
Takeshi Nakazato authored and Ville Suoranta committed 2af391c38ea Merge
Pull request #873: CAS-14446

Merge in CASA/casa6 from CAS-14446 to release/6.6.6 * commit '9a8559c581d5781d4b2a3c19195b7121db460c57': Cherry-pick merge commit for CAS-13863


32 32 ScalarFormatter)
33 33 from six.moves import input, range
34 34
35 35 # CAS-13722, CAS-13385
36 36 import warnings
37 37 import matplotlib.cbook
38 38 #warnings.filterwarnings("ignore",category=matplotlib.cbook.MatplotlibDeprecationWarning)
39 39
40 40 ##------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
41 41 ##--- Increment the micro version number with each update to, adjust the major ---
42 -##--- and minor version numbers to match the analusisUtils version that is last synced with... ---
42 +##--- and minor version numbers to match the analysisUtils version that is last synced with... ---
43 43 ##------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
44 +TASK_PLOTBANDPASS_REVISION_STRING = "2.20.0" #### incremented from 2.3.0 in 2024Aug
45 45 ##------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
46 46 ##--- Update this version string whenever is synced with from ---
47 47 ##--- Todd's analysisUtils. This will allow for tracking efforts to keep the versions synced. ---
48 48 ##------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
49 -PLOTBANDPASS_REVISION_STRING = "$Id:,v 2.3 2023/01/06 17:41:16 thunter Exp $"
49 +PLOTBANDPASS_REVISION_STRING = "Id:,v 2.20 2024/09/04 16:00:03 thunter Exp"
50 +
50 51 TOP_MARGIN = 0.25 # Used if showatm=T or showtksy=T
51 52 BOTTOM_MARGIN = 0.25 # Used if showfdm=T
53 54
54 55 markeredgewidth = 0.0
56 +maxAltitude = 60 # for ozone, in km, this is the default value of the parameter in the analysisUtils version
55 57
56 58 # This is a color sequence found online which has distinguishable colors
57 59 overlayColorsSequence = [
58 60 [0.00, 0.00, 0.00],
59 61 [0.00, 0.00, 1.00],
60 62 [0.00, 0.50, 0.00],
61 63 [1.00, 0.00, 0.00],
62 64 [0.00, 0.75, 0.75],
63 65 # [0.75, 0.00, 0.75], # magenta, same as atmcolor
64 66 [0.25, 0.25, 0.25],
69 71 [0.00, 1.00, 0.00],
70 72 [0.76, 0.57, 0.17],
71 73 [0.54, 0.63, 0.22],
72 74 [0.34, 0.57, 0.92],
73 75 [1.00, 0.10, 0.60],
74 76 # [0.88, 0.75, 0.73], invisible
75 77 [0.10, 0.49, 0.47],
76 78 [0.66, 0.34, 0.65],
77 79 [0.99, 0.41, 0.23]]
78 80 overlayColorsList = overlayColorsSequence.copy()
79 -overlayColorsList += overlayColorsList + overlayColorsList # 17*3 = 51 total colors
80 -overlayColorsList += overlayColorsList + overlayColorsList # try to support antenna,time
81 -overlayColorsList += overlayColorsList + overlayColorsList # try to support antenna,time
82 -overlayColorsList += overlayColorsList + overlayColorsList # try to support antenna,time
83 -overlayColorsList += overlayColorsList + overlayColorsList # try to support antenna,time
81 +overlayColorsList += overlayColorsList + overlayColorsList # 17*3 = 34 total color entries
82 +overlayColorsList += overlayColorsList + overlayColorsList # try to support antenna,time 34*3 =102
83 +overlayColorsList += overlayColorsList + overlayColorsList # try to support antenna,time 102*3=306
84 +overlayColorsList += overlayColorsList + overlayColorsList # try to support antenna,time 306*3=918
85 +overlayColorsList += overlayColorsList + overlayColorsList # try to support antenna,time 918*3=2754 entries
84 86
85 87 # Enumeration to keep track of plot pages
86 88 PAGE_ANT = 0
87 89 PAGE_SPW = 1
88 90 PAGE_TIME = 2
89 91 PAGE_AP = 3
90 92
91 93 # Used to parse command line arguments
92 94 myValidCharacterList = ['~', ',', ' ', '*',] + [str(m) for m in range(10)]
93 95 myValidCharacterListWithBang = ['~', ',', ' ', '*', '!',] + [str(m) for m in range(10)]
94 96 LARGE_POSITIVE = +1e20
95 97 LARGE_NEGATIVE = -1e20
96 98 maxAntennaNamesAcrossTheTop = 17
97 99 maxTimesAcrossTheTop = 13 # 17 for HH:MM, reduced by 1 below for subplot=11
98 100 antennaVerticalSpacing = 0.018 # 0.016
99 101 antennaHorizontalSpacing = 0.05
100 102 xstartTitle = 0.07
101 103 ystartTitle = 0.955
102 104 xstartPolLabel = 0.05
103 -ystartOverlayLegend = 0.933
105 +ystartOverlayLegend = 0.931
104 106 opaqueSky = 270. # Kelvin, used for scaling TebbSky
105 107
106 108 developerEmail = ""
107 109
108 110 #class Polarization:
109 111 # taken from Stokes.h in casa, for reference only
110 112 # (Undefined, I,Q,U,V,RR,RL,LR,LL,XX,XY,YX,YY) = range(13)
111 113
112 114 def version(showfile=True):
113 115 """
496 498 mytb.close()
497 499 donetime = time.time()
498 500 return(nPolarizations)
499 501
500 502 def getnspw(mymsmd):
501 503 # if (casadef.subversion_revision > '22653'):
502 504 return(mymsmd.nspw(False))
503 505 # else:
504 506 # return(mymsmd.nspw())
505 507
506 -
507 -def drawOverlayTimeLegends(xframe,firstFrame,xstartTitle,ystartTitle,caltable,titlesize,
508 - fieldIndicesToPlot,ispwInCalTable,uniqueTimesPerFieldPerSpw,
509 - timerangeListTimes, solutionTimeThresholdSeconds,debugSloppyMatch,
510 - ystartOverlayLegend,debug,mysize, fieldsToPlot,myUniqueColor,
508 +def drawOverlayTimeLegends(xframe, firstFrame, xstartTitle, ystartTitle, caltable, titlesize,
509 + fieldIndicesToPlot, ispwInCalTable, uniqueTimesPerFieldPerSpw,
510 + timerangeListTimes, solutionTimeThresholdSeconds, debugSloppyMatch,
511 + ystartOverlayLegend, debug, mysize, fieldsToPlot, myUniqueColor,
511 512 timeHorizontalSpacing, fieldIndex, overlayColors,
512 513 antennaVerticalSpacing, overlayAntennas,
513 - timerangeList, caltableTitle,
514 - mytime, scansToPlot, scansForUniqueTimes):
514 + timerangeList, caltableTitle, mytime, scansToPlot,
515 + scansForUniqueTimes, uniqueSpwsInCalTable, uniqueTimes):
515 516 """
516 517 Draws the legend at the top of the page, if it is the correct time to do so,
517 518 including the overlayTimes, the 'UT' label, and the caltable name.
519 + xframe: an integer as a subplot specifier, like 223 for the third panel of a 2x2 plot
520 + firstFrame: an integer as a subplot specifier, like 221 for the first panel of a 2x2 plot
521 + caltable: name of caltable on disk
522 + titlesize: font size as an integer string, e.g. '7'
523 + fieldIndicesToPlot: a list of integer indexes to the parent list fieldsToPlot, e.g. [0]
524 + fieldsToPlot: list of measurement set field IDs to plot, this can be different (shorter) than parent list fieldsToPlot
525 + scansToPlot: a list of measurement set scan numbers from which solutions should be plotted
526 + scansForUniqueTimes: a list of scans corresponding to the parent list of uniqueTimes
527 + ispwInCalTable: an integer index for the single desired spw in the spw list uniqueSpwsInCalTable, e.g. 0
528 + uniqueTimesPerFieldPerSpw: a list of list of lists corresponding to [spwIndex][fieldIndex][floating-point times...]
529 + uniqueTimes: a list of all unique floating-point times in the caltable
530 + timerangeListTimes: a list of unique values of floating point MJD seconds that were requested to be plotted
531 + timerangeList: a list of timerange indices that were requested to be plotted
532 + uniqueSpwsInCalTable: a list of spw IDs, but only used for print statements
533 + mytime: the index of the timerange in the list of uniqueTimes in the caltable that was
534 + being examined when this function was called in the parent 'while loop' over uniqueTimes
518 535 """
519 536 # debugSloppyMatch=True
537 + myspw = uniqueSpwsInCalTable[ispwInCalTable]
538 + if debug:
539 + print("len(timerangeList)=%d, len(timerangeListTimes)=%d" % (len(timerangeList), len(timerangeListTimes)))
540 + print("timerangeListTimes: %s" % (['%.3f'%(i) for i in timerangeListTimes]))
541 + print("xframe=%d, firstFrame=%d, ispwInCalTable=%d, spw=%d, fieldIndicesToPlot=%s, fieldsToPlot=%s" % (xframe,firstFrame,ispwInCalTable,myspw,fieldIndicesToPlot,fieldsToPlot))
542 + print("uniqueTimesPerFieldPerSpw[%d][%d] = %s" % (ispwInCalTable,fieldIndicesToPlot[0],uniqueTimesPerFieldPerSpw[ispwInCalTable][fieldIndicesToPlot[0]]))
520 543 if (xframe == firstFrame):
521 544 # draw title including caltable name
522 545 pb.text(xstartTitle, ystartTitle, caltableTitle, size=titlesize, color='k', transform=pb.gcf().transFigure)
523 546 # support multi-fields with overlay='time'
524 547 uTPFPS = []
525 548 uTPFPStimerange = []
526 549
527 - # Find all timerange integers for all fields, not just the ones that were plotted
550 + # Find all timerange indices for all fields, not just the ones that were plotted
528 551 allTimeranges = []
529 552 for f in range(len(uniqueTimesPerFieldPerSpw[ispwInCalTable])):
530 553 for t in uniqueTimesPerFieldPerSpw[ispwInCalTable][f]:
531 - if (t in timerangeListTimes):
532 - allTimeranges.append(list(timerangeListTimes).index(t))
533 -
554 + if (np.min(np.abs(timerangeListTimes-t)) < solutionTimeThresholdSeconds): ### added 2024Aug
555 + closestIndex = np.argmin(np.abs(timerangeListTimes-t)) ### added 2024Aug
556 + allTimeranges.append(closestIndex) ### added 2024Aug
557 +
534 558 allTimeranges = list(np.sort(np.unique(allTimeranges)))
535 -
559 + # allTimeranges is a list of integers.
560 + # The length of allTimeranges will generally be shorter than timerangeListTimes.
561 +
536 562 for f in fieldIndicesToPlot:
537 - for t in uniqueTimesPerFieldPerSpw[ispwInCalTable][f]:
538 - matched, mymatch = sloppyMatch(t, timerangeListTimes, solutionTimeThresholdSeconds,
539 - myprint=debugSloppyMatch, whichone=True)
540 - if (matched):
541 - uTPFPS.append(t)
563 + found = 0
564 + for timestamp in uniqueTimesPerFieldPerSpw[ispwInCalTable][f]:
565 + if timestamp in uniqueTimes: # 2024Aug28
566 + myUniqueTimeIndex = uniqueTimes.index(timestamp) # 2024Aug28
567 + matched, mymatch = sloppyMatch(timestamp, timerangeListTimes, solutionTimeThresholdSeconds, myUniqueTimeIndex, scansToPlot, # 2024Aug28
568 + scansForUniqueTimes, myprint=debugSloppyMatch, whichone=True)
569 + # when there are multiple solutions per scan (as in SDSKY_PS tables), the value of mymatch will always be the first one, so cannot use it
570 + mymatch = myUniqueTimeIndex # 2024Aug28
571 + else:
572 + # Not including the mytime, scansToPlot and scansForUniqueTimes in the following call will lead to the legend
573 + # showing all timestamps, not merely the subset that was selected by the (optional) scans parameter. That is
574 + # why we need to compare each myUniqueTimeIndex. You cannot simply use mytime as it will always be the final
575 + # time in the parent loop when you are in the overlay='time' scenario. But we fail over to this method.
576 + if debug:
577 + print("%.3f not in uniqueTimes, failing over to simpler method" % (timestamp))
578 + matched, mymatch = sloppyMatch(timestamp, timerangeListTimes, solutionTimeThresholdSeconds, myprint=debugSloppyMatch, whichone=True) # 2024Aug27 regression
579 + if (matched and mymatch in timerangeList):
580 + uTPFPS.append(timestamp)
542 581 uTPFPStimerange.append(mymatch)
543 -
582 + expected = len(uniqueTimesPerFieldPerSpw[ispwInCalTable][f])
583 + if found < expected:
584 + statement = "plotbandpass drawOverlayTimeLegends() found %d/%d time matches for spw%d field%d" % (found,expected,myspw,f)
585 + casalogPost(debug,statement)
586 + # sort the timeranges so the text labels will be increasing
544 587 idx = np.argsort(uTPFPS)
545 588 uTPFPStimerange = np.array(uTPFPStimerange)[idx]
546 589 uTPFPS = np.sort(uTPFPS)
547 590 timeFormat = 3 # HH:MM:SS
548 591 maxTimesAcross = maxTimesAcrossTheTop
549 592 if (firstFrame == 111):
550 593 maxTimesAcross -= 2
594 +
551 595 for a in range(len(uTPFPS)):
552 596 legendString = utstring(uTPFPS[a],timeFormat)
553 597 if (debug): print("----> Defined legendString: %s" % (legendString))
554 598 if (a==0):
555 599 pb.text(xstartTitle-0.03, ystartOverlayLegend, 'UT',color='k',fontsize=mysize,
556 600 transform=pb.gcf().transFigure)
557 601 if (a < maxTimesAcross):
558 602 x0 = xstartTitle + (a*timeHorizontalSpacing)
559 603 y0 = ystartOverlayLegend
560 604 else:
561 605 # start going down the righthand side
562 606 x0 = xstartTitle + (maxTimesAcross*timeHorizontalSpacing)
563 607 y0 = ystartOverlayLegend-(a-maxTimesAcross)*antennaVerticalSpacing
564 -# for tlt in timerangeListTimes:
565 608 if (True):
566 609 if (debug):
567 610 print("3)checking time %d, len(uTPFPS)=%d" % (a,len(uTPFPS)))
568 611 if (sloppyMatch(uTPFPS[a],timerangeListTimes,
569 612 solutionTimeThresholdSeconds,
570 613 mytime, scansToPlot, scansForUniqueTimes,
571 614 myprint=debugSloppyMatch)):
572 615 myUniqueTime = uTPFPS[a]
573 616 if (debug):
574 617 print("3)setting myUniqueTime to %d" % (myUniqueTime))
575 618
576 619 if (debug): print("----> Drawing legendString: %s" % (legendString))
577 620 if ((len(fieldsToPlot) > 1 or len(timerangeList) > 1) and overlayAntennas==False):
578 621 # having overlayAntennas==False here will force all time labels to be black (as desired)
579 622 if (debug):
623 + print("len(uTPFPS)=%d, a=%d, len(myUniqueColor)=%d, overlayColors[%d]=%s" % (len(uTPFPS),a,len(myUniqueColor),timerangeList[allTimeranges.index(uTPFPStimerange[a])],str(overlayColors[timerangeList[allTimeranges.index(uTPFPStimerange[a])]])))
580 624 print("len(uTPFPS)=%d, a=%d, len(myUniqueColor)=%d" % (len(uTPFPS),a,len(myUniqueColor)))
581 -# pb.text(x0, y0, legendString,color=overlayColors[timerangeList[a]],fontsize=mysize,
582 -# transform=pb.gcf().transFigure)
583 - if (debug):
584 - print("len(uTPFPStimerange)=%d, a=%d, len(myUniqueColor)=%d" % (len(uTPFPStimerange),a,len(myUniqueColor)))
585 625
586 - uTPFPStimerangeValue = uTPFPStimerange[a]
587 - try:
588 - timerangeListIndex = allTimeranges.index(uTPFPStimerangeValue)
589 - except ValueError:
590 - casalogPost(debug, "uTPFPStimerangeValue = {} is not in the list allTimeranges".format(uTPFPStimerangeValue))
591 - casalogPost(debug, "Setting timerangeListIndex = 0. This will change the overlay colors index to a default value. The time labels might not look as expected.")
592 - casalogPost(debug, "It is possible that certain antennas had a slightly different timestamp.")
593 - timerangeListIndex = 0
594 -
595 - overlayColorsIndex = timerangeList[timerangeListIndex]
596 - pb.text(x0, y0, legendString, color=overlayColors[overlayColorsIndex], fontsize=mysize, transform=pb.gcf().transFigure)
597 -
598 - if (debug):
599 - print("done text")
600 - else:
626 + mycolor = overlayColors[uTPFPStimerange[a]] # color based on the subset of timeranges to be plotted
627 + pb.text(x0, y0, legendString, color=mycolor, fontsize=mysize, transform=pb.gcf().transFigure)
628 + else: # only 1 spectrum, or overlayAntennas==True means use all black labels
601 629 pb.text(x0, y0, legendString, fontsize=mysize, transform=pb.gcf().transFigure)
602 630
603 631 def lineNumber():
604 632 """Returns the current line number in our program."""
605 633 return inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_lineno
606 634
607 635 def drawAtmosphereAndFDM(showatm, showtsky, atmString, subplotRows, mysize, TebbSky,
608 636 TebbSkyImage,plotrange, xaxis, atmchan, atmfreq, transmission,
609 637 subplotCols, showatmPoints,xframe, channels,LO1,atmchanImage,
610 638 atmfreqImage,transmissionImage, firstFrame,showfdm,nChannels,tableFormat,
705 733
706 734 if (debug): print(mystring)
707 735
708 736 def computeHighestSpwIndexInSpwsToPlotThatHasCurrentScan(spwsToPlot, scansToPlotPerSpw, scan):
709 737 highestSpwIndex = -1
710 738 for i,spw in enumerate(spwsToPlot):
711 739 if (scan in scansToPlotPerSpw[spw]):
712 740 highestSpwIndex = i
713 741 return(highestSpwIndex)
714 742
743 +def madOfDiff(solution):
744 + """
745 + This function is used to decide which of two curves has more scatter, and hence should
746 + be plotted first (i.e. shown in the background) when overlaying two solutions.
