from casatasks.private.casa_transition import is_CASA6
from casatasks import casalog
from casatools import ms as mstool
from casatools import mstransformer as mttool
from casatools import quanta, table
from .mstools import write_history
from .parallel.parallel_data_helper import ParallelDataHelper
from . import flaghelper as fh
from .update_spw import update_spwchan
from .callibrary import callibrary
from taskinit import casalog
from taskinit import mttool
from taskinit import mstool
from taskinit import tbtool as table
from taskinit import qatool as quanta
from mstools import write_history
from parallel.parallel_data_helper import ParallelDataHelper
from update_spw import update_spwchan
from callibrary import callibrary
The following code is based on the mstransform code, with
task name and some task parameters modified.
To minimise code modification, the parameters used by
mstransform but not by sdpolaverage are kept and the
default values for mstransform are given to them.
(CAS-12083, 2019/1/22 WK)