
sync ATM headers with ICT-14923, latest opacity fixes from 20240923, CAS-14337


484 484 Pressure getGroundPressureThreshold() const {return groundPressureThreshold_;};
485 485 Temperature getGroundTemperatureThreshold() const {return groundTemperatureThreshold_;};
486 486 double getTropoLapseRateThreshold() const {return tropoLapseRateThreshold_;};
487 487 Humidity getRelativeHumidityThreshold() const {return relativeHumidityThreshold_;};
488 488 Length getWvScaleHeightThreshold() const {return wvScaleHeightThreshold_;};
489 489
490 490 void setAltitudeThreshold(const Length &altitudeThreshold) {altitudeThreshold_=altitudeThreshold;};
491 491 void setGroundPressureThreshold(const Pressure &groundPressureThreshold) {groundPressureThreshold_=groundPressureThreshold;};
492 492 void setGroundTemperatureThreshold(const Temperature &groundTemperatureThreshold) {groundTemperatureThreshold_=groundTemperatureThreshold;};
493 493
494 - vector<NumberDensity> st76(const Length &ha, unsigned int tip,unsigned int seasonal_diurnal) const;
494 + vector<NumberDensity> st76(const Length &ha, unsigned int tip,unsigned int seasonal_diurnal) const;
495 495
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497 497 //@}
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499 499 protected:
500 500 unsigned int typeAtm_; //!< 1: tropical, 2: midlatSummer, 3: midlatWinter, 4: subarcticSummer, 5: subarcticWinter
501 501 Temperature groundTemperature_; //!< Ambient temperature at the site (K)
502 502 double tropoLapseRate_; //!< tropospheric lapse rate in K/km
503 503 Temperature tropoTemperature_; //!< Temperature at the tropopause
504 504 unsigned int tropoLayer_; //!< Layer where tropopause starts

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