747 + Added as part of CAS-9474 to do a better job of the selection
748 + """
749 + if (len(solution) < 4):
750 + return MAD(np.diff(solution))
751 + else:
752 + start = int(len(solution)/4)
753 + stop = int(len(solution)*3/4)
754 + ydata = np.array(solution[start:stop+1])
755 + return MAD(np.diff(ydata))
756 +
715 757 def run_with_old_pyplot_style(func):
716 758 """
717 759 CAS-12786: this decorator is introduced here to have a single entry point before/after
718 760 which the style sheet of matplotlib/pylab can be tuned and restored before returning.
719 761
720 762 The motivation is that plotbandpass plots are heavily dependent on default image size,
721 763 grid style, ticks frequency, etc., as it used to be in matplotlib 1.1.0 (used in
722 764 CASA 5.x). In more recent matplotlib (3.1.1 is currently used in CASA 6.x) that style
723 765 can be reproduced using the style sheet 'classic'. This is the quickest and simplest way
724 766 to produce plotbandpass plots that look like those of CASA 5
1309 1351 net_sideband = mytb.getcol('NET_SIDEBAND')
1310 1352 measFreqRef = mytb.getcol('MEAS_FREQ_REF')
1311 1353 originalSpw_casa33 = list(range(len(measFreqRef)))
1312 1354 chanFreqGHz_casa33 = [] # used by showFDM
1313 1355 for i in originalSpw_casa33:
1314 1356 # They array shapes can vary.
1315 1357 chanFreqGHz_casa33.append(1e-9 * mytb.getcell('CHAN_FREQ',i))
1316 1358 mytb.close()
1317 1359 except:
1318 1360 print("2) Could not open the associated measurement set tables (%s). Will not translate antenna names." % (msName))
1361 + cal_scans = None #### added 2024Aug
1319 1362 else: # 3.4
1320 1363 tableFormat = 34
1321 1364 cal_desc_id = mytb.getcol('SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID')
1322 1365 cal_scans = mytb.getcol('SCAN_NUMBER')
1323 1366 unique_cal_scans = np.unique(cal_scans)
1324 1367 cal_scans_per_spw = {}
1325 1368 for myspw in np.unique(cal_desc_id):
1326 1369 cal_scans_per_spw[myspw] = np.unique(cal_scans[np.where(myspw == cal_desc_id)[0]])
1327 1370 if (debug):
1328 1371 print("spw %d: scans %s" % (myspw,str(cal_scans_per_spw[myspw])))
1435 1478 missingFrequencyWidth = originalChannelStart[ictr]*(mymsmd.chanfreqs(i)[-1]-mymsmd.chanfreqs(i)[0])/(nchan-1)
1436 1479 else:
1437 1480 missingFrequencyWidth = 0
1438 1481 if (missingFrequencyWidth > 0):
1439 1482 if (DEBUG):
1440 1483 print("Correcting for channels flagged prior to running bandpass by %f GHz" % (missingFrequencyWidth*1e-9))
1441 1484 newfreqs = 1e-9*(mymsmd.chanfreqs(i)) + missingFrequencyWidth*1e-9
1442 1485 if debug: print("Appending onto chanFreqGHz: %s" % (str(newfreqs)))
1443 1486 chanFreqGHz.append(newfreqs)
1444 1487
1488 + # the sort order of this variable is based on tb.getcol('SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID') which is usually (always?) in increasing order
1445 1489 uniqueSpwsInCalTable = np.unique(cal_desc_id)
1446 1490
1447 1491 # initial calculation for final message if not all spws appear with overlay='antenna'
1448 1492 uniqueTimes = sloppyUnique(np.unique(times), 1.0)
1449 1493 nUniqueTimes = len(uniqueTimes)
1450 1494 if (nUniqueTimes == 1):
1451 1495 solutionTimeSpread = 0
1452 1496 else:
1453 1497 solutionTimeSpread = np.max(uniqueTimes)-np.min(uniqueTimes)
1454 - casalogPost(debug,"Found solutions with %d unique times (within a threshold of 1.0 second)." % (nUniqueTimes))
1455 -
1456 - print("Median difference between solution times = %f sec" % (np.median(np.diff(times))))
1457 - uniqueTimes = sloppyUnique(np.unique(times), solutionTimeThresholdSeconds)
1498 + casalogPost(debug,"Found solutions with %d unique times across all spws and fields (within a threshold of 1.0 second)." % (nUniqueTimes))
1499 +
1500 + casalogPost(True,"Median difference between solution times = %f sec" % (np.median(np.diff(uniqueTimes))))
1501 + if cal_scans is None or VisCal == 'SDSKY_PS': ### added 2024Aug
1502 + # this will show the spectrum for every solution / integration (appropriate for old Tsys tables and SDsky spectra)
1503 + uniqueTimes = sloppyUnique(np.unique(times), solutionTimeThresholdSeconds) ### indented 2024Aug
1504 + else: ### added 2024Aug
1505 + # this will show one spectrum per scan (appropriate for Tsys tables in CASA 3.4 onward)
1506 + uniqueTimes = sloppyUnique(times, solutionTimeThresholdSeconds, cal_scans) ### added 2024Aug
1458 1507 nUniqueTimes = len(uniqueTimes)
1459 1508 if (nUniqueTimes == 1):
1460 1509 casalogPost(debug,"Found solutions with %d unique time (within a threshold of %d seconds)." % (nUniqueTimes,solutionTimeThresholdSeconds))
1461 1510 else:
1462 1511 casalogPost(debug,"Found solutions with %d unique times (within a threshold of %d seconds)." % (nUniqueTimes,solutionTimeThresholdSeconds))
1463 1512
1464 1513 scansForUniqueTimes = []
1465 1514 if (tableFormat >= 34):
1466 1515 if (len(unique_cal_scans) == 1):
1467 1516 casalogPost(debug,"Found solutions with %d unique scan number %s" % (len(unique_cal_scans), str(unique_cal_scans)))
1485 1534 nFields = len(uniqueFields)
1486 1535 spwlist = []
1487 1536 uniqueTimesPerFieldPerSpw = []
1488 1537 for s in uniqueSpwsInCalTable:
1489 1538 uniqueTimesPerField = []
1490 1539 for f in uniqueFields:
1491 1540 timelist = []
1492 1541 for row in range(len(fields)):
1493 1542 if (fields[row] == f and cal_desc_id[row] == s):
1494 1543 if (sloppyMatch(times[row], timelist, solutionTimeThresholdSeconds) == False):
1544 + # if this time is not already in the list for this spw/field combination, then append it
1495 1545 timelist.append(times[row])
1496 1546 spwlist.append(cal_desc_id)
1497 1547 uniqueTimesPerField.append(timelist)
1498 1548 uniqueTimesPerFieldPerSpw.append(uniqueTimesPerField)
1499 1549
1500 1550 if (debug): print("about to call casalogPost")
1501 1551 casalogPost(debug,displayTimesArray([[uniqueTimes]]))
1502 1552
1503 1553 # Parse the spws to plot from the command line
1504 1554 if (spw==''):
1517 1567 break
1518 1568 elif (token.find('~')>0):
1519 1569 (start,finish) = token.split('~')
1520 1570 spwsToPlot += list(range(int(start),int(finish)+1))
1521 1571 else:
1522 1572 spwsToPlot.append(int(token))
1523 1573 elif (type(spw) == list):
1524 1574 spwsToPlot = np.sort(spw)
1525 1575 else:
1526 1576 spwsToPlot = [spw]
1577 + # note that spwsToPlot will not necessarily be in increasing order, e.g. if the user specified them out-of-order
1527 1578
1528 1579 casalogPost(debug,"%d spw%s in the solution = %s" % (len(uniqueSpwsInCalTable), plural(uniqueSpwsInCalTable), str(uniqueSpwsInCalTable)))
1529 1580 keepSpwsToPlot = spwsToPlot[:]
1530 1581 for myspw in spwsToPlot:
1531 1582 if (myspw not in uniqueSpwsInCalTable):
1532 1583 print("WARNING: spw %d is not in the solution. Removing it from the list to plot." % (myspw))
1533 1584 print("Available spws = ", uniqueSpwsInCalTable)
1534 1585 keepSpwsToPlot.remove(myspw)
1535 1586 if (ctsys.compare_version('>=',[4,1,0]) and mymsmd != ''):
1536 1587 # # nonwvrspws = list(set(range(mymsmd.nspw())).difference(set(mymsmd.wvrspws())))
1886 1937 if (myscan not in scansForUniqueTimes):
1887 1938 print(("No rows for scan %d, only " % (myscan), np.unique(scansForUniqueTimes)))
1888 1939 return
1889 1940 timerangeOffset = scansForUniqueTimes.index(myscan)
1890 1941 timerangeList = np.array(timerangeList) + timerangeOffset
1891 1942 if (debug): print(("Since both timeranges and scans was specified, generated new effective timerangeList: ", timerangeList))
1892 1943 if (max(timerangeList) >= len(uniqueTimes)):
1893 1944 print("Invalid timerange. Solution has %d times (%d~%d)" % (len(uniqueTimes),0,len(uniqueTimes)-1))
1894 1945 return
1895 1946 timerangeListTimes = np.array(uniqueTimes)[timerangeList]
1947 + if debug:
1948 + print("%d timerangeListTimes to be plotted" % (len(timerangeListTimes)))
1896 1949 timerangeListTimesString = mjdsecArrayToUTString(timerangeListTimes)
1897 1950 if (tableFormat == 33 or scansForUniqueTimes == []):
1898 1951 # SMA data with scan numbers of -1 has empty list for scansForUniqueTimes
1899 1952 scansToPlot = []
1900 1953 if (scans != ''):
1901 1954 print("Selection by scan is not possible for this dataset.")
1902 1955 return
1903 1956 else:
1904 - if (debug): print("scansForUniqueTimes = %s" % (str(scansForUniqueTimes)))
1957 + if (debug): print("A)scansForUniqueTimes = %s" % (str(scansForUniqueTimes)))
1905 1958 scansToPlot = np.array(scansForUniqueTimes)[timerangeList]
1906 1959 if (np.unique(scansToPlot)[0] == -1):
1907 1960 # scan numbers are not correct in this new-style cal table
1908 1961 scansToPlot = []
1909 1962 if (scans != ''):
1910 1963 print("Selection by scan number is not possible with this dataset.")
1911 1964 return
1912 1965 if (scans != '' and scans != []):
1913 1966 if (type(scans) == list):
1914 1967 scansToPlot = scans
1915 1968 elif (type(scans) == str):
1916 1969 scansToPlot = [int(a) for a in scans.split(',')]
1917 1970 else:
1918 1971 scansToPlot = [scans]
1919 1972 for scan in scansToPlot:
1920 1973 if (scan not in scansForUniqueTimes):
1921 1974 print("Scan %d is not in any solution" % (scan))
1922 1975 return
1976 + if debug: print("scans to plot: %s" % (str(scansToPlot)))
1923 1977 scansToPlotPerSpw = {}
1924 - for myspw in np.unique(cal_desc_id):
1978 + casalogPost(debug,"originalSpwsToPlot: %s" % (originalSpwsToPlot))
1979 +# for myspw in np.unique(cal_desc_id): ### removed 2024Aug
1980 + for myspw in originalSpwsToPlot: ### added 2024Aug
1925 1981 scansToPlotPerSpw[myspw] = []
1926 - for scan in scansToPlot:
1927 - for myspw in np.unique(cal_desc_id):
1928 - if (scan in cal_scans_per_spw[myspw]):
1929 - scansToPlotPerSpw[myspw].append(scan)
1982 + if tableFormat == 34 and scansForUniqueTimes != []: ### added 2024Aug
1983 + scansToPlotRevised = [] ### added 2024Aug
1984 + timerangeListTimesRevised = [] ### added 2024Aug
1985 + for scan in scansToPlot: ### indented 2024Aug
1986 +# for myspw in np.unique(cal_desc_id): ### removed 2024Aug
1987 + for myspw in originalSpwsToPlot: ### added 2024Aug
1988 + if (scan in cal_scans_per_spw[myspw]): ### indented 2024Aug
1989 + scansToPlotPerSpw[myspw].append(scan) ### indented 2024Aug
1990 + scansToPlotRevised.append(scan) #### added 2024Aug
1991 + idx = np.where(cal_scans == scan) #### added 2024Aug
1992 + timerangeListTimesRevised += list(np.unique(times[idx])) #### added 2024Aug
1993 + scansToPlot = np.unique(scansToPlotRevised) #### added 2024Aug
1994 +# timerangeListTimes = np.unique(timerangeListTimesRevised) #### added 2024Aug
1995 + timerangeListTimes = np.array(uniqueTimes)[timerangeList] #### added 2024Aug after the Aug22 benchmark
1996 + casalogPost(debug, "%d timerangeListTimes (after filtering for spw) = %s" % (len(timerangeListTimes), timerangeListTimes)) #### add 2024Aug08
1997 + casalogPost(debug, "scansToPlot (after filtering for spw) = %s" % (scansToPlot)) #### added 2024Aug
1930 1998
1931 1999 # remove spws that do not have any scans to be plotted
1932 2000 # but only for tables that have a scan number column, and not filled with all -1
1933 2001 if (tableFormat > 33 and scansForUniqueTimes != []):
1934 2002 for myspw in np.unique(cal_desc_id):
1935 - if (debug):
1936 - print("scans to plot for spw %d: %s" % (myspw, scansToPlotPerSpw[myspw]))
1937 - if (scansToPlotPerSpw[myspw] == []):
1938 - indexDelete = np.where(spwsToPlot==myspw)[0]
1939 - if (len(indexDelete) > 0):
1940 - spwsToPlot = np.delete(spwsToPlot, indexDelete[0])
1941 - print("spws to plot = ", spwsToPlot)
2003 + if myspw in scansToPlotPerSpw: #### added 2024Aug
2004 + if (scansToPlotPerSpw[myspw] == []): #### indented 2024Aug
2005 + indexDelete = np.where(spwsToPlot==myspw)[0] #### indented 2024Aug
2006 + if (len(indexDelete) > 0): #### indented 2024Aug
2007 + spwsToPlot = np.delete(spwsToPlot, indexDelete[0]) #### indented 2024Aug
2008 + elif (debug):
2009 + print("scans to plot for spw %d: %s" % (myspw, scansToPlotPerSpw[myspw]))
2010 + print("spws to plot (sorted) = ", sorted(spwsToPlot))
1942 2011 casalogPost(debug,"scans to plot: %s" % (str(scansToPlot)))
1943 2012 casalogPost(debug,"UT times to plot: %s" % (timerangeListTimesString))
1944 2013 casalogPost(debug,"Corresponding time IDs (0-based): %s" % (str(timerangeList)))
1945 2014 if (len(timerangeListTimes) > len(np.unique(scansToPlot))):
1946 2015 # fix for CAS-9474
1947 2016 uniqueScansToPlot, idx = np.unique(scansToPlot, return_index=True)
1948 2017 if (len(uniqueScansToPlot) < len(scansToPlot)):
1949 2018 # If the solution time for one spw differs by more than solutionTimeThresholdSeconds from
1950 2019 # another spw, then we will get 2 identical entries for the same scan, and thus duplicate
1951 2020 # plots. So, remove one.
2193 2262 if (showatmfield not in fieldsToPlot):
2194 2263 print("The showatmfield (%d=%s) is not in the list of fields to plot: %s" % (showatmfield, showatmfieldName, str(fieldsToPlot)))
2195 2264 return()
2196 2265
2197 2266 for i in fieldsToPlot:
2198 2267 match = np.where(i==uniqueFields)[0]
2199 2268 if (len(match) < 1 and bOverlay):
2200 2269 match = np.where(i==uniqueFields2)[0]
2201 2270 fieldIndicesToPlot.append(match[0])
2202 2271
2203 - casalogPost(debug,"spws to plot = %s" % (str(spwsToPlot)))
2272 + casalogPost(debug,"spws to plot (sorted) = %s" % (str(sorted(spwsToPlot))))
2204 2273 casalogPost(debug,"Field IDs to plot: %s" % (str(fieldsToPlot)))
2205 2274
2206 2275 redisplay = False
2207 2276 myap = 0 # this variable is necessary to make the 'b' option work for
2208 2277 # subplot=11, yaxis=both. It keeps track of whether 'amp' or
2209 2278 # 'phase' was the first plot on the page.
2210 2279
2211 2280 # I added pb.ion() because Remy suggested it.
2212 2281 if (interactive):
2213 2282 pb.ion() # This will open a new window if not present.
2237 2306 if (corr_type_string == []):
2238 2307 return()
2239 2308 polsToPlot = checkPolsToPlot(polsToPlot, corr_type_string, debug)
2240 2309 if (polsToPlot == []):
2241 2310 return()
2242 2311 # Here we are only plotting one BPOLY solution, no overlays implemented.
2243 2312 overlayAntennas = False
2244 2313 # rows in the table are: antennas 0..nAnt for first spw, antennas 0..nAnt
2245 2314 # for 2nd spw...
