
Takahiro Tsutsumi authored 03dba4904c3
Added setting of the explicit ephemeris table name in initializeFTMachine


903 903 static_cast<InterpolateArray1D<Double, Complex>::InterpolationMethod>(
904 904 tmpInt);
905 905 ft_p[index]->setFreqInterpolation(freqInterpMethod_p);
906 906 inRec.get("freqframevalid", freqFrameValid_p);
907 907 ft_p[index]->setFrameValidity(freqFrameValid_p);
908 908 String error;
909 909 if (!(ft_p[index]->recoverMovingSourceState(error, inRec)))
910 910 throw(AipsError(
911 911 "BriggsCubeWeightor could not get the state of the ftmachine:" +
912 912 error));
913 + Record rec = inRec.asRecord("movingdir_rec");
914 + MeasureHolder mh;
915 + if(!mh.fromRecord(error, rec))
916 + throw(AipsError(
917 + "BriggsCubeWeightor could not get movingdir_rec from the state of the ftmachine:" +
918 + error));
919 + MDirection movingdir=mh.asMDirection();
920 + if (inRec.isDefined("ephemeristable") && movingdir.getRefString().contains("COMET")) {
921 + String ephemtabname;
922 + inRec.get("ephemeristable", ephemtabname);
923 + ft_p[index]->setMovingSource(ephemtabname);
924 + }
913 925 // remember to make the stokes I
914 926 grids_p[index] = new TempImage<Float>(templateimage.shape(),
915 927 templateimage.coordinates(), 0.0);
916 928 }
917 929 void BriggsCubeWeightor::cube2Matrix(const Cube<Bool> &fcube,
918 930 Matrix<Bool> &fMat) {
919 931 fMat.resize(fcube.shape()[1], fcube.shape()[2]);
920 932 Bool deleteIt1;
921 933 Bool deleteIt2;
922 934 const Bool *pcube = fcube.getStorage(deleteIt1);

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