
Jorge Lopez authored and Ville Suoranta committed 03ba04cb248 Merge
Pull request #631: CAS-13910: use np.median instead of np.mean in getWeather

Merge in CASA/casa6 from CAS-13910 to master * commit '613335d42381d1b8409d5c7381f496728ac9ccee': CAS-13910: use np.median instead of np.mean in getWeather


6776 6776 mysep = np.abs(mytimes[0]-mytime)
6777 6777 for m in range(1,len(mytimes)):
6778 6778 if (np.abs(mytimes[m] - mytime) < mysep):
6779 6779 mysep = np.abs(mytimes[m] - mytime)
6780 6780 myindex = m
6781 6781 return(myindex)
6782 6782
6783 6783 def getWeather(vis='', scan='', antenna='0',verbose=False, mymsmd=None):
6784 6784 """
6785 6785 Queries the WEATHER and ANTENNA tables of an .ms by scan number or
6786 - list of scan numbers in order to return mean values of: angleToSun,
6786 + list of scan numbers in order to return median values of: angleToSun,
6787 6787 pressure, temperature, humidity, dew point, wind speed, wind direction,
6788 6788 azimuth, elevation, solarangle, solarelev, solarazim.
6789 6789 If the sun is below the horizon, the solarangle returned is negated.
6790 6790 -- Todd Hunter
6791 6791 """
6792 6792 if (verbose):
6793 6793 print("Entered getWeather with vis,scan,antenna = %s,%s,%s" % (str(vis), str(scan), str(antenna)))
6794 6794 try:
6795 6795 if str(antenna).isdigit():
6796 6796 antennaName = mymsmd.antennanames(antenna)[0]
6871 6871 listfield = ""
6872 6872 for field in listfields:
6873 6873 listfield += "%s" % field
6874 6874 if (field != listfields[-1]):
6875 6875 listfield += ","
6876 6876 else:
6877 6877 listscan = str(scan)
6878 6878 listfield = mymsmd.fieldsforscan(scan)
6879 6879 [az,el] = ComputeSolarAzElForObservatory(myTimes[0], mymsmd)
6880 6880 [az2,el2] = ComputeSolarAzElForObservatory(myTimes[-1], mymsmd)
6881 - azsun = np.mean([az,az2])
6882 - elsun = np.mean([el,el2])
6881 + azsun = np.median([az,az2])
6882 + elsun = np.median([el,el2])
6883 6883 direction = subtable.getcol("DIRECTION")
6884 6884 azeltime = subtable.getcol("TIME")
6885 6885 subtable.close()
6886 6886 telescopeName = mymsmd.observatorynames()[0]
6887 6887 if (len(direction) > 0 and telescopeName.find('VLA') < 0 and telescopeName.find('NRO') < 0):
6888 6888 azimuth = direction[0][0]*180.0/math.pi # a list of values
6889 6889 elevation = direction[1][0]*180.0/math.pi # a list of values
6890 6890 npat = np.array(azeltime)
6891 6891 matches = np.where(npat>myTimes[0])[0]
6892 6892 matches2 = np.where(npat<myTimes[-1])[0]
6893 6893 if (len(matches2) > 0 and len(matches) > 0):
6894 6894 if verbose: print("matches[0]=%d, matches2[-1]=%d" % (matches[0],matches[-1]))
6895 6895 matchingIndices = list(range(matches[0],matches2[-1]+1))
6896 6896 else:
6897 6897 matchingIndices = []
6898 6898 if (len(matchingIndices) > 0): # CAS-8440
6899 - conditions['azimuth'] = np.mean(azimuth[matches[0]:matches2[-1]+1])
6900 - conditions['elevation'] = np.mean(elevation[matches[0]:matches2[-1]+1])
6899 + conditions['azimuth'] = np.median(azimuth[matches[0]:matches2[-1]+1])
6900 + conditions['elevation'] = np.median(elevation[matches[0]:matches2[-1]+1])
6901 6901 elif (len(matches) > 0): # CAS-8440
6902 - if verbose: print("using mean of all az/el values after time 0")
6903 - conditions['azimuth'] = np.mean(azimuth[matches[0]])
6904 - conditions['elevation'] = np.mean(elevation[matches[0]])
6902 + if verbose: print("using median of all az/el values after time 0")
6903 + conditions['azimuth'] = np.median(azimuth[matches[0]])
6904 + conditions['elevation'] = np.median(elevation[matches[0]])
6905 6905 else: # CAS-8440
6906 - if verbose: print("using mean of all az/el values")
6907 - conditions['azimuth'] = np.mean(azimuth)
6908 - conditions['elevation'] = np.mean(elevation)
6906 + if verbose: print("using median of all az/el values")
6907 + conditions['azimuth'] = np.median(azimuth)
6908 + conditions['elevation'] = np.median(elevation)
6909 6909 conditions['solarangle'] = angularSeparation(azsun,elsun,conditions['azimuth'],conditions['elevation'])
6910 6910 conditions['solarelev'] = elsun
6911 6911 conditions['solarazim'] = azsun
6912 6912 if (verbose):
