
Ihor Ihnatiev authored and Takeshi Nakazato committed 13f6e3f0f3a Merge
Pull request #884: CAS-14439

Merge in CASA/casa6 from CAS-14439 to master * commit 'f11c3ddeec7842927b187f6a4c9dcee141eab55b': RChanges according to the NAOJ code review Refs #2721 and Refs #2726 - emove dcolor codes from sdimaging deprecation warning due to log file readability issues Changes according to the NAOJ code review Refs #2715 - changed line length Removed test messages from warning Deprecation warning for sdimaging task - added color highlight Deprecation warning for sdimaging task


15 15
16 16 @sdutil.sdtask_decorator
17 17 def sdimaging(infiles, outfile, overwrite, field, spw, antenna, scan, intent,
18 18 mode, nchan, start, width, veltype, outframe,
19 19 gridfunction, convsupport, truncate, gwidth, jwidth,
20 20 imsize, cell, phasecenter, projection, ephemsrcname,
21 21 pointingcolumn, restfreq, stokes, minweight, brightnessunit, clipminmax,
22 22 # Performances optimization options
23 23 enablecache, convertfirst,
24 24 interpolation):
25 +
26 +
27 + 'The sdimaging task is deprecated and will be removed in future releases. '
28 + 'Please use tsdimaging instead.',
29 + "WARN")
25 30 with sdimaging_worker(**locals()) as worker:
26 31 worker.initialize()
27 32 worker.execute()
28 33 worker.finalize()
29 34
30 35
31 36 def is_string_type(val):
32 37 """Return True if the argument is string type."""
33 38 return type(val) in [str, numpy.str_]
34 39

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