh2',or 'auto-multithresh': primary beam mask
1917 1917
1918 1918 Examples : pbmask=0.0 (default, no pb mask)
1919 1919 pbmask=0.2 (construct a mask at the 0.2 pb gain level)
1949 1949 <shortdescription>the maximum number of masks to be added by automasking</shortdescription>
1950 1950 <description>Sub-parameter for "auto-thresh" and "auto-thresh2": Maximum number of mask regions to be added by automasking at the beginning each minor cycles run
1951 1951 Examples : nmask=2
1952 1952 nmask=0 (default, set no limit on the number of mask regions to be added)
1953 1953 </description>
1954 1954 <value type="int">0</value>
1955 1955 </param>
1956 1956
1957 1957 <!-- Amanda's code -->
1958 1958 <param type="double" name="sidelobethreshold" subparam="true">
1959 - <shortdescription>sidelobethreshold * the max sidelobe level</shortdescription>
1959 + <shortdescription>sidelobethreshold * the max sidelobe level * peak residual</shortdescription>
1960 1960 <value type="double">3.0</value>
1961 -<description>Sub-parameter for "auto-multithresh": mask threshold based on sidelobe levels: sidelobethreshold * max_sidelobe_level
1961 +<description>Sub-parameter for "auto-multithresh": mask threshold based on sidelobe levels: sidelobethreshold * max_sidelobe_level * peak residual
1962 1962
1963 1963 The rms is calculated from MAD with rms = 1.4826*MAD.
1964 1964 </description>
1965 1965 </param>
1966 1966 <param type="double" name="noisethreshold" subparam="true">
1967 1967 <shortdescription>noisethreshold * rms in residual image</shortdescription>
1968 1968 <value type="double">5.0</value>
1969 1969 <description>Sub-parameter for "auto-multithresh": mask threshold based on the noise level: noisethreshold * rms
1970 1970 </description>
1971 1971 </param>
1996 1996 </param>
1997 1997 <param type="double" name="cutthreshold" subparam="true">
1998 1998 <shortdescription>threshold to cut the smoothed mask to create a final mask</shortdescription>
1999 1999 <value type="double">0.01</value>
2000 2000 <description>Sub-parameter for "auto-multithresh": threshold to cut the smoothed mask to create a final mask: cutthreshold * peak of the smoothed mask
2001 2001 </description>
2002 2002 </param>
2003 2003 <param type="int" name="growiterations" subparam="true">
2004 2004 <shortdescription>number of binary dilation iterations for growing the mask</shortdescription>
2005 2005 <value type="int">75</value>
2006 -<description>Sub-parameter for "auto-multithresh": Number of iterations to perform using binary dilation for growing the mask
2006 +<description>Sub-parameter for "auto-multithresh": Maximum number of iterations to perform using binary dilation for growing the mask
2007 2007 </description>
2008 2008 </param>
2009 2009
2010 2010 <param type="bool" name="dogrowprune" subparam="true">
2011 2011 <shortdescription>Do pruning on the grow mask</shortdescription>
2012 2012 <value type="bool">True</value>
2013 2013 <description>Experimental sub-parameter for "auto-multithresh": Do pruning on the grow mask
2014 2014 </description>
2015 2015 </param>
2016 2016
2017 2017 <param type="double" name="minpercentchange" subparam="true">
2018 2018 <shortdescription>minimum percentage change in mask size (per channel plane) to trigger updating of mask by automask </shortdescription>
2019 2019 <value type="double">-1.0</value>
2020 -<description>mininum percentage change in mask size (per channel plane) to trigger updating of mask by automask for subsequent cycles. This check is only applied when noise based threshold is used and when cyclethreshod reached to threshold in the previous cycle. In other words, if the mask size change in a particular channel is less than minpercentchange, it will stop masking for the channel for subsequent cycles. The default, -1.0 (or any value less than 0.0) will turn off this check. Automask will still stop masking if the current channel mask is an empty mask.
2020 +<description>If the change in the mask size in a particular channel is less than minpercentchange, stop masking that channel in subsequent cycles. This check is only applied when noise based threshold is used and when the previous clean major cycle had a cyclethreshold value equal to the clean threshold. Values equal to -1.0 (or any value less than 0.0) will turn off this check (the default). Automask will still stop masking if the current channel mask is an empty mask and the noise threshold was used to determine the mask.
2021 2021 </description>
2022 2022 </param>
2023 2023
2024 2024 <param type="bool" name="verbose" subparam="true">
2025 2025 <shortdescription>True: print more automasking information in the logger</shortdescription>
2026 2026 <value type="bool">False</value>
2027 2027 <description> If it is set to True, the summary of automasking at the end of each automasking process
2028 2028 is printed in the logger. Following information per channel will be listed in the summary.
2029 2029
2030 2030 chan: channel number

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