6913 - print("Using antenna = %s to retrieve mean azimuth and elevation" % (antennaName))
6913 + print("Using antenna = %s to retrieve median azimuth and elevation" % (antennaName))
6914 6914 print("Separation from sun = %f deg" % (abs(conditions['solarangle'])))
6915 6915 if (elsun<0):
6916 6916 conditions['solarangle'] = -conditions['solarangle']
6917 6917 if (verbose):
6918 6918 print("Sun is below horizon (elev=%.1f deg)" % (elsun))
6919 6919 else:
6920 6920 if (verbose):
6921 6921 print("Sun is above horizon (elev=%.1f deg)" % (elsun))
6922 6922 if (verbose):
6923 6923 print("Average azimuth = %.2f, elevation = %.2f degrees" % (conditions['azimuth'],conditions['elevation']))
6926 6926 if (type(scan) == int or type(scan)==np.int32):
6927 6927 # compute Az/El for this scan
6928 6928 myfieldId = mymsmd.fieldsforscan(scan)
6929 6929 if (type(myfieldId) == list or type(myfieldId) == type(np.ndarray(0))):
6930 6930 myfieldId = myfieldId[0]
6931 6931 fieldName = mymsmd.namesforfields(myfieldId)
6932 6932 if (type(fieldName) == list or type(fieldName) == type(np.ndarray(0))):
6933 6933 fieldName = fieldName[0]
6934 6934 # print("A) fieldname = ", fieldName)
6935 6935 # print("myfieldId = ", myfieldId)
6936 - myscantime = np.mean(mymsmd.timesforscan(scan))
6936 + myscantime = np.median(mymsmd.timesforscan(scan))
6937 6937 # print("Calling getRADecForField")
6938 6938 mydirection = getRADecForField(vis, myfieldId, verbose)
6939 6939 if (verbose): print("mydirection= %s" % (str(mydirection)))
6940 6940 if (len(telescopeName) < 1):
6941 6941 telescopeName = 'ALMA'
6942 6942 myazel = computeAzElFromRADecMJD(mydirection, myscantime/86400., telescopeName)
6943 6943 conditions['elevation'] = myazel[1] * 180/math.pi
6944 6944 conditions['azimuth'] = myazel[0] * 180/math.pi
6945 6945 conditions['solarangle'] = angularSeparation(azsun,elsun,conditions['azimuth'],conditions['elevation'])
6946 6946 conditions['solarelev'] = elsun
6963 6963 print("Scans to loop over = %s" % (str(scan)))
6964 6964 for s in scan:
6965 6965 fieldName = mymsmd.fieldsforscan(s)
6966 6966 if (type(fieldName) == list):
6967 6967 # take only the first pointing in the mosaic
6968 6968 fieldName = fieldName[0]
6969 6969 myfieldId = mymsmd.fieldsforname(fieldName)
6970 6970 if (type(myfieldId) == list or type(myfieldId)==type(np.ndarray(0))):
6971 6971 # If the same field name has two IDs (this happens in EVLA data)
6972 6972 myfieldId = myfieldId[0]
6973 - myscantime = np.mean(mymsmd.timesforscan(s))
6973 + myscantime = np.median(mymsmd.timesforscan(s))
6974 6974 mydirection = getRADecForField(vis, myfieldId, verbose)
6975 6975 telescopeName = mymsmd.observatorynames()[0]
6976 6976 if (len(telescopeName) < 1):
6977 6977 telescopeName = 'ALMA'
6978 6978 myazel = computeAzElFromRADecMJD(mydirection, myscantime/86400., telescopeName)
6979 6979 myaz.append(myazel[0]*180/math.pi)
6980 6980 myel.append(myazel[1]*180/math.pi)
6981 - conditions['azimuth'] = np.mean(myaz)
6982 - conditions['elevation'] = np.mean(myel)
6981 + conditions['azimuth'] = np.median(myaz)
6982 + conditions['elevation'] = np.median(myel)
6983 6983 conditions['solarangle'] = angularSeparation(azsun,elsun,conditions['azimuth'],conditions['elevation'])
6984 6984 conditions['solarelev'] = elsun
6985 6985 conditions['solarazim'] = azsun
6986 6986 if (verbose):
6987 - print("Using antenna = %s to retrieve mean azimuth and elevation" % (antennaName))
6987 + print("Using antenna = %s to retrieve median azimuth and elevation" % (antennaName))
6988 6988 print("Separation from sun = %f deg" % (abs(conditions['solarangle'])))
6989 6989 if (elsun<0):
6990 6990 conditions['solarangle'] = -conditions['solarangle']
6991 6991 if (verbose):
6992 6992 print("Sun is below horizon (elev=%.1f deg)" % (elsun))
6993 6993 else:
6994 6994 if (verbose):
6995 6995 print("Sun is above horizon (elev=%.1f deg)" % (elsun))
6996 6996 if (verbose):
6997 6997 print("Average azimuth = %.2f, elevation = %.2f degrees" % (conditions['azimuth'],conditions['elevation']))
7008 7008 print("Could not open the WEATHER table for this ms.")