2246 2315 pagectr = 0
2316 + if debug:
2317 + print("Setting pages to blank list")
2247 2318 pages = []
2248 2319 xctr = 0
2249 2320 newpage = 1
2250 2321 while (xctr < len(antennasToPlot)):
2251 2322 xant = antennasToPlot[xctr]
2252 2323 antstring, Antstring = buildAntString(xant,msFound,msAnt)
2253 2324 spwctr = 0
2254 2325 spwctrFirstToPlot = spwctr
2255 2326 while (spwctr < len(spwsToPlot)):
2256 2327 ispw = spwsToPlot[spwctr]
2257 2328 mytime = 0
2258 2329 while (mytime < nUniqueTimes):
2259 2330 if (len(uniqueTimes) > 0 and (mytime not in timerangeList)):
2260 2331 if (debug):
2261 2332 print("@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Skipping mytime=%d" % (mytime))
2262 2333 mytime += 1
2263 2334 continue
2264 2335 if (newpage == 1):
2265 2336 pages.append([xctr,spwctr,mytime,0])
2266 -# print("appending [%d,%d,%d,%d]" % (xctr,spwctr,mytime,0))
2337 + if debug:
2338 + print("top: appending [%d,%d,%d,%d]" % (xctr,spwctr,mytime,0))
2267 2339 newpage = 0
2268 2340 antennaString = 'Ant%2d: %s, ' % (xant,antstring)
2269 2341 for index in range(nRows):
2270 2342 # Find this antenna, spw, and timerange combination in the table
2343 + if tableFormat >= 34: ### added 2024Aug
2344 + scansToPlotHere = scansToPlotPerSpw[ispw] ### added 2024Aug
2345 + else: ### added 2024Aug
2346 + scansToPlotHere = scansToPlot ### added 2024Aug
2271 2347 if (xant==ant[index] and sloppyMatch(uniqueTimes[mytime],times[index],solutionTimeThresholdSeconds,
2272 - mytime, scansToPlotPerSpw[ispw], scansForUniqueTimes,
2348 + mytime, scansToPlotHere, scansForUniqueTimes, ### modified 2024Aug
2273 2349 myprint=debugSloppyMatch) and
2274 2350 (ispw == cal_desc_id[index]) and (fields[index] in fieldsToPlot)):
2275 2351 fieldIndex = np.where(fields[index] == uniqueFields)[0]
2276 2352 if (type(fieldIndex) == list or type(fieldIndex) == np.ndarray):
2277 2353 fieldIndex = fieldIndex[0]
2278 2354 validDomain = [frequencyLimits[0,index], frequencyLimits[1,index]]
2279 2355 if (msFound):
2280 2356 fieldString = msFields[uniqueFields[fieldIndex]]
2281 2357 else:
2282 2358 fieldString = str(field)
2283 2359 timeString = ', t%d/%d %s' % (mytime,nUniqueTimes-1,utstring(uniqueTimes[mytime],3))
2284 2360 if (scansForUniqueTimes != []):
2285 2361 if (scansForUniqueTimes[mytime]>=0):
2286 2362 timeString = ', scan%d %s' % (scansForUniqueTimes[mytime],utstring(uniqueTimes[mytime],3))
2287 2363 if ((yaxis.find('amp')>=0 or amplitudeWithPhase) and myap==0):
2288 2364 xframe += 1
2289 2365 myUniqueColor = []
2290 2366 if (debug):
2291 2367 print("v) incrementing xframe to %d" % xframe)
2292 - adesc = pb.safe_pb_subplot(xframe)
2368 + adesc = safe_pb_subplot(xframe)
2293 2369 previousSubplot = xframe
2294 2370 if (ispw==originalSpw[ispw]):
2295 2371 # all this was added mistakenly here. If it causes a bug, remove it.
2296 2372 if (overlayTimes and len(fieldsToPlot) > 1):
2297 2373 indices = fstring = ''
2298 2374 for f in fieldIndicesToPlot:
2299 2375 if (f != fieldIndicesToPlot[0]):
2300 2376 indices += ','
2301 2377 fstring += ','
2302 2378 indices += str(uniqueFields[f])
2341 2417 SetNewXLimits([plotrange[0],plotrange[1]])
2342 2418 if (plotrange[2] != 0 or plotrange[3] != 0):
2343 2419 SetNewYLimits([plotrange[2],plotrange[3]])
2344 2420 xlim=pb.xlim()
2345 2421 ylim=pb.ylim()
2346 2422 ResizeFontsSetGrid(adesc,mysize)
2347 2423 if (yaxis.lower().find('db')>=0):
2348 2424 pb.ylabel('Amplitude (dB)', size=mysize)
2349 2425 else:
2350 2426 pb.ylabel('Amplitude', size=mysize)
2351 - pb.xlabel('Frequency (GHz)', size=mysize)
2427 +# pb.xlabel('Frequency (GHz)', size=mysize)
2428 + pb.xlabel('Frequency (GHz) (%d channels)'%(len(frequenciesGHz[index])), size=mysize) # 2024Aug
2352 2429 if (xframe == firstFrame):
2353 2430 DrawBottomLegendPageCoords(msName, uniqueTimes[mytime], mysize, figfile)
2354 2431 pb.text(xstartTitle, ystartTitle,
2355 2432 '%s (degamp=%d, degphase=%d)'%(caltableTitle,nPolyAmp[index]-1,
2356 2433 nPolyPhase[index]-1),size=mysize,
2357 2434 transform=pb.gcf().transFigure)
2358 2435 # draw polarization labels
2359 2436 x0 = xstartPolLabel
2360 2437 y0 = ystartPolLabel
2361 2438 for p in range(nPolarizations):
2362 2439 if (corrTypeToString(corr_type[p]) in polsToPlot):
2363 2440 pb.text(x0, y0-0.03*subplotRows*p, corrTypeToString(corr_type[p])+'',
2364 2441 color=pcolor[p],size=mysize, transform=pb.gca().transAxes)
2365 2442 if (xframe == 111 and amplitudeWithPhase):
2366 2443 if (len(figfile) > 0):
2367 2444 # We need to make a new figure page
2368 2445 plotfiles.append(makeplot(figfile,msFound,msAnt,
2369 - overlayAntennas,pages,pagectr,
2370 - density,interactive,antennasToPlot,
2371 - spwsToPlot,overlayTimes,overlayBasebands,
2446 + overlayAntennas,pages,pagectr,
2447 + density,interactive,antennasToPlot,
2448 + spwsToPlot,overlayTimes,overlayBasebands,
2372 2449 0,xant,ispw,subplot,resample,
2373 - debug,figfileSequential,figfileNumber))
2450 + debug,figfileSequential,figfileNumber))
2374 2451 figfileNumber += 1
2375 2452 donetime = time.time()
2376 2453 if (interactive):
2377 2454 pb.draw()
2378 2455 # # myinput = raw_input("(%.1f sec) Press return for next page (b for backwards, q to quit): "%(donetime-mytimestamp))
2379 2456 myinput = input("Press return for next page (b for backwards, q to quit): ")
2380 2457 else:
2381 2458 myinput = ''
2382 2459 skippingSpwMessageSent = 0
2383 2460 mytimestamp = time.time()
2393 2470 mytime = pages[pagectr][PAGE_TIME]
2394 2471 myap = pages[pagectr][PAGE_AP]
2395 2472 xant = antennasToPlot[xctr]
2396 2473 antstring, Antstring = buildAntString(xant,msFound,msAnt)
2397 2474 ispw = spwsToPlot[spwctr]
2398 2475 redisplay = True
2399 2476 else:
2400 2477 pagectr += 1
2401 2478 if (pagectr >= len(pages)):
2402 2479 pages.append([xctr,spwctr,mytime,1])
2403 -# print("appending [%d,%d,%d,%d]" % (xctr,spwctr,mytime,1))
2480 + print("appending [%d,%d,%d,%d]" % (xctr,spwctr,mytime,1))
2404 2481 newpage = 0
2405 2482 safe_pb_clf()
2406 2483
2407 2484 if (yaxis.find('phase')>=0 or amplitudeWithPhase):
2408 2485 xframe += 1
2409 2486 myUniqueColor = []
2410 2487 # # print("w) incrementing xframe to %d" % xframe)
2411 - adesc = pb.safe_pb_subplot(xframe)
2488 + adesc = safe_pb_subplot(xframe)
2412 2489 previousSubplot = xframe
2413 2490 if (ispw==originalSpw[ispw]):
2414 2491 pb.title("%sspw%2d, field %d: %s%s" % (antennaString,ispw,
2415 2492 uniqueFields[fieldIndex],fieldString,timeString), size=titlesize)
2416 2493 else:
2417 2494 pb.title("%sspw%2d (%d), field %d: %s%s" % (antennaString,ispw,originalSpw[ispw],
2418 2495 uniqueFields[fieldIndex],fieldString,timeString), size=titlesize)
2419 2496 phaseSolutionX = calcChebyshev(polynomialPhase[index][0:nPolyPhase[index]], validDomain, frequenciesGHz[index]*1e+9) * 180/math.pi
2420 2497 phaseSolutionY = calcChebyshev(polynomialPhase[index][nPolyPhase[index]:2*nPolyPhase[index]], validDomain, frequenciesGHz[index]*1e+9) * 180/math.pi
2421 2498 if (nPolarizations == 1):
2422 2499 pb.plot(frequenciesGHz[index], phaseSolutionX, '%s%s'%(xcolor,bpolymarkstyle),markeredgewidth=markeredgewidth)
2423 2500 else:
2424 2501 pb.plot(frequenciesGHz[index], phaseSolutionX, '%s%s'%(xcolor,bpolymarkstyle), frequenciesGHz[index], phaseSolutionY, '%s%s'%(ycolor,bpolymarkstyle),markeredgewidth=markeredgewidth)
2425 2502 ResizeFontsSetGrid(adesc,mysize)
2426 2503 pb.ylabel('Phase (deg)', size=mysize)
2427 - pb.xlabel('Frequency (GHz)', size=mysize)
2504 +# pb.xlabel('Frequency (GHz)', size=mysize)
2505 + pb.xlabel('Frequency (GHz) (%d channels)'%(len(frequenciesGHz[index])), size=mysize) ### 2024Aug
2428 2506 if (plotrange[0] != 0 or plotrange[1] != 0):
2429 2507 SetNewXLimits([plotrange[0],plotrange[1]])
2430 2508 if (plotrange[2] != 0 or plotrange[3] != 0):
2431 2509 SetNewYLimits([plotrange[2],plotrange[3]])
2432 2510 if (amplitudeWithPhase and phase != ''):
2433 2511 if (phase[0] != 0 or phase[1] != 0):
2434 2512 SetNewYLimits(phase)
2435 2513 if (xframe == firstFrame):
2436 2514 pb.text(xstartTitle, ystartTitle,
2437 2515 '%s (degamp=%d, degphase=%d)'%(caltable,
2444 2522 if (corrTypeToString(corr_type[p]) in polsToPlot):
2445 2523 pb.text(x0, y0-0.03*p*subplotRows, corrTypeToString(corr_type[p])+'',
2446 2524 color=pcolor[p],size=mysize, transform=pb.gca().transAxes)
2447 2525
2448 2526 # end of 'for' loop over rows
2449 2527 redisplay = False
2450 2528 pb.subplots_adjust(hspace=myhspace, wspace=mywspace)
2451 2529 if (xframe == lastFrame):
2452 2530 if (len(figfile) > 0):
2453 2531 plotfiles.append(makeplot(figfile,msFound,msAnt,
2454 - overlayAntennas,pages,pagectr,
2455 - density,interactive,antennasToPlot,
2456 - spwsToPlot,overlayTimes,overlayBasebands,
2532 + overlayAntennas,pages,pagectr,
2533 + density,interactive,antennasToPlot,
2534 + spwsToPlot,overlayTimes,overlayBasebands,
2457 2535 1,xant,ispw,
2458 2536 subplot,resample,debug,
2459 - figfileSequential,figfileNumber))
2537 + figfileSequential,figfileNumber))
2460 2538 figfileNumber += 1
2461 2539 donetime = time.time()
2462 2540 if (interactive):
2463 2541 pb.draw()
2464 2542 # # myinput = raw_input("(%.1f sec) Press return for next page (b for backwards, q to quit): "%(donetime-mytimestamp))
2465 2543 myinput = input("Press return for next page (b for backwards, q to quit): ")
2466 2544 else:
2467 2545 myinput = ''
2468 2546 skippingSpwMessageSent = 0
2469 2547 mytimestamp = time.time()
2718 2796
2719 2797 madsigma = channeldiff # for option channeldiff>0, sets threshold for finding outliers
2720 2798 ampMin = LARGE_POSITIVE
2721 2799 ampMax = LARGE_NEGATIVE
2722 2800 PHASE_ABS_SUM_THRESHOLD = 2e-3 # in degrees, used to avoid printing MAD statistics for refant
2723 2801
2724 2802 TDMisSecond = False
2725 2803 pagectr = 0
2726 2804 drewAtmosphere = False
2727 2805 newpage = 1
2806 + if debug:
2807 + print("Setting pages to blank list")
2728 2808 pages = []
2729 2809 xctr = 0
2730 2810 myap = 0 # determines whether an amp or phase plot starts the page (in the case of 'both')
2731 2811 # zero means amplitude, 1 means phase
2732 2812 redisplay = False
2733 2813 matchctr = 0
2734 2814 myUniqueColor = []
2735 2815 # for the overlay=antenna case, start by assuming the first antenna is not flagged
2736 2816 firstUnflaggedAntennaToPlot = 0
2737 2817 lastUnflaggedAntennaToPlot = len(antennasToPlot)
2827 2907 if (overlaySpws or overlayBasebands):
2828 2908 groupByBaseband = True
2829 2909 if (groupByBaseband and overlaySpws==False and overlayBasebands==False):
2830 2910 showBasebandNumber = True
2831 2911 # Basic nested 'while' loop structure is:
2832 2912 # - antennas
2833 2913 # - baseband (if necessary)
2834 2914 # - spw
2835 2915 # - time
2836 2916 # - for i in rows
2917 + maxChannels = {}; maxChannels2 = {}
2837 2918 while (xctr < len(antennasToPlot)):
2838 2919 if (debug): print("at top of xctr loop: %d" % (xctr))
2839 2920 xant = antennasToPlot[xctr]
2840 2921 bbctr = 0
2841 2922 spwctr = 0
2842 2923 spwctrFirstToPlot = 0
2843 2924 antstring, Antstring = buildAntString(xant,msFound,msAnt)
2844 2925 alreadyPlottedAmp = False # needed for (overlay='baseband', yaxis='both') CAS-6477
2845 2926 finalSpwWasFlagged = False # inserted on 22-Apr-2014 for g25.27
2846 2927 if debug:
2917 2998 nUniqueTimes = len(uniqueTimes)
2918 2999 # currentSpwctr = spwctr # commented out on 2014-04-04 to match task for task01 regression
2919 3000 if (overlaySpws or overlayBasebands):
2920 3001 if (xctr >= firstUnflaggedAntennaToPlot):
2921 3002 if (debug):
2922 3003 print("xctr=%d >= firstUnflaggedAntennaToPlot=%d, decrementing spwctr to %d" % (xctr, firstUnflaggedAntennaToPlot,spwctr-1))
2923 3004 spwctr -= 1
2924 3005
2925 3006 firstTimeMatch = -1
2926 3007 finalTimeMatch = -1 # for CAS-7820
2927 - while (mytime < nUniqueTimes): # start of enrmous 2470-line while loop
3008 + while (mytime < nUniqueTimes): # start of enormous 2470-line while loop
2928 3009 finalTimerangeFlagged = False # 04-Aug-2014
2929 3010 if (debug):
2930 - print("mytime = %d < %d, uniqueTimes[mytime] = %s" % (mytime,nUniqueTimes,str(uniqueTimes[mytime])))
3011 + print("at top of mytime loop: mytime = %d < %d" % (mytime,nUniqueTimes))
3012 + print("%d timerangeListTimes" % (len(timerangeListTimes)))
2931 3013 print("timerangeList = %s" % (str(timerangeList)))
2932 3014 print("timerangeListTimes = %s" % (str(timerangeListTimes)))
2933 3015 print("debugSloppyMatch = %s" % (str(debugSloppyMatch)))
2934 3016 print(("solutionTimeThresholdSeconds = %s" % (str(solutionTimeThresholdSeconds))))
2935 3017 # if ((scansToPlot == scansToPlotPerSpw[ispw]).all() == False and False):
2936 3018 # print " scansToPlot = ", scansToPlot
2937 3019 # print "scansToPlotPerSpw[%2d] = " % (ispw), scansToPlotPerSpw[ispw]
2938 3020 if (len(timerangeList) > 0 and
2939 3021 (sloppyMatch(uniqueTimes[mytime],timerangeListTimes,solutionTimeThresholdSeconds,
2940 3022 mytime, scansToPlot, scansForUniqueTimes, myprint=debugSloppyMatch)==False)): # task version
2982 3064 antennaString = 'Ant%2d: %s, ' % (xant,antstring)
2983 3065 if (overlayBasebands):
2984 3066 # Added on 7/29/2014 to fix infinite loop in uid___A002_X652932_X20fb bandpass
2985 3067 if (mytime == nUniqueTimes):
2986 3068 spwctr = len(spwsToPlot)
2987 3069 break
2988 3070 ispw = spwsToPlot[spwctr]
2989 3071 ispwInCalTable = list(uniqueSpwsInCalTable).index(ispw)
2990 3072 if (debug):
2991 3073 print("----------------------------- spwctr=%d, ispw set to %d, xctr=%d" % (spwctr,ispw,xctr))
2992 -
2993 - # This used to be above the previous if/else block
3074 + # endif overlaySpws or overlayBasebands
2994 3075 if (newpage==1):
2995 3076 # add the current page (being created here) to the list
3077 + if (debug):
3078 + print("pages = ", pages)
2996 3079 pages.append([xctr,spwctr,mytime,0])
2997 3080 if (debug):
2998 - print("top: appending [%d,%d,%d,%d]" % (xctr,spwctr,mytime,0))
3081 + print("next: appending [%d,%d,%d,%d]" % (xctr,spwctr,mytime,0))
2999 3082 newpage = 0
3083 + if (ispw not in uniqueSpwsInCalTable): ##### added 2024Aug
3084 + print("spw %d is not in caltable=%s" % (ispw,uniqueSpwsInCalTable)) ##### added 2024Aug
3085 + return ##### added 2024Aug
3086 + if tableFormat > 33: ##### added 2024Aug
3087 + if ispw not in list(scansToPlotPerSpw.keys()): ##### added 2024Aug
3088 + print("ispw=%d not in %s" % (ispw,scansToPlotPerSpw)) ##### added 2024Aug
3089 + break ##### added 2024Aug
3000 3090 gplotx = []
3001 3091 gploty = []
3002 3092 channels = []
3003 3093 xchannels = []
3004 3094 ychannels = []
3005 3095 frequencies = []
3006 3096 xfrequencies = []
3007 3097 yfrequencies = []
3008 3098 channels2 = []
3009 3099 xchannels2 = []
3026 3116 if (overlayTimes or overlayAntennas or len(fieldsToPlot)>1 or
3027 3117 (nFields>1 and len(fieldlist)<nFields)):
3028 3118 # When there are multiple fields, then matching by scan causes the first
3029 3119 # matching solution to be displayed every time. So use the original method
3030 3120 # of matching by time until I think of something better.
