Takeshi Nakazato authored c670a85fd7f Merge
96 96 | |
97 97 | if (verbose) cout << "Testing 'nearest' (tol="<<tol<<")..." << endl; |
98 98 | for (uInt itime=0;itime<timelist.nelements();++itime) { |
99 99 | // Call time interpolation |
100 100 | sci.interpolate(timelist(itime)); |
101 101 | Complex cfval=NewCalTable::NCTtestvalueC(0,0,0,ntimelist(itime),refTime,tint); |
102 102 | RIorAPArray f(result); |
103 103 | // Matrix<Complex> c(f.c()); |
104 104 | Complex rc=Matrix<Complex>(f.c())(0,0); |
105 105 | Float diff=abs(rc-cfval); |
106 - | if (verbose) |
106 + | //if (verbose) |
107 107 | cout << "t="<<timelist(itime)<<" (dt="<<(timelist(itime)-refTime)/tint<<")" |
108 108 | << " result = " << rc << " cf=" << cfval << " diff="<< diff << " near=" << boolalpha << nearAbs(diff,0.0f,tol) << endl; |
109 109 | AlwaysAssert(nearAbs(diff,0.0f,tol),AipsError); |
110 110 | } |
111 111 | } |
112 112 | |
113 113 | // Reset to linear |
114 114 | itype="linear"; |
115 115 | sci.setInterpType(itype); |
116 116 | |
133 133 | timelist(5)=refTime+1.e5*tint; ntimelist(5)=refTime+(nTime-1)*tint; // a way late point |
134 134 | |
135 135 | if (verbose) cout << "Testing 'linear' (tol="<<tol<<")..." << endl; |
136 136 | for (uInt itime=0;itime<timelist.nelements();++itime) { |
137 137 | // Call time interpolation |
138 138 | sci.interpolate(timelist(itime)); |
139 139 | Complex cfval=NewCalTable::NCTtestvalueC(0,0,0,ntimelist(itime),refTime,tint); |
140 140 | RIorAPArray f(result); |
141 141 | Complex rc=Matrix<Complex>(f.c())(0,0); |
142 142 | Float diff=abs(rc-cfval); |
143 - | if (verbose) |
143 + | //if (verbose) |
144 + | cout << "t="<<timelist(itime)<<" (dt="<<(timelist(itime)-refTime)/tint<<")" |
145 + | << " result = " << rc << " cf=" << cfval << " diff="<<diff<< " near=" << boolalpha << nearAbs(diff,0.0f,tol) << endl; |
146 + | AlwaysAssert(nearAbs(diff,0.0f,tol),AipsError); |
147 + | } |
148 + | } |
149 + | |
150 + | // Reset to cubic |
151 + | itype="cubic"; |
152 + | sci.setInterpType(itype); |
153 + | |
154 + | if (verbose) |
155 + | sci.state(); |
156 + | |
157 + | if (verbose) cout << "sci.timeType() = " << sci.timeType() << endl; |
158 + | AlwaysAssert( (sci.timeType()==itype), AipsError); |
159 + | |
160 + | |
161 + | |
162 + | { |
163 + | // Testing cubic in various ways |
164 + | Vector<Double> timelist(6), ntimelist(6); |
165 + | timelist(0)=refTime-1.e5*tint; ntimelist(0)=refTime; // a way early point |
166 + | timelist(1)=refTime+tint; ntimelist(1)=timelist(1); // an exact point |
167 + | timelist(2)=refTime+2.2*tint; ntimelist(2)=timelist(2); // nearest to left |
168 + | timelist(3)=refTime+2.9*tint; ntimelist(3)=timelist(3); // nearest to right (same interval) |
169 + | timelist(4)=refTime+3.1*tint; ntimelist(4)=timelist(4); // new time, new interval |
170 + | timelist(5)=refTime+1.e5*tint; ntimelist(5)=refTime+(nTime-1)*tint; // a way late point |
171 + | |
172 + | if (verbose) cout << "Testing 'cubic' (tol="<<tol<<")..." << endl; |
173 + | for (uInt itime=0;itime<timelist.nelements();++itime) { |
174 + | // Call time interpolation |
175 + | sci.interpolate(timelist(itime)); |
176 + | Complex cfval=NewCalTable::NCTtestvalueC(0,0,0,ntimelist(itime),refTime,tint); |
177 + | RIorAPArray f(result); |
178 + | Complex rc=Matrix<Complex>(f.c())(0,0); |
179 + | Float diff=abs(rc-cfval); |
180 + | //if (verbose) |
144 181 | cout << "t="<<timelist(itime)<<" (dt="<<(timelist(itime)-refTime)/tint<<")" |
145 182 | << " result = " << rc << " cf=" << cfval << " diff="<<diff<< " near=" << boolalpha << nearAbs(diff,0.0f,tol) << endl; |
146 183 | AlwaysAssert(nearAbs(diff,0.0f,tol),AipsError); |
147 184 | } |
148 185 | } |
149 186 | |
150 187 | } |
151 188 | |
152 189 | |
153 190 | } |