7009 7009 mytb.done()
7010 7010 return([conditions,myTimes])
7011 7011 if (True):
7012 7012 mjdsec = mytb.getcol('TIME')
7013 7013 indices = np.argsort(mjdsec)
7014 7014 mjd = mjdsec/86400.
7015 7015 pressure = mytb.getcol('PRESSURE')
7016 7016 relativeHumidity = mytb.getcol('REL_HUMIDITY')
7017 7017 temperature = mytb.getcol('TEMPERATURE')
7018 - if (np.mean(temperature) > 100):
7018 + if (np.median(temperature) > 100):
7019 7019 # must be in units of Kelvin, so convert to C
7020 7020 temperature -= 273.15
7021 7021 if 'DEW_POINT' in mytb.colnames():
7022 7022 dewPoint = mytb.getcol('DEW_POINT')
7023 - if (np.mean(dewPoint) > 100):
7023 + if (np.median(dewPoint) > 100):
7024 7024 # must be in units of Kelvin, so convert to C
7025 7025 dewPoint -= 273.15
7026 - if (np.mean(dewPoint) == 0):
7026 + if (np.median(dewPoint) == 0):
7027 7027 # assume it is not measured and use NOAA formula to compute from humidity:
7028 7028 dewPoint = ComputeDewPointCFromRHAndTempC(relativeHumidity, temperature)
7029 7029 else:
7030 7030 dewPoint = None # Nobeyama measurement sets do not have a dewpoint column
7031 7031 sinWindDirection = np.sin(mytb.getcol('WIND_DIRECTION'))
7032 7032 cosWindDirection = np.cos(mytb.getcol('WIND_DIRECTION'))
7033 7033 windSpeed = mytb.getcol('WIND_SPEED')
7034 7034 mytb.done()
7035 7035
7036 7036 # put values into time order (they mostly are, but there can be small differences)
7080 7080 conditions['readings'] = 1
7081 7081 if (verbose):
7082 7082 print("selectedValues=%d, myTimes[0]=%.0f, len(matches)=%d, len(matches2)=%d" % (selectedValues,
7083 7083 myTimes[0], len(matches), len(matches2)))
7084 7084 if (len(matches) > 0):
7085 7085 print("matches[0]=%f, matches[-1]=%f" % (matches[0], matches[-1]))
7086 7086 if (len(matches2) > 0):
7087 7087 print("matches2[0]=%f, matches2[-1]=%d" % (matches2[0], matches2[-1]))
7088 7088 else:
7089 7089 conditions['readings'] = len(selectedValues)
7090 - conditions['pressure'] = np.mean(pressure[selectedValues])
7090 + conditions['pressure'] = np.median(pressure[selectedValues])
7091 7091 if (conditions['pressure'] != conditions['pressure']):
7092 7092 # A nan value got through, due to no selected values (should be impossible)"
7093 7093 if (verbose):
7094 7094 print(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> selectedValues = %s" % (str(selectedValues)))
7095 7095 print("len(matches)=%d, len(matches2)=%d" % (len(matches), len(matches2)))
7096 7096 print("matches[0]=%f, matches[-1]=%f, matches2[0]=%f, matches2[-1]=%d" % (matches[0], matches[-1], matches2[0], matches2[-1]))
7097 - conditions['temperature'] = np.mean(temperature[selectedValues])
7098 - conditions['humidity'] = np.mean(relativeHumidity[selectedValues])
7097 + conditions['temperature'] = np.median(temperature[selectedValues])
7098 + conditions['humidity'] = np.median(relativeHumidity[selectedValues])
7099 7099 if dewPoint is not None:
7100 - conditions['dewpoint'] = np.nanmean(dewPoint[selectedValues])
7101 - conditions['windspeed'] = np.mean(windSpeed[selectedValues])
7102 - conditions['winddirection'] = (180./math.pi)*np.arctan2(np.mean(sinWindDirection[selectedValues]),np.mean(cosWindDirection[selectedValues]))
7100 + conditions['dewpoint'] = np.nanmedian(dewPoint[selectedValues])
7101 + conditions['windspeed'] = np.median(windSpeed[selectedValues])
7102 + conditions['winddirection'] = (180./math.pi)*np.arctan2(np.median(sinWindDirection[selectedValues]),np.median(cosWindDirection[selectedValues]))
7103 7103 if (conditions['winddirection'] < 0):
7104 7104 conditions['winddirection'] += 360
7105 7105 if (verbose):
7106 - print("Mean weather values for scan %s (field %s)" % (listscan,listfield))
7106 + print("Median weather values for scan %s (field %s)" % (listscan,listfield))
7107 7107 print(" Pressure = %.2f mb" % (conditions['pressure']))
7108 7108 print(" Temperature = %.2f C" % (conditions['temperature']))
7109 7109 if dewPoint is not None:
7110 7110 print(" Dew point = %.2f C" % (conditions['dewpoint']))
7111 7111 print(" Relative Humidity = %.2f %%" % (conditions['humidity']))
7112 7112 print(" Wind speed = %.2f m/s" % (conditions['windspeed']))
7113 7113 print(" Wind direction = %.2f deg" % (conditions['winddirection']))
7114 7114
7115 7115 return([conditions,myTimes])
7116 7116 # end of getWeather

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