
Pam Ford authored d62d2389590
Select weather table to remove invalid values and ALMA station


357 357 if (pwv == 0.0) {
358 358 if (telescopeName_=="ALMA") pwv = 1.0;
359 359 else pwv = 5.0;
360 360 parent_->logmesg("load_cache",
361 361 "Using default pwv " + casacore::String::toString(pwv) + " for telescope " + telescopeName_);
362 362 }
363 363 pwv_ = pwv;
364 364 }
365 365
366 366 void PlotMSAtm::getMeanWeather() {
367 - // Info from MS WEATHER table in weather_ Record
368 - // set defaults
369 - casacore::Float pressure, humidity(20.0), temperature(273.15);
370 - // NB: plotbandpass uses default pressure 563 in all cases;
371 - // see CAS-9053 algorithm #2
372 - pressure = (telescopeName_=="ALMA" ? 563.0 : 786.0); // mb
373 -
374 - // values from WEATHER table if it exists
375 - bool noWeather(false);
367 + // Fill weather_ Record with mean values from MS WEATHER table
368 + // Set defaults; CAS-9053 default pressure depends on telescope
369 + casacore::Float humidity(20.0), temperature(273.15);
370 + casacore::Float pressure = (telescopeName_=="ALMA" ? 563.0 : 786.0); // mb
371 +
372 + // Use values from WEATHER table if it exists
373 + bool noWeather(true);
376 374 if (!tableName_.empty()) {
377 - casacore::Table mstab(tableName_);
378 - if (mstab.keywordSet().fieldNumber("WEATHER") > -1) {
379 - casacore::String subname = tableName_ + "::WEATHER";
380 - try {
381 - casacore::Table subtable = Table::openTable(subname);
382 - // get columns and temp. units
383 - casacore::Vector<casacore::Float> pressureCol, humidityCol,
384 - temperatureCol;
385 - casacore::Vector<casacore::Double> timeCol;
386 - pressureCol = ScalarColumn<casacore::Float>(subtable, "PRESSURE").getColumn();
387 - humidityCol = ScalarColumn<casacore::Float>(subtable, "REL_HUMIDITY").getColumn();
388 - ScalarColumn<casacore::Float> tempColumn =
389 - ScalarColumn<casacore::Float>(subtable, "TEMPERATURE");
390 - temperatureCol = tempColumn.getColumn();
391 - casacore::String units =
392 - tempColumn.keywordSet().asArrayString("QuantumUnits").tovector()[0];
393 - timeCol = ScalarColumn<casacore::Double>(subtable, "TIME").getColumn();
394 - mstab.closeSubTables();
395 -
396 - // now select based on cal times
397 - casacore::Vector<casacore::Float> selpressure, selhumidity,
398 - seltemperature;
399 - // pressure
400 - if (!pressureCol.empty()) {
401 - selpressure = getValuesNearTimes(pressureCol, timeCol);
402 - if (!selpressure.empty()) pressure = mean(selpressure);
403 - }
404 - // humidity
405 - if (!humidityCol.empty()) {
406 - selhumidity = getValuesNearTimes(humidityCol, timeCol);
407 - if (!selhumidity.empty()) humidity = mean(selhumidity);
408 - }
409 - // temperature
410 - if (!temperatureCol.empty()) {
411 - seltemperature = getValuesNearTimes(temperatureCol, timeCol);
412 - if (!seltemperature.empty()) {
413 - temperature = mean(seltemperature);
414 - if ("K")!=0)
415 - temperature += (float)273.15; // convert C to K
416 - }
375 + try {
376 + // openTable throws exception if table doesn't exist
377 + casacore::Table wtable = Table::openTable(tableName_ + "::WEATHER");
378 + TableColumn tempCol = TableColumn(wtable, "TEMPERATURE");
379 + String tempUnits = tempCol.keywordSet().asArrayString("QuantumUnits").tovector()[0];
380 + // select valid stations and values in range
381 + casacore::Table selwtable = selectWeatherTable(wtable, tempUnits);
382 +
383 + // get columns
384 + casacore::Vector<casacore::Float>
385 + pressureCol(ScalarColumn<casacore::Float>(selwtable, "PRESSURE").getColumn()),
386 + humidityCol(ScalarColumn<casacore::Float>(selwtable, "REL_HUMIDITY").getColumn()),
387 + temperatureCol(ScalarColumn<casacore::Float>(selwtable, "TEMPERATURE").getColumn());
388 + casacore::Vector<casacore::Double>
389 + timeCol(ScalarColumn<casacore::Double>(selwtable, "TIME").getColumn());
390 +
391 + // select values based on cal times
392 + casacore::Vector<casacore::Float> selpressure, selhumidity, seltemperature;
393 + casacore::Float meanp(0.0), meanh(0.0), meant(0.0);
394 + // pressure
395 + if (!pressureCol.empty()) {
396 + selpressure = getValuesNearTimes(pressureCol, timeCol);
397 + if (!selpressure.empty())
398 + meanp = mean(selpressure);
399 + if (meanp==0.0)
400 + parent_->logmesg("load_cache", "WEATHER pressure is zero, using default value instead.");
401 + else
402 + pressure = meanp;
403 + }
404 + // humidity
