
Takeshi Nakazato authored 267270118ae
Minor bug fix on test code
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3587 3587 @staticmethod
3588 3588 def column_exists(name, colname):
3589 3589 with table_manager(name) as tb:
3590 3590 colnames = tb.colnames()
3591 3591
3592 3592 return colname in colnames
3593 3593
3594 3594 @staticmethod
3595 3595 def fill_weight_spectrum(name):
3596 3596 with calibrater_manager(name, addcorr=False, addmodel=False) as cb:
3597 - cb.initweights(wtmode='ones', dowtsp=False)
3597 + cb.initweights(wtmode='ones', dowtsp=True)
3598 3598
3599 3599 @staticmethod
3600 3600 def remove_weight_spectrum(name):
3601 3601 with table_manager(name, nomodify=False) as tb:
3602 3602 if 'WEIGHT_SPECTRUM' in tb.colnames():
3603 - tb.removecols('WEIGHT_SPECTRUM')
3603 + tb.removecols(['WEIGHT_SPECTRUM'])
3604 3604 wt = tb.getcol('WEIGHT')
3605 3605 wt[:] = 1.0
3606 3606 tb.putcol('WEIGHT', wt)
3607 3607
3608 3608 @staticmethod
3609 3609 def fill_corrected_data(name):
3610 3610 with calibrater_manager(name, addmodel=False, addcorr=True):
3611 3611 pass
3612 3612
3613 3613 @staticmethod
3614 3614 def remove_corrected_data(name):
3615 3615 with table_manager(name, nomodify=False) as tb:
3616 3616 if 'CORRECTED_DATA' in tb.colnames():
3617 - tb.removecols('CORRECTED_DATA')
3617 + tb.removecols(['CORRECTED_DATA'])
3618 3618
3619 3619 def setUp(self):
3620 3620 super(sdimaging_ms_conformance, self).setUp()
3621 3621 # keep existing backup files
3622 3622 self.existing_backup_files = set(glob.glob('*.sdimaging.backup-2*'))
3623 3623 self.additional_backup_files = set()
3624 3624
3625 3625 def tearDown(self):
3626 3626 super(sdimaging_ms_conformance, self).tearDown()
3627 3627 # remove backup files created during test

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