3031 3121 sm = sloppyMatch(uniqueTimes[mytime],times[i],solutionTimeThresholdSeconds,myprint=False)
3032 3122 else:
3033 3123 if (overlayBasebands):
3034 3124 sTP = scansToPlot
3035 3125 else:
3036 - sTP = scansToPlotPerSpw[ispw]
3126 + if tableFormat > 33: ### added 2024Aug
3127 + sTP = scansToPlotPerSpw[ispw] ### indented 2024Aug
3128 + else: ### added 2024Aug
3129 + sTP = [] ### added 2024Aug
3037 3130 sm = sloppyMatch(uniqueTimes[mytime],times[i],solutionTimeThresholdSeconds,
3038 3131 mytime, sTP, scansForUniqueTimes, myprint=False) # au version
3039 3132 if ((ant[i]==xant) and (cal_desc_id[i]==ispw) and sm
3040 3133 and (mytime in timerangeList) # this test was added to support multiFieldInTimeOverlay
3041 3134 ):
3042 3135 if (debug): print("len(chanFreqGHz)=%d, ispw=%d" % (len(chanFreqGHz),ispw))
3043 3136 if (msFound or tableFormat==34):
3044 3137 if (len(chanFreqGHz[ispw]) == 1):
3045 3138 if ((skippingSpwMessageSent & (1<<ispw)) == 0):
3046 3139 casalogPost(debug,"Skipping spw=%d because it has only 1 channel." % (ispw))
3079 3172 gplotx.append(ggx[i][j])
3080 3173 xchannels.append(j)
3081 3174 if (msFound or tableFormat==34):
3082 3175 xfrequencies.append(chanFreqGHz[ispw][j])
3083 3176 if (nPolarizations == 2):
3084 3177 if (showflagged or (showflagged == False and flags[i][1][j]==0)):
3085 3178 gploty.append(ggy[i][j])
3086 3179 ychannels.append(j)
3087 3180 if (msFound or tableFormat==34):
3088 3181 yfrequencies.append(chanFreqGHz[ispw][j])
3089 - # end 'for i'
3182 + # end 'for i' over rows
3183 +
3090 3184 # if (not matchFound and newpage==0 and firstTimeMatch==-1):
3091 3185 if (not matchFound and newpage==0):
3092 - if (subplot==11 or (subplot!=11 and firstSpwMatch==-1 and firstTimeMatch==-1)):
3186 + # the first test below is the first of two fixes for CAS-13568 (prevent crash)
3187 + if (len(pages) > 1) and (subplot==11 or (subplot!=11 and firstSpwMatch==-1 and firstTimeMatch==-1)):
3093 3188 # Fix for CAS-7753
3094 3189 # the firstTimeMatch part was needed for regression 65: different antennas having different solution times
3095 3190 newpage = 1
3191 + if debug: print("setting pages to length=%d" % (len(pages)-1))
3096 3192 pages = pages[:len(pages)-1]
3097 3193 myspw = originalSpw[ispw]
3194 + if myspw not in list(maxChannels.keys()):
3195 + maxChannels[myspw] = 0 # keep track to set x-axis label correctly
3196 + maxChannels2[myspw] = 0 # keep track to set x-axis label correctly
3197 +
3198 + if len(xchannels) > maxChannels[myspw]:
3199 + maxChannels[myspw] = len(xchannels) # keep track to set x-axis label correctly
3200 + if len(xchannels2) > maxChannels[myspw]:
3201 + maxChannels2[myspw] = len(xchannels2) # keep track to set x-axis label correctly
3098 3202 if (msFound):
3099 3203 if debug:
3204 + print("A) xchannels = ", xchannels)
3100 3205 print("myspw=%s" % (str(myspw)))
3101 3206 print("len(refFreq)=%d" % (len(refFreq)))
3102 3207 if (myspw >= len(refFreq)):
3103 3208 myspw = ispw
3104 3209 if (msFound and refFreq[myspw]*1e-9 > 60):
3105 - # Then this cannot be EVLA data. But I should really check the telescope name!
3210 + # Then this cannot be Band 1 or EVLA data. TODO: But I should really check the telescope name!
3106 3211 # if (refFreq[myspw]*1e-9 > np.mean(frequencies)):
3107 - if (refFreq[myspw]*1e-9 > np.mean(chanFreqGHz[ispw])): # this is safer (since frequencies might be [])
3212 + if (refFreq[myspw]*1e-9 > np.mean(chanFreqGHz[ispw])): # this is safer (since frequencies might be an empty list)
3108 3213 sideband = -1
3109 - xlabelString = "%s LSB Frequency (GHz)" % refTypeToString(measFreqRef[myspw])
3214 +# xlabelString = "%s LSB Frequency (GHz)" % refTypeToString(measFreqRef[myspw])
3215 + xlabelString = "%s LSB Frequency (GHz) (%d channels)" % (refTypeToString(measFreqRef[myspw]),maxChannels[myspw]) ### 2024Aug
3110 3216 else:
3111 3217 sideband = +1
3112 - xlabelString = "%s USB Frequency (GHz)" % refTypeToString(measFreqRef[myspw])
3218 +# xlabelString = "%s USB Frequency (GHz)" % refTypeToString(measFreqRef[myspw])
3219 + xlabelString = "%s USB Frequency (GHz) (%d channels)" % (refTypeToString(measFreqRef[myspw]),maxChannels[myspw]) ### 2024Aug
3113 3220 else:
3114 3221 sideband = -1
3115 - xlabelString = "Frequency (GHz)"
3222 +# xlabelString = "Frequency (GHz)"
3223 + xlabelString = "Frequency (GHz) (%d channels)" % (maxChannels[myspw]) ### 2024Aug
3116 3224 if ((len(frequencies)>0) and (chanrange[1] > len(frequencies))):
3117 3225 print("Invalid chanrange (%d-%d) for spw%d in caltable1. Valid range = 0-%d" % (chanrange[0],chanrange[1],ispw,len(frequencies)-1))
3118 3226 return()
3119 3227 pchannels = [xchannels,ychannels]
3120 3228 pfrequencies = [xfrequencies,yfrequencies]
3121 3229 gplot = [gplotx,gploty]
3122 3230 # We only need to compute the atmospheric transmission if:
3123 3231 # * we have been asked to show it,
3124 3232 # * there is a non-trivial number of channels,
3125 3233 # * the current field is the one for which we should calculate it (if times are being overlaied)
3212 3320 # difference between the requested Atm freq and actual Atm calcuation CAS-7715. No longer necessary after CAS-10228.
3213 3321 #chanDifference = atmfreq[0]-frequencies[0]
3214 3322 #chanImageDifference = atmfreqImage[0]-frequenciesImage[-1]
3215 3323 #print("signal SB difference = %f, image SB difference = %f" % (chanDifference, chanImageDifference))
3216 3324 if showtsys:
3217 3325 TebbSkyImage = TsysImage
3218 3326 atmfreqImage = list(2*LO1 - np.array(atmfreqImage)) # + 2*chanDifference + chanImageDifference) # CAS-7715 adds final 2 terms
3219 3327 atmchanImage.reverse()
3220 3328
3221 3329 if (overlayTimes):
3222 - atmString = 'PWV %.2fmm, airmass %.2f (field %d)' % (pwvmean,atmairmass,showatmfield)
3330 + atmString = 'PWV %.2fmm, airmass %.2f, maxAlt %.0fkm (field %d)' % (pwvmean,atmairmass,maxAltitude,showatmfield)
3223 3331 else:
3224 - atmString = 'PWV %.2fmm, airmass %.3f' % (pwvmean,atmairmass)
3332 + atmString = 'PWV %.2fmm, airmass %.3f, maxAlt %.0fkm' % (pwvmean,atmairmass,maxAltitude)
3225 3333 if (bOverlay):
3226 3334 for i in range(nRows2):
3227 3335 if (overlayTimes or overlayAntennas or len(fieldsToPlot)>1 or
3228 3336 (nFields>1 and len(fieldlist)<nFields)):
3229 3337 # Not having this path causes Tsys table overlays to behave like overlay='antenna,time'
3230 3338 # for caltable2.
3231 3339 sm = sloppyMatch(uniqueTimes2[mytime],times2[i],solutionTimeThresholdSeconds,myprint=False)
3232 3340 else:
3233 3341 if (mytime >= len(uniqueTimes2)):
3234 3342 # Fix for CAS-9474: avoid calling sloppyMatch because it will crash.
3235 3343 # Setting sm=False will result in an abort: "no amp data found in second solution."
3236 3344 sm = False
3237 3345 else:
3346 + if tableFormat >= 34: ### added 2024Aug
3347 + scansToPlotHere = scansToPlotPerSpw[ispw] ### added 2024Aug
3348 + else: ### added 2024Aug
3349 + scansToPlotHere = scansToPlot ### added 2024Aug
3238 3350 sm = sloppyMatch(uniqueTimes2[mytime],times2[i],solutionTimeThresholdSeconds,
3239 - mytime, scansToPlotPerSpw[ispw], scansForUniqueTimes, # au version
3351 + mytime, scansToPlotHere, scansForUniqueTimes, # au version ### modified 2024Aug
3240 3352 myprint=debugSloppyMatch)
3241 3353 if ((ant2[i]==xant) and (cal_desc_id2[i]==ispw) and sm
3242 3354 and (mytime in timerangeList) # added to match first caltable logic on 2014-04-09
3243 3355 ):
3244 3356 if (fields2[i] in fieldsToPlot):
3245 3357 xflag2.append(flags2[i][0][:])
3246 3358 yflag2.append(flags2[i][1][:])
3247 3359 # With solint='2ch' or more, the following loop should not be over
3248 3360 # chanFreqGHz2 but over the channels in the solution.
3249 3361 for j in range(len(chanFreqGHz2[ispw])):
3256 3368 xfrequencies2.append(chanFreqGHz2[ispw][j])
3257 3369 if (nPolarizations2 == 2):
3258 3370 if (showflagged or (showflagged == False and flags2[i][1][j]==0)):
3259 3371 gploty2.append(ggy2[i][j])
3260 3372 ychannels2.append(j)
3261 3373 yfrequencies2.append(chanFreqGHz2[ispw][j])
3262 3374 # end 'for i'
3263 3375 pchannels2 = [xchannels2,ychannels2]
3264 3376 pfrequencies2 = [xfrequencies2,yfrequencies2]
3265 3377 gplot2 = [gplotx2,gploty2]
3378 + # Need to rewrite the xlabel to show the total channel numbers from both caltables. Note that xaxis must be 'freq' for bOverlay
3379 + if (msFound and refFreq[myspw]*1e-9 > 60):
3380 + # Then this cannot be Band 1 or EVLA data. But I should really check the telescope name!
3381 + if (refFreq[myspw]*1e-9 > np.mean(chanFreqGHz2[ispw])): # this is safer (since frequencies might be [])
3382 + sideband = -1
3383 + xlabelString = "%s LSB Frequency (GHz) (%d, %d channels)" % (refTypeToString(measFreqRef[myspw]),maxChannels[myspw],maxChannels2[myspw])
3384 + else:
3385 + sideband = +1
3386 + xlabelString = "%s USB Frequency (GHz) (%d, %d channels)" % (refTypeToString(measFreqRef[myspw]),maxChannels[myspw],maxChannels2[myspw])
3387 + else:
3388 + sideband = -1
3389 + xlabelString = "Frequency (GHz) (%d, %d channels)" % (maxChannels[myspw],maxChannels2[myspw])
3390 + # endif bOverlay
3266 3391
3267 3392 if (matchFound==False):
3268 3393 if ((overlayAntennas==False and overlaySpws==False and overlayBasebands==False) or
3269 3394 (overlayAntennas and xctr+1 >= len(antennasToPlot)) or
3270 3395 ((overlaySpws or overlayBasebands) and spwctr+1 >= len(spwsToPlot))):
3271 3396 mytime += 1
3272 3397 if (debug):
3273 3398 print("a) xctr=%d, Incrementing mytime to %d" % (xctr, mytime))
3274 3399 if overlayAntennas and xctr+1 == len(antennasToPlot): # second fix for CAS-13568
3275 3400 DrawAntennaNamesForOverlayAntennas(xstartPolLabel, ystartPolLabel, polsToPlot, corr_type, channeldiff, ystartMadLabel, subplotRows, gamp_mad, gamp_std, overlayColors, mysize, ampmarkstyle, markersize, markeredgewidth, msAnt, msFound, antennasToPlot, ampmarkstyle2, xframe, firstFrame, caltableTitle, titlesize, debug=debug)
3297 3422 drewAtmosphere = True
3298 3423
3299 3424 continue
3300 3425 # The following variable allows color legend of UT times to match line plot
3301 3426 myUniqueTime = []
3302 3427 if (True): # multiFieldsWithOverlayTime):
3303 3428 # support multi-fields with overlay='time'
3304 3429 uTPFPS = []
3305 3430 for f in fieldIndicesToPlot:
3306 3431 for t in uniqueTimesPerFieldPerSpw[ispwInCalTable][f]:
3432 + if tableFormat >= 34: ### added 2024Aug
3433 + scansToPlotHere = scansToPlotPerSpw[ispw] ### added 2024Aug
3434 + else: ### added 2024Aug
3435 + scansToPlotHere = scansToPlot ### added 2024Aug
3307 3436 if (sloppyMatch(t, timerangeListTimes, solutionTimeThresholdSeconds,
3308 - mytime, scansToPlotPerSpw[ispw], scansForUniqueTimes, # au version
3309 -# mytime, scansToPlot, scansForUniqueTimes, # task version
3437 + mytime, scansToPlotHere, scansForUniqueTimes, # au version ### modified 2024Aug
3310 3438 myprint=debugSloppyMatch
3311 3439 )):
3312 3440 uTPFPS.append(t)
3313 3441 uTPFPS = np.sort(uTPFPS)
3314 3442 ctr = 0
3315 3443 for t in uTPFPS:
3316 3444 if (debug and False):
3317 3445 print("1)checking time %d" % (t))
3318 3446 if (overlayTimes or overlayAntennas):
3319 3447 sm = sloppyMatch(uniqueTimes[mytime],times[i],solutionTimeThresholdSeconds,myprint=False)
3320 3448 else:
3449 + if tableFormat >= 34: ### added 2024Aug
3450 + scansToPlotHere = scansToPlotPerSpw[ispw] ### added 2024Aug
3451 + else: ### added 2024Aug
3452 + scansToPlotHere = scansToPlot ### added 2024Aug
3321 3453 sm = sloppyMatch(t, uniqueTimes[mytime], solutionTimeThresholdSeconds,
3322 -# mytime, scansToPlot, scansForUniqueTimes, # task version
3323 - mytime, scansToPlotPerSpw[ispw], scansForUniqueTimes, # au version
3454 + mytime, scansToPlotHere, scansForUniqueTimes, # au version ### modified 2024Aug
3324 3455 myprint=debugSloppyMatch
3325 3456 )
3326 3457 if (sm):
3327 3458 if (debug):
3328 3459 print("1)setting myUniqueTime to %d" % (mytime))
3329 3460 myUniqueTime = mytime
3330 3461 ctr += 1
3331 3462 if (ctr > len(fieldIndicesToPlot) and bOverlay==False):
3332 3463 if (debug): print("multi-field time overlay *************** why are there 2 matches?")
3333 3464 # # # # if (ctr == 0):
3380 3511 finalTimerangeFlagged = True # 04-Aug-2014
3381 3512 if (debug):
3382 3513 print("###### set doneOverlayTime = %s" % (str(doneOverlayTime)))
3383 3514
3384 3515 # draw labels
3385 3516 # try adding the following 'if' statement on Jun 18, 2013; it works.
