1. casa
  2. casa5


AuthorCommitMessageCommit dateIssues
Pam FordPam Ford
ae70278707fMMerge pull request #502 in CASA/casa from hotfix/CAS-11277 to master* commit '829a921dd262def8d37d1f83feb1ce7a2be78580': Minor in-line help fixes5.3.0-mas-127CAS-11277
Ville SuorantaVille Suoranta
e81e3c279e6MMerge pull request #503 in CASA/casa from CAS-11012 to master* commit '297e6c18972022411006d65089f935dcee0ad7f9': Escape single quotes in parameter xml description field. Minor documentation fixes to task xml files, demoted and unneeded WARN log message to INFOCAS-11012
Pam FordPam Ford
b36bc9a7295MMerge pull request #501 in CASA/casa from CAS-11389 to master* commit '6cbebad2272c509322ddf4494bdb5d6c989d86e6': fix typo type fixes for specfit taskCAS-11389
Pam FordPam Ford
76c8adeeb38MMerge pull request #500 in CASA/casa from CAS-11178 to master* commit 'a2e47cd2ea33ea4988d4184b4a1efc982a373cc0': QC static initialization fixes changes have been merged to github master more fixes... changes for casacore::QC static fixes add proper casaviewer.cc package startup for linuxCAS-11178
Darrell SchiebelDarrell Schiebel
6cbebad2272fix typofix typo
Pam FordPam Ford
fac9ed5cef6MMerge pull request #496 in CASA/casa from feature/CAS-10516 to master* commit '9d745e1495c9fc0ed71dbc87d5a33eec9641e262': Fixed a typo Added a feature to extend cube stokes I mask to cube multi-Stokes imaging Fixed to handle input mask without degenerate axes for expanding masks Further modification for expanding Stokes I mask. Also added some unit tests. added expansion alog stokes for cube merged from cas10516 branch5.3.0-mas-126CAS-10516
Darrell SchiebelDarrell Schiebel
a2e47cd2ea3MMerge branch 'master' into CAS-111785.3.0-85-test-CAS-11178-3CAS-11178
Darrell SchiebelDarrell Schiebel
c469ad32ee3type fixes for specfit task
George MoellenbrockGeorge Moellenbrock
297e6c18972Escape single quotes in parameter xml description field.5.3.0-124-test-CAS-11012-2
Darrell SchiebelDarrell Schiebel
f808ee7bc12MMerge pull request #498 in CASA/casa from bugfix/CAS-11333 to master* commit '67ba9454d1b09356e18d015263095cabc22c5841': Set obsPosition properly5.3.0-mas-125CAS-11333
Darrell SchiebelDarrell Schiebel
9224a7575a2MMerge pull request #499 in CASA/casa from hotfix/CAS-11377 to master* commit '86d6e3fc1da2b9d3e0d7464476091b8cc37de485': Fixed Indentation Errors Fixed ssl deprecation and ssl protocol error. Update ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1 to ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS. This change will only work in python 2.7.13 and greaterCAS-11377
Darrell SchiebelDarrell Schiebel
24ac2fc6413MMerge pull request #497 in CASA/casa from CAS-11262-2 to master* commit 'd888ff33b102c6b34252c153de1c06aab7e7f825': Fixed typo in MPIClient() call. Added also a check if mpi is enabled so that it only goes through parallel section if mpicasa is used. This will force running through an MMS as a monolithic MS when casa is not started with mpicasa. Still need to verify tests.CAS-11262
Takahiro TsutsumiTakahiro Tsutsumi
829a921dd26Minor in-line help fixes
Akeem WellsAkeem Wells
86d6e3fc1daFixed Indentation Errors
Akeem WellsAkeem Wells
b5a9f0c15f9Fixed ssl deprecation and ssl protocol error.Update ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1 to ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS. This change will only work in python 2.7.13 and greater
George MoellenbrockGeorge Moellenbrock
56c58e19278Minor documentation fixes to task xml files, demoted and unneededWARN log message to INFO5.3.0-124-test-CAS-11012-1
Ville SuorantaVille Suoranta
ee3949b3278MMerge pull request #494 in CASA/casa from CAS-11290 to master* commit '14b7a96911ebbf33b704b243bc8f7d6b7326853b': add "*.rstr" panel type option5.3.0-mas-124CAS-11290
Takahiro TsutsumiTakahiro Tsutsumi
9d745e1495cFixed a typo5.3.0-60-feature-CAS-10516-5
Ville SuorantaVille Suoranta
7b081fc7a84MMerge pull request #493 in CASA/casa from CAS-11365 to master* commit 'a35ac731d8a9bf769fe50f84574cbf463e91d1a1': initialize asdm storage manager w/ CASAtools5.3.0-mas-123CAS-11365
Ville SuorantaVille Suoranta
ff0daa1fd82MMerge pull request #492 in CASA/casa from bugfix/CAS-11288 to master* commit 'bc4f8bc099c7d0ed2ee18550e99c13d59149aeb0': Exit right away if the initial automask (or mask) is zeroCAS-11288
Ville SuorantaVille Suoranta
aa22b100026MMerge pull request #491 in CASA/casa from hotfix/remove-import-find to master* commit '8908f19abfc35452dec159036a438b8190442767': removed "import find" from casa.py to fix failing pipeline test5.3.0-mas-122
Darrell SchiebelDarrell Schiebel
a35ac731d8ainitialize asdm storage manager w/ CASAtools5.3.0-121-test-CAS-11365-1
Takahiro TsutsumiTakahiro Tsutsumi
adbd528c94fAdded a feature to extend cube stokes I mask to cube multi-Stokesimaging5.3.0-60-feature-CAS-10516-4
Akeem WellsAkeem Wells
8908f19abfcremoved "import find" from casa.py to fix failing pipeline test
Darrell SchiebelDarrell Schiebel
59c839410d7QC static initialization fixes5.3.0-85-test-CAS-11178-2
Darrell SchiebelDarrell Schiebel
db2a38db4c7changes have been merged to github master
Darrell SchiebelDarrell Schiebel
e2369ee3c02MMerge branch 'CAS-11360' into CAS-111782 Jira issues
Darrell SchiebelDarrell Schiebel
84dd3c46e75MMerge branch 'master' into CAS-11178CAS-11178
Darrell SchiebelDarrell Schiebel
19b6d3f331cMMerge pull request #489 in CASA/casa from CAS-10576 to master* commit '8048ddc58fa30ca22631260359722af9c9f51b7b': Fix fixplanets typo and fixuvw description Fix task_importvla typos. CAS-10576 Fix a typo in task_listvis docsCAS-10576
Darrell SchiebelDarrell Schiebel
a144db536c7MMerge pull request #490 in CASA/casa from CAS-9139 to master* commit '2956754d04ed5059fbda873e1dda7e0b361d5d02': fix typo in hdkey exampleCAS-9139
Sandra M. CastroSandra M. Castro
d888ff33b10Fixed typo in MPIClient() call. Added also a check if mpi is enabledso that it only goes through parallel section if mpicasa is used. This will force running through an MMS as a monolithic MS when casa is not started with mpicasa. Still need to verify tests.