405 + if (!humidityCol.empty()) {
406 + selhumidity = getValuesNearTimes(humidityCol, timeCol);
407 + if (!selhumidity.empty())
408 + meanh = mean(selhumidity);
409 + if (meanh==0.0)
410 + parent_->logmesg("load_cache", "WEATHER humidity is zero, using default value instead.");
411 + else
412 + humidity = meanh;
413 + }
414 +
415 + // temperature
416 + if (!temperatureCol.empty()) {
417 + seltemperature = getValuesNearTimes(temperatureCol, timeCol);
418 + if (!seltemperature.empty())
419 + meant = mean(seltemperature);
420 + if (meant==0.0) {
421 + parent_->logmesg("load_cache", "WEATHER temperature is zero, using default value instead.");
422 + } else {
423 + if (tempUnits=="C") meant += (float)273.15; // convert C to K
424 + temperature = meant;
417 425 }
418 - } catch (AipsError & err) {
419 - noWeather = true;
420 426 }
421 - } else {
422 - noWeather = true;
427 + noWeather = false;
428 + } catch (AipsError & err) {
429 + cout << err.getMesg() << endl;
423 430 }
424 - } else {
425 - noWeather = true;
426 - }
427 - if (noWeather) {
428 - parent_->logmesg("load_cache", "Could not open WEATHER table, using default values: humidity " + casacore::String::toString(humidity) + ", pressure " + casacore::String::toString(pressure) + ", temperature " + casacore::String::toString(temperature) + " for Atm/Tsky");
429 - }
430 - // reset to defaults
431 - if (humidity==0.0) {
432 - humidity = 20.0;
433 - parent_->logmesg("load_cache", "WEATHER table humidity is 0.0, using default value " + casacore::String::toString(humidity));
434 - }
435 - if (pressure==0.0) {
436 - pressure = (telescopeName_=="ALMA" ? 563.0 : 786.0); // mb
437 - parent_->logmesg("load_cache", "WEATHER table pressure is 0.0, using default value " + casacore::String::toString(pressure));
438 - }
439 - if (temperature==0.0) {
440 - temperature = 273.15;
441 - parent_->logmesg("load_cache", "WEATHER table temperature is 0.0, using default value " + casacore::String::toString(temperature));
442 431 }
432 +
433 + String msg = "Using";
434 + msg += (noWeather ? " default " : " ");
435 + msg += "weather values for Atm/Tsky:\n";
436 + msg += " humidity " + casacore::String::toString(humidity) +
437 + ", pressure " + casacore::String::toString(pressure) +
438 + ", temperature " + casacore::String::toString(temperature);
439 + parent_->logmesg("load_cache", msg);
443 440 // to use in atmosphere.initAtmProfile (tool)
444 441 weather_.define("humidity", humidity); // %
445 442 weather_.define("pressure", pressure); // mb
446 443 weather_.define("temperature", temperature); // K
447 444 }
448 445
446 +Table PlotMSAtm::selectWeatherTable(Table& wtable, String tempUnits) {
447 + // Remove invalid station, values from weather table
448 + TableExprNode ten;
449 + if (telescopeName_=="ALMA") {
450 + try {
451 + // do not use weather station "MeteoItinerant"
452 + casacore::Table staTable = Table::openTable(tableName_ + "::ASDM_STATION");
453 + casacore::Table result = staTable(staTable.col("name")=="MeteoItinerant");
454 + Vector<uInt> antIds = result.rowNumbers(staTable);
455 + if (!antIds.empty()) ten = (wtable.col("NS_WX_STATION_ID") != antIds(0));
456 + } catch (AipsError & err) {
457 + // table does not exist
458 + }
459 + }
460 + // SCIREQ-1241
461 + // temperature in the range -30 to +30C
462 + // pressure in the range 450 to 800mb
463 + // Humidity in the range -10 to +110%
464 + Float mintemp = (tempUnits=="C" ? -30.0 : 243.15);
465 + Float maxtemp = (tempUnits=="C" ? 30.0 : 303.15);
466 + ten = ten && (wtable.col("TEMPERATURE")>=mintemp && wtable.col("TEMPERATURE")<=maxtemp);
467 + ten = ten && (wtable.col("PRESSURE")>=450.0 && wtable.col("PRESSURE")<=800.0);
468 + ten = ten && (wtable.col("REL_HUMIDITY")>=-10.0 && wtable.col("REL_HUMIDITY")<=110.0);
469 + casacore::Table selwtable(wtable(ten));
470 + return selwtable;
471 +}
472 +
449 473 casacore::Double PlotMSAtm::computeMeanAirmass() {
450 474 // Calculate airmass from elevation
451 475 casacore::Vector<casacore::Double> airmasses;
452 476 airmasses.resize(fields_.size());
453 477 casacore::Double elevation;
454 478 for (uInt i=0; i<fields_.size(); ++i) {
455 479 elevation = getElevation(fields_(i));
456 480 if (elevation <= 3.0) elevation = 45.0;
457 481 airmasses(i) = 1.0 / std::cos((90.0 - elevation) * C::pi / 180.0);
458 482 }

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