3386 3517 # if (drewAtmosphere==False or overlayAntennas==False):
3387 3518 # Add the 'and not' case to prevent extra atm/fdms shown if one spw's solutions are all flagged
3388 3519 if (drewAtmosphere==False or (not overlayAntennas and not allTimesFlaggedOnThisSpw)):
3389 3520 if (debug): print("drawOverlayTimeLegends loc 1")
3390 - drawOverlayTimeLegends(xframe,firstFrame,xstartTitle,ystartTitle,
3391 - caltable,titlesize,fieldIndicesToPlot,
3392 - ispwInCalTable,uniqueTimesPerFieldPerSpw,
3521 + drawOverlayTimeLegends(xframe, firstFrame, xstartTitle, ystartTitle,
3522 + caltable, titlesize, fieldIndicesToPlot,
3523 + ispwInCalTable, uniqueTimesPerFieldPerSpw,
3393 3524 timerangeListTimes,
3394 3525 solutionTimeThresholdSeconds,
3395 3526 debugSloppyMatch,
3396 - ystartOverlayLegend,debug,mysize,
3397 - fieldsToPlot,myUniqueColor,
3398 - timeHorizontalSpacing,fieldIndex,
3527 + ystartOverlayLegend, debug, mysize,
3528 + fieldsToPlot, myUniqueColor,
3529 + timeHorizontalSpacing, fieldIndex,
3399 3530 overlayColors,
3400 3531 antennaVerticalSpacing, overlayAntennas,
3401 3532 timerangeList, caltableTitle, mytime,
3402 -# scansToPlot, scansForUniqueTimes) # task version
3403 - scansToPlotPerSpw[ispw], scansForUniqueTimes) # au version
3533 + scansToPlotPerSpw[ispw], scansForUniqueTimes,
3534 + uniqueSpwsInCalTable, uniqueTimes)
3404 3535 if not LO1 and type(lo1s) == dict: # Fix for SCOPS-4877
3405 3536 LO1 = lo1s[myspw] # Fix for SCOPS-4877
3406 3537 # CAS-8655
3407 3538 newylimits = drawAtmosphereAndFDM(showatm,showtsky,atmString,subplotRows,mysize,
3408 3539 TebbSky,TebbSkyImage,plotrange, xaxis,atmchan,
3409 3540 atmfreq,transmission,subplotCols,showatmPoints,
3410 3541 xframe, channels,LO1,atmchanImage,atmfreqImage,
3411 3542 transmissionImage, firstFrame,showfdm,nChannels,
3412 3543 tableFormat,originalSpw_casa33,
3413 3544 chanFreqGHz_casa33,originalSpw,chanFreqGHz,
3488 3619 if (firstTimeMatch == -1):
3489 3620 firstTimeMatch = mytime
3490 3621 if (debug):
3491 3622 print("Setting firstTimeMatch from -1 to %s" % (str(firstTimeMatch)))
3492 3623 # The following was needed to support overlay='antenna,time' for showatm for QA2 report (CAS-7820)
3493 3624 if (finalTimeMatch == -1 or finalTimeMatch < mytime):
3494 3625 if (debug):
3495 3626 print("@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Setting finalTimeMatch from %d to %d" % (finalTimeMatch, mytime))
3496 3627 finalTimeMatch = mytime
3497 3628
3498 -################### Here is the amplitude plotting ############ stopping here Sep 4, 2013
3629 +################### Here is the amplitude plotting ############
3499 3630 if (yaxis.find('amp')>=0 or yaxis.find('both')>=0 or yaxis.find('ap')>=0) and doneOverlayTime==False:
3500 3631 if (overlayBasebands and amplitudeWithPhase): # CAS-6477
3501 3632 if (float(xframe/10) != xframe*0.1 and alreadyPlottedAmp):
3502 3633 xframe -= 2
3503 3634
3504 3635 if (debug):
3505 3636 print("amp: xctr=%d, xant=%d, myap=%d, mytime=%d(%s), firstTimeMatch=%d, bOverlay=" % (xctr, xant, myap, mytime, utstring(uniqueTimes[mytime],3), firstTimeMatch), bOverlay)
3506 3637 if (myap==1):
3507 3638 if (overlayTimes == False or mytime==firstTimeMatch):
3508 3639 if ((overlaySpws == False and overlayBasebands==False) or spwctr==spwctrFirstToPlot or spwctr>len(spwsToPlot)):
3706 3837 markerfacecolor=overlayColors[xctr],markeredgewidth=markeredgewidth)
3707 3838 newylimits = recalcYlimits(plotrange,newylimits,gamp[p])
3708 3839 if (overlayAntennas and overlayTimes==False):
3709 3840 pb.setp(pdesc, color=overlayColors[xctr])
3710 3841 elif (overlayTimes and overlayAntennas==False):
3711 3842 pb.setp(pdesc, color=overlayColors[mytime])
3712 3843 elif (overlayTimes and overlayAntennas): # try to support time,antenna
3713 3844 if (debug):
3714 3845 print("p=%d, len(fieldsToPlot)=%d, len(timerangeList)=%d" % (p,len(fieldsToPlot),len(timerangeList)))
3715 3846 if (len(fieldsToPlot) > 1 or len(timerangeList)>1):
3716 -# pb.setp(pdesc, color=overlayColors[myUniqueTime])
3717 -# # # # print("pb.setp: myUniqueTime, overlayColors = ", myUniqueTime, overlayColors[myUniqueTime])
3718 3847 # The third 'or' below is needed if pol='0' is flagged on antenna 0. -- 2012/10/12
3719 3848 if (p==0 or len(polsToPlot)==1 or myUniqueColor==[]):
3720 3849 myUniqueColor.append(overlayColors[len(myUniqueColor)])
3721 3850 pb.setp(pdesc, color=myUniqueColor[-1])
3722 3851 else:
3723 3852 if (corr_type_string[p] in polsToPlot):
3724 3853 # # # # print("pcolor[%d]=%s" % (p,pcolor))
3725 3854 pb.plot(pchannels[p],gamp[p],'%s%s'%(pcolor[p],ampmarkstyle), markersize=markersize,markeredgewidth=markeredgewidth)
3726 3855 newylimits = recalcYlimits(plotrange,newylimits,gamp[p])
3727 3856 if (sum(xflag)>0):
3728 3857 myxrange = np.max(channels)-np.min(channels)
3729 3858 SetNewXLimits([np.min(channels)-myxrange/20, np.max(channels)+myxrange/20],1)
3730 3859 # # # # print("amp: Resetting xaxis channel range to counteract flagged data")
3731 3860 if (xframe in bottomRowFrames or (xctr+1==len(antennasToPlot) and ispw==spwsToPlot[-1])):
3732 - pb.xlabel("Channel", size=mysize)
3861 + pb.xlabel("Channels (%d)" % (len(pchannels[p])), size=mysize) ### changed 2024Aug24
3733 3862 elif (xaxis.find('freq')>=0): # amp
3734 3863 if (bOverlay):
3735 3864 myxrange = np.abs(xfrequencies[0]-xfrequencies[-1])
3736 3865 try:
3737 3866 xrange2 = np.abs(xfrequencies2[0]-xfrequencies2[-1])
3738 3867 except:
3739 3868 print("No amp data found in second solution. Try increasing the solutionTimeThresholdSeconds above %.0f." % (solutionTimeThresholdSeconds))
3740 3869 print("If this doesn't work, email the developer (%s)." % (developerEmail))
3741 3870 return()
3742 3871
3760 3889 pb.plot(pfrequencies2[p], gamp2[p], '%s%s'%(p2color[p],ampmarkstyle), linewidth=width2, markersize=markersize,markeredgewidth=markeredgewidth)
3761 3890 newylimits = recalcYlimitsFreq(chanrange, newylimits, gamp2[p], sideband,plotrange,xchannels2,chanrangePercent=chanrangePercent)
3762 3891 for p in range(nPolarizations):
3763 3892 if (corrTypeToString(corr_type[p]) in polsToPlot):
3764 3893 pb.plot(pfrequencies[p], gamp[p], '%s%s'%(pcolor[p],ampmarkstyle), linewidth=width1, markersize=markersize,markeredgewidth=markeredgewidth)
3765 3894 newylimits = recalcYlimitsFreq(chanrange, newylimits, gamp[p], sideband,plotrange,xchannels,chanrangePercent=chanrangePercent)
3766 3895 else:
3767 3896 width1 = 1
3768 3897 width2 = 2 # Just enough to distinguish one line from the other.
3769 3898 # solutions may be different level of smoothing, so plot highest rms first
3770 - if (MAD(gamp[0]) < MAD(gamp2[0])):
3899 + if madOfDiff(gamp[0]) < madOfDiff(gamp2[0]): # and firstPlot != 1): # only au version has this parameter
3900 +# if (MAD(gamp[0]) < MAD(gamp2[0])):
3771 3901 for p in range(nPolarizations):
3772 3902 if (corrTypeToString(corr_type[p]) in polsToPlot):
3773 3903 pb.plot(pfrequencies2[p], gamp2[p], '%s%s'%(p2color[p],ampmarkstyle), linewidth=width1, markersize=markersize,markeredgewidth=markeredgewidth)
3774 3904 newylimits = recalcYlimitsFreq(chanrange, newylimits, gamp2[p], sideband,plotrange,xchannels2,chanrangePercent=chanrangePercent)
3775 3905 for p in range(nPolarizations):
3776 3906 if (corrTypeToString(corr_type[p]) in polsToPlot):
3777 3907 pb.plot(pfrequencies[p], gamp[p], '%s%s'%(pcolor[p],ampmarkstyle), linewidth=width2, markersize=markersize,markeredgewidth=markeredgewidth)
3778 3908 newylimits = recalcYlimitsFreq(chanrange, newylimits, gamp[p], sideband,plotrange,xchannels,chanrangePercent=chanrangePercent)
3779 3909 else:
3910 + # plot first solution first
3780 3911 for p in range(nPolarizations):
3781 3912 if (corrTypeToString(corr_type[p]) in polsToPlot):
3782 3913 pb.plot(pfrequencies[p], gamp[p], '%s%s'%(pcolor[p],ampmarkstyle), linewidth=width2, markersize=markersize,markeredgewidth=markeredgewidth)
3783 3914 newylimits = recalcYlimitsFreq(chanrange, newylimits, gamp[p], sideband,plotrange,xchannels,chanrangePercent=chanrangePercent)
3784 3915 for p in range(nPolarizations):
3785 3916 if (corrTypeToString(corr_type[p]) in polsToPlot):
3786 3917 pb.plot(pfrequencies2[p], gamp2[p], '%s%s'%(p2color[p],ampmarkstyle), linewidth=width1, markersize=markersize,markeredgewidth=markeredgewidth)
3787 3918 newylimits = recalcYlimitsFreq(chanrange, newylimits, gamp2[p], sideband,plotrange,xchannels2,chanrangePercent=chanrangePercent)
3788 3919 # must set new limits after plotting 'amp'
3789 3920 if (zoom=='intersect'):
3803 3934 SetLimits(plotrange, chanrange, newylimits, channels, frequencies,
3804 3935 pfrequencies, ampMin, ampMax, xaxis, pxl, chanrangeSetXrange,
3805 3936 chanrangePercent)
3806 3937 else:
3807 3938 SetLimits(plotrange, chanrange, newylimits, channels, frequencies2,
3808 3939 pfrequencies2, ampMin, ampMax, xaxis, pxl, chanrangeSetXrange,
3809 3940 chanrangePercent)
3810 3941 # draw polarization and spw labels
3811 3942 if (xframe == firstFrame):
3812 3943 # draw title including caltable name
3813 - caltableList = 'c1 = ' + caltable + ', c2 = ' + caltable2 # + ' (%s)'%(utstring(uniqueTimes2[mytime],3))
3944 + caltableList = 'c1=' + caltable + ', c2=' + caltable2 # + ' (%s)'%(utstring(uniqueTimes2[mytime],3))
3814 3945 pb.text(xstartTitle, ystartTitle, caltableList, size=titlesize,
3815 3946 color='k', transform=pb.gcf().transFigure)
3816 3947 elif (bpolyOverlay):
3817 3948 if (debug):
3818 3949 print("in bpolyOverlay **********************************")
3819 3950 matches1 = []
3951 + if tableFormat >= 34: ### added 2024Aug
3952 + scansToPlotHere = scansToPlotPerSpw[ispw] ### added 2024Aug
3953 + else: ### added 2024Aug
3954 + scansToPlotHere = scansToPlot ### added 2024Aug
3820 3955 for tbp in range(len(timesBP)):
3821 3956 if (sloppyMatch(uniqueTimes[mytime], timesBP[tbp], solutionTimeThresholdSeconds,
3822 - mytime, scansToPlotPerSpw[ispw], scansForUniqueTimes, # au version
3823 -# mytime, scansToPlot, scansForUniqueTimes, # task version
3957 + mytime, scansToPlotHere, scansForUniqueTimes, # au version ### modified 2024Aug
3824 3958 myprint=debugSloppyMatch
3825 3959 )):
3826 3960 matches1.append(tbp)
3827 3961 matches1 = np.array(matches1)
3828 3962 if (len(matches1) < 1):
3829 3963 print("No time match found between %.1f and %s" % (uniqueTimes[mytime], str(timesBP)))
3830 3964 print("If you are sure the solutions correspond to the same data, you can set solutionTimeThresholdSeconds>=%.0f" % (1+np.ceil(np.abs(timesBP[0]-uniqueTimes[mytime]))))
3831 3965 return()
3832 3966 matches2 = np.where(xant == np.array(antennasBP))[0]
3833 3967 if (len(matches2) < 1):
3985 4119 pb.setp(pdesc, color=overlayColors[mytime])
3986 4120 elif (overlayTimes and overlayAntennas): # try to support antenna,time
3987 4121 if (myUniqueTime != []):
3988 4122 pb.setp(pdesc, color=overlayColors[myUniqueTime])
3989 4123 # The third 'or' below is needed if pol='0' is flagged on antenna 0. -- 2012/10/12 (original spot)
3990 4124 if (p==0 or len(polsToPlot)==1 or myUniqueColor==[]):
3991 4125 myUniqueColor.append(overlayColors[len(myUniqueColor)])
3992 4126 if (debug):
3993 4127 print("myUniqueColor = %s" % (str(myUniqueColor)))
3994 4128 pb.setp(pdesc, color=myUniqueColor[-1])
3995 - else:
4129 + elif (overlaySpws): # this elif block was missing prior to 2024Aug28
4130 + mycolor = [xcolor,ycolor][p]
4131 + linewidth = 1
4132 + pdesc = pb.plot(pfrequencies[p], gamp[p], '%s'%(ampmarkstyles[0]), lw=linewidth, color=mycolor,
4133 + markersize=markersize,markeredgewidth=markeredgewidth)
4134 + newylimits = recalcYlimitsFreq(chanrange, newylimits, gamp[p], sideband,
4135 + plotrange,xchannels,debug,-18,chanrangePercent)
4136 + else: # show unflagged solutions, no overlay
3996 4137 if (corrTypeToString(corr_type[p]) in polsToPlot):
3997 4138 # since there is no overlay, don't use dashed line, so zero ------v
3998 - pb.plot(pfrequencies[p], gamp[p], '%s%s'%(pcolor[p],ampmarkstyles[0]),markersize=markersize,markeredgewidth=markeredgewidth)
4139 + pdesc = pb.plot(pfrequencies[p], gamp[p], '%s%s'%(pcolor[p],ampmarkstyles[0]),markersize=markersize,markeredgewidth=markeredgewidth)
3999 4140 newylimits = recalcYlimitsFreq(chanrange, newylimits, gamp[p], sideband,plotrange,xchannels,chanrangePercent=chanrangePercent)
4000 4141 # print("newylimits for amp = ", newylimits)
4001 4142 # if (debug): print("finished 'for' loop")
4002 4143 if (sum(xflag)>0):
4003 4144 # print("amp: Resetting xaxis frequency range to counteract flagged data")
4004 4145 myxrange = np.max(frequencies)-np.min(frequencies)
4005 4146 SetNewXLimits([np.min(frequencies)-0.15*myxrange, np.max(frequencies)+0.15*myxrange],4)
4006 4147
4007 4148 if (1==1 or (xframe in bottomRowFrames) or (xctr+1==len(antennasToPlot) and ispw==spwsToPlot[-1])):
4008 4149 # use 1==1 because spw might change between top row and bottom row of frames
4060 4201 xlim = pb.xlim()
4061 4202 ylim = pb.ylim()
4062 4203 ResizeFontsSetGrid(adesc,mysize)
4063 4204 pb.ylabel(yAmplitudeLabel, size=mysize)
4064 4205 pb.subplots_adjust(hspace=myhspace, wspace=mywspace)
4065 4206 myxrange = xlim[1]-xlim[0]
4066 4207 yrange = ylim[1]-ylim[0]
4067 4208 if (debug): print(("amp: ylim, yrange = ", ylim, yrange))
4068 4209 if (overlayAntennas == False and overlayTimes == False and bOverlay == False and
4069 4210 ((overlaySpws == False and overlayBasebands == False) or spwctr==spwctrFirstToPlot)):
4070 - # draw polarization labels for no overlay
4211 + # draw polarization labels for no overlay, or overlaySpws/overlayBasebands
4071 4212 x0 = xstartPolLabel
4072 4213 y0 = ystartPolLabel
4073 4214 for p in range(nPolarizations):
4074 4215 if (corrTypeToString(corr_type[p]) in polsToPlot):
4075 - pb.text(x0, y0-subplotRows*p*0.03, corrTypeToString(corr_type[p]),
4076 - color=pcolor[p],size=mysize, transform=pb.gca().transAxes)
4077 - if (channeldiff > 0):
4078 - pb.text(x0, ystartMadLabel-0.03*subplotRows*p,
4079 - corrTypeToString(corr_type[p])+' MAD = %.4f, St.Dev = %.4f'%(gamp_mad[p]['mad'],gamp_std[p]['std']),
4080 - color=pcolor[p],size=mysize, transform=pb.gca().transAxes)
4216 + if spwctr==spwctrFirstToPlot or (not overlaySpws and not overlayBasebands):
4217 + # no need to plot it more than once in the same position
4218 + pb.text(x0, y0-subplotRows*p*0.03, corrTypeToString(corr_type[p]),
4219 + color=pcolor[p],size=mysize, transform=pb.gca().transAxes)
4220 + if (channeldiff > 0):
4221 + pb.text(x0, ystartMadLabel-0.03*subplotRows*p,
4222 + corrTypeToString(corr_type[p])+' MAD = %.4f, St.Dev = %.4f'%(gamp_mad[p]['mad'],gamp_std[p]['std']),
4223 + color=pcolor[p],size=mysize, transform=pb.gca().transAxes)
4081 4224 if (xframe == firstFrame):
4082 4225 # draw title including caltable name
4083 4226 caltableList = caltableTitle
4084 4227 if (bpolyOverlay):
4085 4228 caltableList += ', ' + caltable2 + ' (degamp=%d, degphase=%d)'%(nPolyAmp[index]-1,nPolyPhase[index]-1)
4086 4229 if (bpolyOverlay2):
4087 4230 caltableList += ', ' + caltable3 + ' (degamp=%d, degphase=%d)'%(nPolyAmp2[index]-1,nPolyPhase2[index]-1)
4088 4231 pb.text(xstartTitle, ystartTitle, caltableList, size=titlesize,
4089 4232 color='k', transform=pb.gcf().transFigure)
4090 4233
4091 4234 elif (overlayAntennas==True and xant==antennasToPlot[-1] and bOverlay == False # ):
4092 - and overlayTimes==False): # try to support antenna,time avoid antenna labels 'phase'
4093 - # We do this last, because by then, the limits will be stable.