Darrell SchiebelDarrell Schiebel
f34f801d98amore fixes...
Darrell SchiebelDarrell Schiebel
e2042ba9b06changes for casacore::QC static fixes
David MehringerDavid Mehringer
2956754d04efix typo in hdkey example5.3.0-120-test-CAS-9139-1
Darrell SchiebelDarrell Schiebel
3ab26cfbbf9MMerge pull request #488 in CASA/casa from CAS-11347 to master* commit '541830024585f48d0d6d4dbc586e2c4217f12fc8': Remove find_pg import from task_wrappers.py Remove task_find5.3.0-mas-121CAS-11347
Ville SuorantaVille Suoranta
8048ddc58faFix fixplanets typo and fixuvw description5.3.0-118-test-CAS-10576-2
Ville SuorantaVille Suoranta
7657972acc3MMerge pull request #486 in CASA/casa from CAS-11262 to master* commit 'ee907319c4539cfeb97916f4d391d21c391e72a3': It will raise and error and exit if the alternative datapath is not found. Added the use of local instance of the table tool. Bypass checks that are not relevant for the MMS. These checks look at specific cells in specific rows and because MS and MMS have different sorting order, they do not work as it is. Added task_initweights to task...5.3.0-mas-120CAS-11262
Ville SuorantaVille Suoranta
14bc964b8dfMMerge pull request #487 in CASA/casa from bugfix/CAS-11349 to master* commit 'a3bf6f7d8d1f0d5537b024c903f005452cc248b2': Fixed wrong handling of empty dictionaryCAS-11349
Ville SuorantaVille Suoranta
dab2e431a25MMerge pull request #485 in CASA/casa from feature/CAS-10060 to master* commit '2d527481ad4dff786021e4793cbdb60b55a613bb': in-line help edits Fixed nsigma not being set initially in initMinorCycle. This is a workaround for now and more proper handling is done later. save debugging for now Fixed typos in log messages Made nsigma threshold to be updated before the global exit tests Clean up some of debug messages Fixed inconsistent log messages for di...CAS-10060
Ville SuorantaVille Suoranta
54183002458Remove find_pg import from task_wrappers.py5.3.0-118-test-CAS-11347-2
Takeshi NakazatoTakeshi Nakazato
a3bf6f7d8d1Fixed wrong handling of empty dictionaryCAS-11349 Copied and pasted corresponding code from casa2pycli.xsl.5.3.0-119-bugfix-CAS-11349-1CAS-11349
Takahiro TsutsumiTakahiro Tsutsumi
538150cbd72Fixed to handle input mask without degenerate axes for expanding masks5.3.0-60-feature-CAS-10516-3
Pam FordPam Ford
ee1fec17dafMMerge pull request #484 in CASA/casa from CAS-11254 to master* commit 'eb5fb20980386c2a9e9d6e3912a84ddb53cf5730': Add deprecation warnings5.3.0-mas-119CAS-11254
Ville SuorantaVille Suoranta
84b588110faRemove task_find5.3.0-118-test-CAS-11347-1
Takahiro TsutsumiTakahiro Tsutsumi
2d527481ad4in-line help edits5.3.0-100-feature-CAS-10060-4
Ville SuorantaVille Suoranta
d96bf1a731fMMerge pull request #482 in CASA/casa from feature/CAS-8556 to master* commit '8d4fb5774c7ba3a23149bf41912a207216adbd0f': Fix core dumps from badly-behaved data in FringeJones by adding better checksCAS-8556
Ville SuorantaVille Suoranta
18f1d2c4827Fix task_importvla typos.CAS-105765.3.0-118-test-CAS-10576-1CAS-10576
Ville SuorantaVille Suoranta
c86d06ab973Fix a typo in task_listvis docsThis bug was introduced in CAS-11293CAS-11293
Takahiro TsutsumiTakahiro Tsutsumi
9bda0d0a695MMerge branch 'master' into feature/CAS-10516CAS-10516
Sandra M. CastroSandra M. Castro
ee907319c45It will raise and error and exit if the alternative datapath is notfound. Added the use of local instance of the table tool.5.3.0-116-test-CAS-11262-1

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