
Sandra Castro authored 02bd052117f Merge
Merge pull request #301 in CASA/casa6 from CAS-12895 to master

* commit '8a59a8d2238fb975a9320c3f23c1e59fa583159e': (57 commits) Revert 5d95a5cffbc since it was a workaround for Jenkins Reset channel selector n rows before adding more elements Add unit test for testing subchunks with different shapes Fix the vb configureNewSubchunk in case of several shapes Add support for retrieval of model column when different shapes Implement the sigma/weight spectrum for different shapes based on sigma/weight not channelaized versions Remove code for getting full spectral window specfication for current time as it is not being used. Set the correlations per shape for each new subchunk Set the VB2 shapes when subchunk iteration is started Set the channels per shape Port to new VisBuffer2 interface Added methods nRowsPerShape(), nChannelsPerShape(), nCorrelationsPerShape() to VI2 interface Remove setVisCubesModel(Complex c) from VisBuffer2 interface Do not implement setVsiCubesModel(Complex c) for the time being Fix compiler warning Added unit test for SimpleSimVi2 with different SPW iteration scopes Add nRowsPerShape(), nChannelsPerShape() and nCorrelationsPerShape() methods to VisBuffer2 Added nShapes() const method to the VI2 interface Add iteration variables to store state Add full support for simulating iterations with several shapes in each VisBuffer ...
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