4094 - if (debug): print("overlayAntennas=True")
4095 - x0 = xstartPolLabel
4096 - y0 = ystartPolLabel
4097 - # draw polarization labels
4098 - if (debug): print("1) overlayAntennas=True")
4099 - if (corrTypeToString(corr_type[0]) in polsToPlot):
4100 - if (channeldiff > 0):
4101 - pb.text(x0, ystartMadLabel-0.03*subplotRows*0,
4102 - corrTypeToString(corr_type[0])+' MAD = %.4f, St.Dev = %.4f'%(gamp_mad[0]['mad'],gamp_std[0]['std']),
4103 - color=overlayColors[0],size=mysize, transform=pb.gca().transAxes)
4104 - if (ampmarkstyle.find('-')>=0):
4105 - pb.text(x0, y0, corrTypeToString(corr_type[0])+' solid', color=overlayColors[0],size=mysize,
4106 - transform=pb.gca().transAxes)
4107 - else:
4108 - pb.text(x0+0.02, y0, corrTypeToString(corr_type[0]), color=overlayColors[0],size=mysize,
4109 - transform=pb.gca().transAxes)
4110 - pdesc = pb.plot([x0-0.01], [y0], '%sk'%ampmarkstyle, markersize=markersize,
4111 - scalex=False,scaley=False, transform=pb.gca().transAxes,markeredgewidth=markeredgewidth)
4112 - if (debug): print("2) overlayAntennas=True")
4113 - if (len(corr_type) > 1):
4114 - if (corrTypeToString(corr_type[1]) in polsToPlot):
4115 - if (channeldiff > 0):
4116 - pb.text(x0, ystartMadLabel-0.03*subplotRows*1,
4117 - corrTypeToString(corr_type[1])+' MAD = %.4f, St.Dev = %.4f'%(gamp_mad[1]['mad'],gamp_std[1]['std']),
4118 - color=overlayColors[0],size=mysize, transform=pb.gca().transAxes)
4119 - if (ampmarkstyle2.find('--')>=0):
4120 - pb.text(x0, y0-0.03*subplotRows, corrTypeToString(corr_type[1])+' dashed',
4121 - color=overlayColors[0],size=mysize, transform=pb.gca().transAxes)
4122 - else:
4123 - pb.text(x0+0.02, y0-0.03*subplotRows, corrTypeToString(corr_type[1]),
4124 - color=overlayColors[0],size=mysize, transform=pb.gca().transAxes)
4125 - pdesc = pb.plot([x0-0.01], [y0-0.03*subplotRows], '%sk'%ampmarkstyle2,
4126 - markersize=markersize, scalex=False,scaley=False,markeredgewidth=markeredgewidth)
4127 - if (debug): print("3) overlayAntennas=True")
4128 - if (xframe == firstFrame):
4129 - # draw title including caltable name
4130 - if (debug): print("4) overlayAntennas=True")
4131 - pb.text(xstartTitle, ystartTitle, caltableTitle, size=titlesize, color='k',
4132 - transform=pb.gcf().transFigure)
4133 - if (debug): print("5) overlayAntennas=True")
4134 - DrawAntennaNames(msAnt, antennasToPlot, msFound, mysize, overlayColors)
4135 - if (debug): print("6) overlayAntennas=True")
4235 + and overlayTimes==False): # try to support antenna,time avoid antenna labels 'amp'
4236 + # We do this last, because by then, the limits will be stable.
4237 + if (debug): print("overlayAntennas=True")
4238 + DrawAntennaNamesForOverlayAntennas(xstartPolLabel, ystartPolLabel, polsToPlot, corr_type, channeldiff, ystartMadLabel, subplotRows, gamp_mad, gamp_std, overlayColors, mysize, ampmarkstyle, markersize, markeredgewidth, msAnt, msFound, antennasToPlot, ampmarkstyle2, xframe, firstFrame, caltableTitle, titlesize)
4136 4239 elif (overlayTimes==True and bOverlay == False
4137 4240 and overlayAntennas==False): # try to support antenna,time
4138 4241 doneOverlayTime = True # assumed until proven otherwise in the 'for' loop
4139 4242 for f in fieldIndicesToPlot:
4140 4243 if (len(uniqueTimesPerFieldPerSpw[ispwInCalTable][f]) > 0):
4244 + # this spw/field combination had some entries plotted
4141 4245 if ((uniqueTimes[mytime] < uniqueTimesPerFieldPerSpw[ispwInCalTable][f][-1]-solutionTimeThresholdSeconds) and
4142 - scansForUniqueTimes[mytime] != scansForUniqueTimes[-1] and # fix for CAS-14096
4143 4246 (uniqueTimes[mytime] < timerangeListTimes[-1])):
4144 - if (debug):
4145 - print("-----------Not done because %.0f < %.0f-%d for fieldIndex=%d and <%.0f" % (uniqueTimes[mytime], uniqueTimesPerFieldPerSpw[ispwInCalTable][f][-1], solutionTimeThresholdSeconds, f, timerangeListTimes[-1]))
4146 - print("-----------ispwInCalTable=%d, mytime=%d, len(uniqueTimes) = %d" % (ispwInCalTable, mytime, len(uniqueTimes)))
4147 - doneOverlayTime = False
4247 + if tableFormat >= 34: #### added 2024Aug
4248 + if scansForUniqueTimes[mytime] not in [scansForUniqueTimes[-1],scansToPlot[-1]] and mytime != timerangeList[-1]: # fix for CAS-14096: if we are on the final time then we are done; and add support for specifying a limited set of timeranges via the timeranges parameter ### added 2024Aug
4249 + if (debug):
4250 + print("-----------Not done because %.0f < %.0f-%d for fieldIndex=%d and <%.0f and scan%d not in scan[%d,%d] and t%d != t%d" % (uniqueTimes[mytime], uniqueTimesPerFieldPerSpw[ispwInCalTable][f][-1], solutionTimeThresholdSeconds, f, timerangeListTimes[-1],scansForUniqueTimes[mytime],scansForUniqueTimes[-1],scansToPlot[-1],mytime,timerangeList[-1]))
4251 + print("-----------ispwInCalTable=%d, mytime=%d, len(uniqueTimes) = %d" % (ispwInCalTable, mytime, len(uniqueTimes)))
4252 + doneOverlayTime = False
4253 + else: #### added 2024Aug
4254 + doneOverlayTime = False #### added 2024Aug
4148 4255 if (debug):
4149 - print("------doneOverlayTime = %s" % (str(doneOverlayTime)))
4256 + print("------doneOverlayTime = %s on mytime %d" % (str(doneOverlayTime),mytime))
4150 4257 if (doneOverlayTime):
4151 4258 # either it is the last time of any times in solution, or the last time in the list of times to plot
4152 4259 if (debug):
4153 4260 print("*** on last time = %d for last fieldIndex %d or %d>=%d" % (mytime,fieldIndex,mytime,timerangeList[-1]))
4154 4261 mytime = nUniqueTimes-1
4155 4262 # We do this last, because by then, the limits will be broad enought and stable.
4156 4263 # draw polarization labels
4157 4264 DrawPolarizationLabelsForOverlayTime(xstartPolLabel,ystartPolLabel,corr_type,polsToPlot,
4158 4265 channeldiff,ystartMadLabel,subplotRows,gamp_mad,mysize,
4159 4266 ampmarkstyle,markersize,ampmarkstyle2, gamp_std)
4160 4267 if (xframe == firstFrame):
4161 4268 # draw title including caltable name
4162 4269 pb.text(xstartTitle, ystartTitle, caltableTitle, size=titlesize,
4163 4270 color='k', transform=pb.gcf().transFigure)
4271 + if tableFormat >= 34: ### added 2024Aug
4272 + scansToPlotHere = scansToPlotPerSpw[ispw] ### added 2024Aug
4273 + else: ### added 2024Aug
4274 + scansToPlotHere = scansToPlot ### added 2024Aug
4164 4275 if (debug): print("drawOverlayTimeLegends loc 2")
4165 - drawOverlayTimeLegends(xframe,firstFrame,xstartTitle,ystartTitle,
4166 - caltable,titlesize,fieldIndicesToPlot,
4167 - ispwInCalTable,uniqueTimesPerFieldPerSpw,
4276 + drawOverlayTimeLegends(xframe, firstFrame, xstartTitle, ystartTitle,
4277 + caltable, titlesize, fieldIndicesToPlot,
4278 + ispwInCalTable, uniqueTimesPerFieldPerSpw,
4168 4279 timerangeListTimes, solutionTimeThresholdSeconds,
4169 - debugSloppyMatch,ystartOverlayLegend,debug,mysize,
4170 - fieldsToPlot,myUniqueColor,timeHorizontalSpacing,
4280 + debugSloppyMatch, ystartOverlayLegend, debug, mysize,
4281 + fieldsToPlot, myUniqueColor,timeHorizontalSpacing,
4171 4282 fieldIndex, overlayColors, antennaVerticalSpacing,
4172 4283 overlayAntennas, timerangeList, caltableTitle,
4173 - mytime, scansToPlotPerSpw[ispw], scansForUniqueTimes)
4174 -# mytime, scansToPlot, scansForUniqueTimes) # task version
4175 - if (debug): print("done drawOverlayTimeLegends loc 2")
4284 + mytime, scansToPlotHere, scansForUniqueTimes,
4285 + uniqueSpwsInCalTable, uniqueTimes) ### modified 2024Aug
4176 4286 elif (overlayAntennas and overlayTimes): # Oct 23, 2012
4177 4287 # This will only happen for overlay='antenna,time'
4178 4288 if (xframe == firstFrame and mytime == firstTimeMatch and xctr==firstUnflaggedAntennaToPlot and bOverlay==False): # bug fix on 2015-08-19 for CAS-7820
4179 4289 # draw title including caltable name
4180 4290 pb.text(xstartTitle, ystartTitle, caltableTitle, size=titlesize, color='k',
4181 4291 transform=pb.gcf().transFigure)
4182 4292 DrawBottomLegendPageCoords(msName, uniqueTimes[mytime], mysize, figfile)
4183 4293 # Adding the following 'for' loop on Mar 13, 2013 to support the case of
4184 4294 # single time range with overlay='antenna,time'
4185 4295 if (xant==antennasToPlot[-1]):
4186 4296 doneOverlayTime = True # assumed until proven otherwise in the 'for' loop
4187 4297 for f in fieldIndicesToPlot:
4188 4298 if (len(uniqueTimesPerFieldPerSpw[ispwInCalTable][f]) > 0):
4189 4299 if ((uniqueTimes[mytime] < uniqueTimesPerFieldPerSpw[ispwInCalTable][f][-1]-solutionTimeThresholdSeconds) and
4190 4300 (uniqueTimes[mytime] < timerangeListTimes[-1])):
4191 - if (debug):
4301 + if tableFormat >= 34: #### added 2024Aug
4302 +# if (scansForUniqueTimes[mytime] != scansForUniqueTimes[-1]) #### added 2024Aug (fix for CAS-14096): if we are on the final time then we are done
4303 + if scansForUniqueTimes[mytime] != scansForUniqueTimes[-1] and mytime != timerangeList[-1]: # fix for CAS-14096: if we are on the final time then we are done; and add support for specifying a limited set of timeranges via the timeranges parameter ### added 2024Aug
4304 + if (debug):
4192 4305 print("-----------Not done because %.0f < %.0f-%d for fieldIndex=%d and <%.0f" % (uniqueTimes[mytime], uniqueTimesPerFieldPerSpw[ispwInCalTable][f][-1], solutionTimeThresholdSeconds, f, timerangeListTimes[-1]))
4193 4306 print("-----------ispwInCalTable=%d, mytime=%d, len(uniqueTimes) = %d" % (ispwInCalTable, mytime, len(uniqueTimes)))
4194 - doneOverlayTime = False
4307 + doneOverlayTime = False
4308 + else: #### added 2024Aug
4309 + doneOverlayTime = False #### added 2024Aug
4195 4310 if (doneOverlayTime):
4196 4311 # This is necessary for the case that no antennas were flagged for the single timerange selected
4197 4312 if (debug): print("drawOverlayTimeLegends loc 3")
4198 4313 drawOverlayTimeLegends(xframe,firstFrame,xstartTitle,ystartTitle,caltable,titlesize,
4199 4314 fieldIndicesToPlot,ispwInCalTable,uniqueTimesPerFieldPerSpw,
4200 4315 timerangeListTimes, solutionTimeThresholdSeconds,
4201 4316 debugSloppyMatch,ystartOverlayLegend,debug,mysize,
4202 4317 fieldsToPlot,myUniqueColor,timeHorizontalSpacing,
4203 4318 fieldIndex, overlayColors, antennaVerticalSpacing,
4204 4319 overlayAntennas, timerangeList, caltableTitle,
4205 - mytime, scansToPlotPerSpw[ispw], scansForUniqueTimes)
4206 -# mytime, scansToPlot, scansForUniqueTimes) # task version
4320 + mytime, scansToPlotPerSpw[ispw], scansForUniqueTimes,
4321 + uniqueSpwsInCalTable, uniqueTimes)
4207 4322
4323 + # endif / elif / elif / elif
4208 4324
4209 4325 if (debug): print("####### 2nd place")
4210 4326 # Here is 2nd place where we eliminate any white space on the right and left edge of the plots: 'amp'
4211 4327 #
4212 4328 if (abs(plotrange[2]) > 0 or abs(plotrange[3]) > 0):
4213 4329 SetNewYLimits([plotrange[2],plotrange[3]])
4214 4330 if (plotrange[0]==0 and plotrange[1]==0):
4215 4331 if (xaxis.find('chan')>=0):
4216 4332 SetNewXLimits([channels[0],channels[-1]],9)
4217 4333 else:
4234 4350 # I need the following line for chanrange to work
4235 4351 if (chanrange[0] != 0 or chanrange[1] != 0 or chanrangePercent != None):
4236 4352 SetLimits(plotrange, chanrange, newylimits, channels, frequencies, pfrequencies,
4237 4353 ampMin, ampMax, xaxis,pxl, chanrangeSetXrange,
4238 4354 chanrangePercent)
4239 4355
4240 4356 # Finally, draw the atmosphere and FDM windows, if requested. 'amp'
4241 4357 if ((overlayAntennas==False and overlayTimes==False) or
4242 4358 (overlayAntennas==True and overlayTimes==False and xant==antennasToPlot[-1]) or
4243 4359 (overlayTimes==True and overlayAntennas==False and doneOverlayTime) or
4244 -# # (xant==antennasToPlot[-1] and doneOverlayTime) # support showatm with overlay='antenna,time'
4245 4360 (overlayTimes and overlayAntennas and # Aug 5, 2013
4246 4361 xant==antennasToPlot[-1] and doneOverlayTime and mytime==finalTimeMatch # 2015-08-19 for CAS-7820
4247 4362 and not drewAtmosphere) # added on 2014-12-04 to support case of a flagged antenna CAS-7187
4248 4363 ):
4249 4364 if ((showatm or showtsky) and len(atmString) > 0):
4250 4365 DrawAtmosphere(showatm, showtsky, subplotRows, atmString,
4251 4366 mysize, TebbSky, plotrange, xaxis, atmchan,
4252 4367 atmfreq, transmission, subplotCols,
4253 4368 showatmPoints=showatmPoints, xframe=xframe,
4254 4369 channels=channels,mylineno=lineNumber(),
4295 4410 for p in range(nPolarizations):
4296 4411 if (corrTypeToString(corr_type[0]) in polsToPlot):
4297 4412 pb.text(x0+0.1, y0-p*0.03*subplotRows, corrTypeToString(corr_type[p]), color=p2color[p],
4298 4413 size=mysize,transform=pb.gca().transAxes)
4299 4414 if (bpolyOverlay2):
4300 4415 for p in range(nPolarizations):
4301 4416 if (corrTypeToString(corr_type[0]) in polsToPlot):
4302 4417 pb.text(x0+0.2, y0-p*0.03*subplotRows, corrTypeToString(corr_type[p]),
4303 4418 color=p3color[p], size=mysize,transform=pb.gca().transAxes)
4304 4419
4305 -# # # # if (xframe == 111 and amplitudeWithPhase):
4306 4420 myIndexTime = uniqueTimesPerFieldPerSpw[ispwInCalTable][fieldIndex][-1]
4307 4421 if (debug): print("running sloppyMatch")
4422 + if tableFormat >= 34: ### added 2024Aug
4423 + scansToPlotHere = scansToPlotPerSpw[ispw] ### added 2024Aug
4424 + else: ### added 2024Aug
4425 + scansToPlotHere = scansToPlot ### added 2024Aug
4308 4426 matched,mymatch = sloppyMatch(myIndexTime,uniqueTimes,solutionTimeThresholdSeconds,
4309 - mytime, scansToPlotPerSpw[ispw], # add PerSpw[ispw] on 2014-04-05
4427 + mytime, scansToPlotHere, ### modified 2024Aug
4310 4428 scansForUniqueTimes,
4311 4429 whichone=True,myprint=debug)
4312 4430 if (debug):
4313 4431 print("1)done sloppyMatch, mytime=%d, scansForUniqueTimes=%s" % (mytime,str(scansForUniqueTimes)))
4314 4432 print("ispw=%d" % (ispw))
4315 4433 print("len(scansToPlotPerSpw)=%d" % (len(scansToPlotPerSpw)))
4316 4434 if (matched == False and scansForUniqueTimes[mytime] in scansToPlotPerSpw[ispw]):
4317 4435 print("---------- 1) Did not find %f in %s" % (myIndexTime,str(uniqueTimes)))
4318 4436 print("Try re-running with a smaller solutionTimeThresholdSeconds (currently %f)" % (solutionTimeThresholdSeconds))
4319 4437 return
4320 4438 else:
4321 4439 # we are on the final time to be plotted
4322 4440 if (debug): print("on the final time")
4323 4441 mytimeTest = mytime==nUniqueTimes-1 # mytime==myIndexTime # mytime==mymatch
4324 4442 if ((xframe == 111 and amplitudeWithPhase) or
4325 4443 # Following case is needed to make subplot=11 to work for: try to support overlay='antenna,time'
4326 4444 (xframe == lastFrame and overlayTimes and overlayAntennas and
4327 4445 xctr+1==len(antennasToPlot) and
4328 -# # mytime+1==len(uniqueTimes) and # this worked for nspw <= 4
4329 4446 mytimeTest and
4330 4447 spwctr<len(spwsToPlot))): # removed +1 from spwctr+1 on 2014-04-05 to match au
4331 4448 if (debug):
4332 4449 print("xframe=%d == lastFrame=%d, amplitudeWithPhase=%s" % (xframe, lastFrame, str(amplitudeWithPhase)))
4333 4450 print("xctr+1=%d == len(antennasToPlot)=%d" % (xctr+1,len(antennasToPlot)))
4334 4451 print("mytime+1=%d == len(uniqueTimes)=%d" % (mytime+1,len(uniqueTimes)))
4335 4452 print("spwctr+1=%d < len(spwsToPlot)=%d" % (spwctr+1,len(spwsToPlot)))
4336 4453 if (len(figfile) > 0):
4337 4454 plotfiles.append(makeplot(figfile,msFound,msAnt,
4338 4455 overlayAntennas,pages,pagectr,
4339 4456 density,interactive,antennasToPlot,
4340 4457 spwsToPlot,overlayTimes,overlayBasebands,
4341 4458 3,xant,ispw,subplot,resample,
4342 4459 debug,figfileSequential,figfileNumber))
4343 4460 figfileNumber += 1
4344 4461
4345 4462 donetime = time.time()
4346 4463 drewAtmosphere = False # needed for CAS-7187 (subplot=11)
4347 4464 if (interactive):
4348 4465 pb.draw()
4349 -# # # # myinput = raw_input(":(%.1f sec) Press return for next page (b for backwards, q to quit): "%(donetime-mytimestamp))
4350 4466 myinput = input("Press return for next page (b for backwards, q to quit): ")
4351 4467 else:
4352 4468 myinput = ''
4353 4469 skippingSpwMessageSent = 0
4354 4470 mytimestamp = time.time()
4355 4471 if (myinput.find('q') >= 0):
4356 4472 showFinalMessage(overlayAntennas, solutionTimeSpread, nUniqueTimes)
4357 4473 return()
4358 4474 if (myinput.find('b') >= 0):
4359 4475 if (pagectr > 0):
4416 4532 if (bOverlay):
4417 4533 pchannels2 = [xchannels2,ychannels2] # this is necessary because np.diff reduces nchan by 1
4418 4534 pfrequencies2 = [xfrequencies2,yfrequencies2] # this is necessary because np.diff reduces nchan by 1
4419 4535 if (overlayTimes == False or mytime==firstTimeMatch):
4420 4536 if ((overlaySpws == False and overlayBasebands==False) or spwctr==spwctrFirstToPlot or
4421 4537 spwctr>spwsToPlot[-1] or
4422 4538 (overlayBasebands and amplitudeWithPhase)): # CAS-6477
4423 4539 if (overlayAntennas==False or xctr==firstUnflaggedAntennaToPlot
4424 4540 or xctr>antennasToPlot[-1]): # 2012-05-24, to fix the case where all ants flagged on one timerange
4425 4541 xframe += 1
4426 -# # # # print("u) incrementing xframe to %d" % xframe)
4542 + if debug:
4543 + print("u) incrementing xframe to %d" % xframe)
4427 4544 myUniqueColor = []
4428 4545 newylimits = [LARGE_POSITIVE, LARGE_NEGATIVE]
4429 4546 if (phase != ''):
4430 4547 if ((phase[0] != 0 or phase[1] != 0) and amplitudeWithPhase):
4431 4548 newylimits = phase
4432 4549 if (debug):
4433 4550 print("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ready to plot phase on xframe %d" % (xframe))
4434 4551
4435 4552
4436 4553 if (previousSubplot != xframe):
4552 4669 newylimits = [-minPhaseRange,minPhaseRange]
4553 4670 if (phase != ''):
4554 4671 if ((phase[0] != 0 or phase[1] != 0) and amplitudeWithPhase):
4555 4672 newylimits = phase
4556 4673 if (sum(xflag)>0):
4557 4674 # # # # print("phase: Resetting xaxis channel range to counteract flagged data")
4558 4675 myxrange = np.max(channels)-np.min(channels)
4559 4676 SetNewXLimits([np.min(channels)-myxrange/20,
4560 4677 np.max(channels)+myxrange/20],14)
4561 4678 if (xframe in bottomRowFrames or (xctr+1==len(antennasToPlot) and ispw==spwsToPlot[-1])):
4562 - pb.xlabel("Channel", size=mysize)
4679 + pb.xlabel("Channels (%d)"%(len(pchannels[p])), size=mysize) ### changed 2024Aug24
4563 4680 elif (xaxis.find('freq')>=0): # 'phase'
4564 4681 if (bOverlay):
4565 4682 if (debug):
4683 + p = 0 ### added 2024Aug to prevent crash due to undefined variable
4566 4684 print("Preparing to plot phase from %f-%f for pols: %s" % (xfrequencies[0],xfrequencies[-1],str(polsToPlot)))
4567 4685 print("Preparing to plot phase from %f-%f for pols: %s" % (pfrequencies[p][0],pfrequencies[p][-1],str(polsToPlot)))
4568 4686 print("Preparing to plot phase from %f-%f for pols: %s" % (pfrequencies2[p][0],pfrequencies2[p][-1],str(polsToPlot)))
4569 4687 myxrange = np.abs(xfrequencies[0]-xfrequencies[-1])
4570 4688 try:
4571 4689 xrange2 = np.abs(xfrequencies2[0]-xfrequencies2[-1])
4572 4690 except:
4573 4691 print("No phase data found in second solution. Try increasing the solutionTimeThresholdSeconds above %.0f." % (solutionTimeThresholdSeconds))
4574 4692 print("If this doesn't work, email the developer (%s)." % (developerEmail))
4575 4693 return()
4647 4765 SetLimits(plotrange, chanrange, newylimits, channels, frequencies,
4648 4766 pfrequencies, ampMin, ampMax, xaxis,pxl, chanrangeSetXrange,
4649 4767 chanrangePercent)
4650 4768 else:
4651 4769 SetLimits(plotrange, chanrange, newylimits, channels, frequencies2,
4652 4770 pfrequencies2, ampMin, ampMax, xaxis,pxl, chanrangeSetXrange,
4653 4771 chanrangePercent)
4654 4772 # draw polarization and spw labels
4655 4773 if (xframe == firstFrame):
4656 4774 # draw title including caltable name
4657 - caltableList = 'c1 = ' + caltable + ', c2 = ' + caltable2 # + ' (%s)'%(utstring(uniqueTimes2[mytime],3))
4775 + caltableList = 'c1=' + caltable + ', c2=' + caltable2 # + ' (%s)'%(utstring(uniqueTimes2[mytime],3))
4658 4776 pb.text(xstartTitle, ystartTitle, caltableList, size=titlesize,
4659 4777 color='k', transform=pb.gcf().transFigure)
4660 4778 elif (bpolyOverlay):
4661 4779 matches1 = []
4780 + if tableFormat >= 34: ### added 2024Aug
4781 + scansToPlotHere = scansToPlotPerSpw[ispw] ### added 2024Aug
4782 + else: ### added 2024Aug
4783 + scansToPlotHere = scansToPlot ### added 2024Aug
4662 4784 for tbp in range(len(timesBP)):
4663 4785 if (sloppyMatch(uniqueTimes[mytime], timesBP[tbp], solutionTimeThresholdSeconds,
4664 - mytime, scansToPlotPerSpw[ispw], scansForUniqueTimes, # au version
4665 -# mytime, scansToPlot, scansForUniqueTimes, # task version
4786 + mytime, scansToPlotHere, scansForUniqueTimes, ### modified 2024Aug
4666 4787 myprint=debugSloppyMatch)):
4667 4788 matches1.append(tbp)
4668 4789 matches1 = np.array(matches1)
4669 4790 # # # # print("time matches: matches1 = ", matches1)
4670 4791 if (len(matches1) < 1):
4671 4792 print("No time match found")
4672 4793 print("If you are sure the solutions correspond to the same data, you can set solutionTimeThresholdSeconds=%.0f" % (1+np.ceil(np.abs(timesBP[0]-uniqueTimes[mytime]))))
4673 4794 return()
4674 -# # # # matches1 = np.where(np.floor(uniqueTimes[mytime]) == np.floor(np.array(timesBP)))[0]
4675 4795 matches2 = np.where(xant == np.array(antennasBP))[0]
4676 4796 if (len(matches2) < 1):
4677 4797 print("No antenna match found between %s and %s" % (str(xant), str(antennasBP)))
4678 4798 # # # # print("antenna matches: matches2 = ", matches2)
4679 4799
4680 4800 if (tableFormat == 33):
4681 4801 matches3 = np.where(ispw == np.array(cal_desc_idBP))[0]
4682 4802 if (len(matches3) < 1):
4683 4803 print("No spw match found: %d not in %s" % (ispw, str(cal_desc_idBP)))
4684 4804 else:
4898 5018 caltableList = caltableTitle
4899 5019 if (bpolyOverlay):
4900 5020 caltableList += ', ' + caltable2 + ' (degamp=%d, degphase=%d)'%(nPolyAmp[index]-1,nPolyPhase[index]-1)
4901 5021 if (bpolyOverlay2):
4902 5022 caltableList += ', ' + caltable3 + ' (degamp=%d, degphase=%d)'%(nPolyAmp2[index]-1,nPolyPhase2[index]-1)
4903 5023 pb.text(xstartTitle, ystartTitle, caltableList, size=titlesize,
4904 5024 color='k', transform=pb.gcf().transFigure)
4905 5025 elif (overlayAntennas==True and xant==antennasToPlot[-1] and bOverlay==False # ):
4906 5026 and overlayTimes==False): # try to support antenna,time avoid antenna labels 'phase'
4907 5027 # We do this last, because by then, the limits will be stable.
5028 + # draw polarization labels for overlayAntennas
4908 5029 x0 = xstartPolLabel
4909 5030 y0 = ystartPolLabel
4910 5031 if (corrTypeToString(corr_type[0]) in polsToPlot):
4911 5032 if (channeldiff > 0):
4912 5033 pb.text(x0, ystartMadLabel-0.03*subplotRows*p,
4913 5034 corrTypeToString(corr_type[p])+' MAD = %.4f, St.Dev = %.4f'%(gphs_mad[p]['mad'],gphs_std[p]['std']),
4914 5035 color=overlayColors[0], size=mysize, transform=pb.gca().transAxes)
4915 5036 if (phasemarkstyle.find('-')>=0):
4916 5037 pb.text(x0, y0-0.03*subplotRows*0, corrTypeToString(corr_type[0])+' solid', color=overlayColors[0],
4917 5038 fontsize=mysize, transform=pb.gca().transAxes)
4937 5058 if (xframe == firstFrame):
4938 5059 # draw title including caltable name
4939 5060 pb.text(xstartTitle, ystartTitle, caltableTitle, size=titlesize, color='k',
4940 5061 transform=pb.gcf().transFigure)
4941 5062 DrawAntennaNames(msAnt, antennasToPlot, msFound, mysize, overlayColors)
4942 5063 elif (overlayTimes==True and bOverlay == False
4943 5064 and overlayAntennas==False): # try to support antenna,time
4944 5065 doneOverlayTime = True # assumed until proven otherwise in the 'for' loop
4945 5066 for f in fieldIndicesToPlot:
4946 5067 if (uniqueTimes[mytime] < uniqueTimesPerFieldPerSpw[ispwInCalTable][f][-1]-solutionTimeThresholdSeconds and
4947 - scansForUniqueTimes[mytime] != scansForUniqueTimes[-1] and # fix for CAS-14096
4948 5068 uniqueTimes[mytime] < timerangeListTimes[-1]):
4949 - doneOverlayTime = False
5069 + if tableFormat >= 34: # added 2024Aug
5070 + if scansForUniqueTimes[mytime] != scansForUniqueTimes[-1]: # fix for CAS-14096
5071 + doneOverlayTime = False
5072 + else: # added 2024Aug
5073 + doneOverlayTime = False # added 2024Aug
4950 5074 if (doneOverlayTime):
4951 5075 # either it is the last time of any times in solution, or the last time in the list of times to plot
4952 5076 mytime = nUniqueTimes-1
5077 + # draw polarization labels for overlayTimes
4953 5078 # We do this last, because by then, the limits will be broad enough and stable.
4954 5079 x0 = xstartPolLabel
4955 5080 y0 = ystartPolLabel
4956 5081 if (corrTypeToString(corr_type[0]) in polsToPlot):
4957 5082 if (channeldiff > 0):
4958 5083 p = 0
4959 5084 pb.text(x0, ystartMadLabel-0.03*subplotRows*p,
4960 5085 corrTypeToString(corr_type[p])+' MAD = %.4f'%(gphs_mad[p]['mad']),
4961 5086 color='k', size=mysize, transform=pb.gca().transAxes)
4962 5087 if (phasemarkstyle.find('-')>=0):
4988 5113 transform=pb.gcf().transFigure)
4989 5114 if (debug): print("drawOverlayTimeLegends loc 4")
4990 5115 drawOverlayTimeLegends(xframe,firstFrame,xstartTitle,ystartTitle,
4991 5116 caltable,titlesize,fieldIndicesToPlot,
4992 5117 ispwInCalTable,uniqueTimesPerFieldPerSpw,
4993 5118 timerangeListTimes, solutionTimeThresholdSeconds,
4994 5119 debugSloppyMatch,ystartOverlayLegend,debug,mysize,
4995 5120 fieldsToPlot,myUniqueColor,timeHorizontalSpacing,
4996 5121 fieldIndex, overlayColors, antennaVerticalSpacing,
4997 5122 overlayAntennas, timerangeList, caltableTitle,
4998 - mytime, scansToPlotPerSpw[ispw], scansForUniqueTimes)
4999 -# mytime, scansToPlot, scansForUniqueTimes) # task version
5123 + mytime, scansToPlotPerSpw[ispw], scansForUniqueTimes,
5124 + uniqueSpwsInCalTable, uniqueTimes)
5000 5125
5001 5126 elif (overlayAntennas and overlayTimes): # Oct 23, 2012
5002 5127 # This will only happen for: try to support overlay='antenna,time'
5003 5128 if (xframe == firstFrame and mytime==0 and xctr==firstUnflaggedAntennaToPlot and bOverlay==False):
5004 5129 # draw title including caltable name
5005 5130 pb.text(xstartTitle, ystartTitle, caltableTitle, size=titlesize, color='k',
5006 5131 transform=pb.gcf().transFigure)
5007 5132 DrawBottomLegendPageCoords(msName, uniqueTimes[mytime], mysize, figfile)
5008 5133
5009 5134 #endif (overlayAntennas == False and overlayTimes == False and bOverlay == False)
5067 5192 showtsys=showtsys, Trx=Trx)
5068 5193 drewAtmosphere = True
5069 5194
5070 5195 if (xaxis.find('freq')>=0 and showfdm and nChannels <= 256):
5071 5196 if (tableFormat == 33):
5072 5197 showFDM(originalSpw_casa33, chanFreqGHz_casa33, baseband, showBasebandNumber, basebandDict, overlayColors)
5073 5198 else:
5074 5199 showFDM(originalSpw, chanFreqGHz, baseband, showBasebandNumber, basebandDict, overlayColors)
5075 5200
5076 5201 if (bOverlay):
5077 - # draw polarization labels
5202 + # draw polarization labels for bOverlay
5078 5203 x0 = xstartPolLabel
5079 5204 y0 = ystartPolLabel
5080 5205 for p in range(nPolarizations):
5081 5206 if (corrTypeToString(corr_type[p]) in polsToPlot):
5082 5207 pb.text(x0, y0-p*0.03*subplotRows, corrTypeToString(corr_type[p])+'-c1',
5083 5208 color=pcolor[p],size=mysize,transform=pb.gca().transAxes)
5084 5209 pb.text(x0, y0-(p*0.03+0.06)*subplotRows, corrTypeToString(corr_type[p])+'-c2',
5085 5210 color=p2color[p],size=mysize, transform=pb.gca().transAxes)
5086 5211 if (bpolyOverlay and xaxis.find('freq')>=0):
5212 + # draw polarization labels for bpolyOverlay
5087 5213 x0 = xstartPolLabel
5088 5214 y0 = ystartPolLabel
5089 5215 if (xcolor != x2color):
5090 5216 for p in range(nPolarizations):
5091 5217 if (corrTypeToString(corr_type[p]) in polsToPlot):
5092 5218 pb.text(x0+0.1, y0-p*0.03*subplotRows, corrTypeToString(corr_type[p]), color=p2color[p],
5093 5219 size=mysize, transform=pb.gca().transAxes)
5094 5220 if (bpolyOverlay2):
5095 5221 for p in range(nPolarizations):
5096 5222 if (corrTypeToString(corr_type[p]) in polsToPlot):
5102 5228 redisplay = False
5103 5229
5104 5230 if (xframe == lastFrame):
5105 5231 if (debug):
5106 5232 print("*** mytime+1=%d, nUniqueTimes=%d, timerangeList[-1]=%d, doneOverlayTime=%s" % (mytime+1, nUniqueTimes,timerangeList[-1],doneOverlayTime))
5107 5233 print("*** xant=%d, antennasToPlot[-1]=%d, overlayAntennas=%s, overlayTimes=%s" % (xant,antennasToPlot[-1],overlayAntennas,overlayTimes))
5108 5234 print("*** xframe=%d, lastFrame=%d, xctr=%d, spwctr=%d, len(antennasToPlot)=%d, len(spwsToPlot)=%d" % (xframe,lastFrame,xctr,spwctr,len(antennasToPlot), len(spwsToPlot)))
5109 5235 myIndexTime = uniqueTimesPerFieldPerSpw[ispwInCalTable][fieldIndex][-1]
5110 5236 if (debug):
5111 5237 print("myIndexTime = ", myIndexTime)
5238 + if tableFormat >= 34: ### added 2024Aug
5239 + scansToPlotHere = scansToPlotPerSpw[ispw] ### added 2024Aug
5240 + else: ### added 2024Aug
5241 + scansToPlotHere = scansToPlot ### added 2024Aug
5112 5242 matched,mymatch = sloppyMatch(myIndexTime,uniqueTimes,solutionTimeThresholdSeconds,
5113 - mytime, scansToPlotPerSpw[ispw], scansForUniqueTimes, # au version
5114 -# mytime, scansToPlot, scansForUniqueTimes, # task version
5243 + mytime, scansToPlotHere, scansForUniqueTimes,
5115 5244 whichone=True, myprint=False)
5116 5245 if (matched==False and scansForUniqueTimes[mytime] in scansToPlotPerSpw[ispw]):
5117 5246 print("---------- 2) Did not find %f within %.1f seconds of anything in %s" % (myIndexTime,solutionTimeThresholdSeconds,str(uniqueTimes)))
5118 5247 print("Try re-running with a smaller solutionTimeThresholdSeconds (currently %f)" % (solutionTimeThresholdSeconds))
5119 5248 return
5120 5249 else:
5121 5250 # we are on the final time to be plotted
5122 5251 if (debug): print("on the final time")
5123 5252 mytimeTest = mytime==nUniqueTimes-1
5124 5253 if (debug):
5127 5256 # old 3.3 cal tables will land here
5128 5257 scanTest = False
5129 5258 scanTest2 = False
5130 5259 else:
5131 5260 if (debug):
5132 5261 print("ispw=%d len(scansToPlotPerSpw[ispw])=%d mytime=%d, len(scansForUniqueTimes)=%d" % (ispw,len(scansToPlotPerSpw[ispw]),mytime,len(scansForUniqueTimes)))
5133 5262 print("scansToPlotPerSpw = ", scansToPlotPerSpw)
5134 5263 if (len(scansToPlotPerSpw[ispw]) == 0):
5135 5264 scanTest = False
5136 5265 else:
5137 - scanTest = scansToPlotPerSpw[ispw][-1]==scansForUniqueTimes[mytime]
5266 + scanTest = scansToPlotPerSpw[ispw][-1]==scansForUniqueTimes[mytime] and (VisCal != 'SDSKY_PS' or mytime == timerangeList[-1]) ### added second expression 2024Aug27
5138 5267 highestSpwIndexInSpwsToPlotThatHasCurrentScan = \
5139 5268 computeHighestSpwIndexInSpwsToPlotThatHasCurrentScan(spwsToPlot, scansToPlotPerSpw, scansForUniqueTimes[mytime])
5140 5269 if (highestSpwIndexInSpwsToPlotThatHasCurrentScan == -1):
5141 5270 scanTest2 = False
5142 5271 else:
5143 5272 scanTest2 = (spwctr == highestSpwIndexInSpwsToPlotThatHasCurrentScan)
5144 5273 if ((overlayAntennas==False and overlayTimes==False and overlaySpws==False and overlayBasebands==False)
5145 5274 # either it is the last time of any, or the last time in the list of times to plot
5146 5275 or (overlayAntennas==False and overlaySpws==False and overlayBasebands==False and (mytime+1==nUniqueTimes or mytime == timerangeList[-1])) # or mytimeTest)) # removed on July 25,2013
5147 5276 or (xant==antennasToPlot[-1] and overlayAntennas==True and overlayTimes==False and overlaySpws==False and overlayBasebands==False)
5216 5345 xant = antennasToPlot[xctr]
5217 5346 antstring, Antstring = buildAntString(xant,msFound,msAnt)
5218 5347 ispw = spwsToPlot[spwctr]
5219 5348 # # # # print("Returning to [%d,%d,%d,%d]" % (xctr,spwctr,mytime,myap))
5220 5349 else:
5221 5350 pagectr += 1
5222 5351 if (pagectr >= len(pages)):
5223 5352 newpage = 1
5224 5353 else:
5225 5354 newpage = 0
5355 + if tableFormat >= 34: ### added 2024Aug
5356 + scansToPlotHere = scansToPlotPerSpw[ispw] ### added 2024Aug
5357 + else: ### added 2024Aug
5358 + scansToPlotHere = scansToPlot ### added 2024Aug
5226 5359 if (overlayTimes==True and
5227 5360 sloppyMatch(uniqueTimesPerFieldPerSpw[ispwInCalTable][fieldIndex][-1],
5228 5361 uniqueTimes[mytime],solutionTimeThresholdSeconds,
5229 - mytime, scansToPlotPerSpw[ispw], scansForUniqueTimes, # au version
5230 -# mytime, scansToPlot, scansForUniqueTimes, # task version
5362 + mytime, scansToPlotHere, scansForUniqueTimes, # au version ### modified 2024Aug
5231 5363 myprint=debugSloppyMatch)):
5232 5364 # be sure to avoid any more loops through mytime which will cause 'b' button to fail
5233 - mytime = nUniqueTimes
5365 + if VisCal != 'SDSKY_PS':
5366 + mytime = nUniqueTimes
5234 5367 else:
5235 5368 if (debug):
5236 5369 print(">>>>>>>>>>> Not going to new page, uniqueTimes[mytime]=%.8f, uniqueTimesPerFieldPerSpw[ispwInCalTable=%d][fieldIndex=%d][-1]=%.8f" % (uniqueTimes[mytime], ispwInCalTable, fieldIndex, uniqueTimesPerFieldPerSpw[ispwInCalTable][fieldIndex][-1]))
5237 5370 print("spwctr=%d ?== (len(spwsToPlot)-1)=%d, spwsToPlot=" % (spwctr,len(spwsToPlot)-1),spwsToPlot)
5238 5371 print("test1: %s" % (overlayAntennas==False and overlayTimes==False and overlaySpws==False and overlayBasebands==False))
5239 5372 print("test2: %s" % (overlayAntennas==False and overlaySpws==False and overlayBasebands==False and (mytime+1==nUniqueTimes or mytime == timerangeList[-1])))
5240 5373 print("test3: %s" % (xant==antennasToPlot[-1] and overlayAntennas==True and overlayTimes==False and overlaySpws==False and overlayBasebands==False))
5241 5374 print("*test4: %s" % ((spwctr==len(spwsToPlot)-1) and (overlaySpws or overlayBasebands) and overlayAntennas==False and overlayTimes==False) )
5242 5375 print(" * = overlaySpws==True" )
5243 5376 print("test5: %s" % (overlayTimes and scanTest))
5249 5382 ((overlaySpws or overlayBasebands) and spwctr+1 >= len(spwsToPlot)) or
5250 5383 (overlayAntennas==False and overlaySpws==False and overlayBasebands==False)):
5251 5384 mytime += 1
5252 5385 if (debug):
5253 5386 print("AT BOTTOM OF LOOP: Incrementing mytime to %d, setting firstUnflaggedAntennaToPlot to 0" % (mytime))
5254 5387 firstUnflaggedAntennaToPlot = 0 # try this
5255 5388 doneOverlayTime = False # added on 08-nov-2012
5256 5389 if (overlayBasebands and (uniqueScanNumbers == sorted(scansToPlot))):
5257 5390 if (debug): print("Breaking because scans not specified")
5258 5391 break
5259 - # end of while(mytime) loop
5392 + # end of enormous while(mytime) loop endwhile mytime
5260 5393 if (redisplay == False):
5261 5394 spwctr += 1
5262 5395 if (debug):
5263 5396 print( "---------------------------------------- Incrementing spwctr to %d, spwsToPlot=" % (spwctr), spwsToPlot)
5264 5397 if (spwctr < len(spwsToPlot)):
5265 5398 print("---------------------------------------- ispw = %d" % (spwsToPlot[spwctr]))
5266 5399 else:
5267 5400 print("---------------------------------------- done the spws in this baseband (%d)" % (baseband))
5268 5401 else:
5269 5402 if (debug):
5383 5516 else:
5384 5517 return(list(msFields).index(token))
5385 5518
5386 5519 def GetFieldNamesForFieldId(u, mymsmd, msFields):
5387 5520 if (mymsmd != '' and mymsmd != None):
5388 5521 return(mymsmd.namesforfields(u)[0])
5389 5522 else:
5390 5523 print("B")
5391 5524 return(msFields[u])
5392 5525
5393 -
5394 5526 def DrawAntennaNamesForOverlayAntennas(xstartPolLabel, ystartPolLabel, polsToPlot, corr_type, channeldiff, ystartMadLabel, subplotRows, gamp_mad, gamp_std, overlayColors, mysize, ampmarkstyle, markersize, markeredgewidth, msAnt, msFound, antennasToPlot, ampmarkstyle2, xframe, firstFrame, caltableTitle, titlesize, debug=False):
5395 5527 if (debug): print("overlayAntennas=True")
5396 5528 x0 = xstartPolLabel
5397 5529 y0 = ystartPolLabel
5398 5530 # draw polarization labels
5399 5531 if (debug): print("1) overlayAntennas=True")
5400 5532 if (corrTypeToString(corr_type[0]) in polsToPlot):
5401 5533 if (channeldiff > 0):
5402 5534 pb.text(x0, ystartMadLabel-0.03*subplotRows*0,
5403 5535 corrTypeToString(corr_type[0])+' MAD = %.4f, St.Dev = %.4f'%(gamp_mad[0]['mad'],gamp_std[0]['std']),
5425 5557 color=overlayColors[0],size=mysize, transform=pb.gca().transAxes)
5426 5558 pdesc = pb.plot([x0-0.01], [y0-0.03*subplotRows], '%sk'%ampmarkstyle2,
5427 5559 markersize=markersize, scalex=False,scaley=False,markeredgewidth=markeredgewidth)
5428 5560 if (debug): print("3) overlayAntennas=True")
5429 5561 if (xframe == firstFrame):
5430 5562 # draw title including caltable name
5431 5563 if (debug): print("4) overlayAntennas=True")
5432 5564 pb.text(xstartTitle, ystartTitle, caltableTitle, size=titlesize, color='k',
5433 5565 transform=pb.gcf().transFigure)
5434 5566 if (debug): print("5) overlayAntennas=True")
5435 - DrawAntennaNames(msAnt, antennasToPlot, msFound, mysize)
5567 + DrawAntennaNames(msAnt, antennasToPlot, msFound, mysize, overlayColors)
5436 5568 if (debug): print("6) overlayAntennas=True")
5437 5569
5438 5570 def getTelescopeNameFromCaltable(caltable):
5439 5571 mytb = table()
5440 5572
5441 5573 if ('OBSERVATION' in mytb.getkeywords()):
5442 5574 observationTable = mytb.getkeyword('OBSERVATION').split()[1]
5443 5575 else:
5444 5576 observationTable = None
5445 5577 mytb.close()
5702 5834 bestscan = scans[i]
5703 5835 if (verbose): print("bestscan = %s" % (str(bestscan)))
5704 5836 mindiff = tdiff
5705 5837 if (verbose):
5706 5838 print("For timestamp=%.1f, got closest scan = %d, %.0f sec away" %(timestamp, bestscan,mindiff))
5707 5839 if (verbose): print("Calling getWeather()")
5708 5840 [conditions,myTimes] = getWeather(vis,bestscan,antenna,verbose,mymsmd)
5709 5841 if (verbose): print("Done getWeather()")
5710 5842
5711 5843 # convert pressure with unit to the value in mbar
5844 + if (verbose): print("conditions = ", conditions)
5712 5845 P = myqa.convert(myqa.quantity(conditions['pressure'], conditions['pressure_unit']), 'mbar')['value']
5713 -
5846 + if P < 100: ### added 2024Aug
5847 + # then the units are wrong, as in early ALMA data had units="Pa" but value was in mbar
5848 + P = conditions['pressure'] ### added 2024Aug
5849 + casalogPost(verbose,"Ignoring pressure units '%s' because the value implied would be less than 100 mbar."%(conditions['pressure_unit'])) ### added 2024Aug
5714 5850 H = conditions['humidity']
5715 5851 T = conditions['temperature']+273.15
5716 5852 if (P <= 0.0):
5717 5853 P = 563
5718 5854 if (H <= 0.0):
5719 5855 H = 20
5720 5856 else:
5721 5857 conditions = {}
5722 5858 if (type(mymsmd) != str):
5723 5859 if ('elevation' not in list(conditions.keys())):
5726 5862 myfieldId = mymsmd.fieldsforscan(bestscan)[0]
5727 5863 myscantime = np.mean(mymsmd.timesforscan(bestscan))
5728 5864 mydirection = getRADecForField(vis, myfieldId, verbose)
5729 5865 if (verbose):
5730 5866 print("myfieldId = %s" % (str(myfieldId)))
5731 5867 print("mydirection = %s" % (str(mydirection)))
5732 5868 print("Scan = %d, time = %.1f, Field = %d, direction = %s" % (bestscan, myscantime, myfieldId, str(mydirection)))
5733 5869 telescopeName = mymsmd.observatorynames()[0]
5734 5870 if (len(telescopeName) < 1):
5735 5871 telescopeName = 'ALMA'
5736 - print("telescope = %s" % (telescopeName))
5872 + if verbose: ### added 2024Aug to prevent lots of spam to the terminal
5873 + print("telescope = %s" % (telescopeName))
5737 5874 myazel = computeAzElFromRADecMJD(mydirection, myscantime/86400., telescopeName)
5738 5875 conditions['elevation'] = myazel[1] * 180/math.pi
5739 5876 conditions['azimuth'] = myazel[0] * 180/math.pi
5740 5877 if (verbose):
5741 5878 print("Computed elevation = %.1f deg" % (conditions['elevation']))
5742 5879 else:
5743 - conditions['elevation'] = 90
5880 + conditions['elevation'] = 45
5881 + casalogPost(verbose,"Using 45 deg elevation since the actual value is unavailable.")
5744 5882 bestscan = -1
5745 5883 if (verbose):
5746 5884 print("CalcAtm: found elevation=%f (airmass=%.3f) for scan: %s" % (conditions['elevation'],1/np.sin(conditions['elevation']*np.pi/180.), str(bestscan)))
5747 5885 print("P,H,T = %f,%f,%f" % (P,H,T))
5748 5886 if (conditions['elevation'] <= 3):
5749 5887 print("Using 45 deg elevation instead")
5750 5888 airmass = 1.0/math.cos(45*math.pi/180.)
5751 5889 else:
5752 5890 airmass = 1.0/math.cos((90-conditions['elevation'])*math.pi/180.)
5753 5891
5754 5892 # get the elevation of the antenna
5755 5893 geodetic_elevation = 5059
5756 5894 if os.path.exists(os.path.join(vis, 'ANTENNA')):
5757 5895 with sdutil.table_manager(os.path.join(vis, 'ANTENNA')) as tb:
5758 5896 _X, _Y, _Z = (float(i) for i in tb.getcell('POSITION', antenna))
5759 5897 geodetic_elevation = simutil.simutil().xyz2long(_X, _Y, _Z, 'WGS84')[2]
5760 -
5898 + if verbose:
5899 + casalogPost(True,"computed geodetic_elevation from ANTENNA table as %s" % str(geodetic_elevation))
5900 +
5761 5901 tropical = 1
5762 5902 midLatitudeSummer = 2
5763 5903 midLatitudeWinter = 3
5764 5904 numchan = len(freqs)
5765 5905 # Set the reference freq to be the middle of the middle two channels
5766 5906 reffreq=0.5*(freqs[numchan//2-1]+freqs[numchan//2])
5767 5907 originalnumchan = numchan
5768 5908 while (numchan > MAX_ATM_CALC_CHANNELS):
5769 5909 numchan //= 2
5770 5910 # print("Reducing numchan to ", numchan)
5771 5911 chans = list(range(0,originalnumchan,(originalnumchan//numchan)))
5772 5912
5773 5913 chansep = (freqs[-1]-freqs[0])/(numchan-1)
5774 5914 nbands = 1
5775 5915 if (verbose): print("Opening casac.atmosphere()")
5776 5916 myat = atmosphere()
5777 5917 if (verbose): print("Opened")
5778 5918 fCenter = myqa.quantity(reffreq,'GHz')
5779 5919 fResolution = myqa.quantity(chansep,'GHz')
5780 5920 fWidth = myqa.quantity(numchan*chansep,'GHz')
5921 + h0 = 1.0 # km
5922 + dP = 5.0 # mbar
5923 + dPm = 1.1 # unitless ratio
5924 +# print(H, T, geodetic_elevation,P, midLatitudeWinter, maxAltitude, h0, dP, dPm)
5781 5925 myat.initAtmProfile(humidity=H, temperature=myqa.quantity(T, "K"),
5782 5926 altitude=myqa.quantity(geodetic_elevation, "m"),
5783 - pressure=myqa.quantity(P, 'mbar'), atmType=midLatitudeWinter)
5927 + pressure=myqa.quantity(P, 'mbar'),
5928 + atmType=midLatitudeWinter,
5929 + h0=myqa.quantity(h0,"km"),
5930 + maxAltitude=myqa.quantity(maxAltitude,"km"),
5931 + dP=myqa.quantity(dP,"mbar"),
5932 + dPm=dPm)
5784 5933 myat.initSpectralWindow(nbands,fCenter,fWidth,fResolution)
5785 5934 myat.setUserWH2O(myqa.quantity(pwvmean,'mm'))
5786 5935
5787 5936 # myat.setAirMass() # This does not affect the opacity, but it does effect TebbSky, so do it manually.
5788 5937
5789 5938 n = myat.getNumChan()
5790 5939 if (verbose): print("numchan = %s" % (str(n)))
5791 5940 if ctsys.compare_version('<',[4,0,0]):
5792 5941 dry = np.array(myat.getDryOpacitySpec(0)['dryOpacity'])
5793 5942 wet = np.array(myat.getWetOpacitySpec(0)['wetOpacity'].value)
5937 6086 # otherwise rescale to the automatically-determined range.
5938 6087
5939 6088 # chans = 0..N where N=number of channels in the ATM_CALC
5940 6089 # channels = 0..X where X=number of channels in the spw, regardless of flagging
5941 6090
5942 6091 if (len(chans) != len(channels)):
5943 6092 if (chans[1] > chans[0]):
5944 6093 atmchanrange = chans[-1]-chans[0]
5945 6094 else:
5946 6095 atmchanrange = chans[0]-chans[-1]
5947 -
6096 + if len(channels) == 0: ### added 2024Aug to prevent crash
6097 + return(chans) ### added 2024Aug to prevent crash
5948 6098 if (channels[1] > channels[0]):
5949 6099 chanrange = channels[-1]-channels[0]
5950 6100 else:
5951 6101 chanrange = channels[0]-channels[-1]
5952 6102
5953 6103 newchans = np.array(chans)*chanrange/atmchanrange
5954 6104 return(newchans)
5955 6105 else:
5956 6106 return(chans)
5957 6107
6050 6200
6051 6201 def SetNewYLimits(newylimits):
6052 6202 # print("Entered SetNewYLimits with ", newylimits )
6053 6203 newrange = newylimits[1]-newylimits[0]
6054 6204 if (newrange > 0):
6055 6205 pb.ylim([newylimits[0]-0.0*newrange, newylimits[1]+0.0*newrange])
6056 6206
6057 6207 def SetNewXLimits(newxlimits, loc=0):
6058 6208 # print("loc=%d: Entered SetNewXLimits with range = %.3f (%f-%f)" % (loc,np.max(newxlimits)-np.min(newxlimits), newxlimits[0], newxlimits[1]))
6059 6209 myxrange = np.abs(newxlimits[1]-newxlimits[0])
6210 + if (myxrange == 0):
6211 + myxrange = 0.001
6060 6212 mybuffer = 0.01
6061 6213 if (newxlimits[0] < newxlimits[1]):
6062 6214 pb.xlim([newxlimits[0]-myxrange*mybuffer,newxlimits[1]+myxrange*mybuffer] )
6063 6215 else:
6064 6216 # print("Swapping xlimits order")
6065 6217 pb.xlim(newxlimits[1]-myxrange*mybuffer, newxlimits[0]+myxrange*mybuffer)
6066 6218
6067 6219 def sloppyMatch(newvalue, mylist, threshold, mytime=None, scansToPlot=[],
6068 6220 scansForUniqueTimes=[], myprint=False, whichone=False):
6069 6221 """
6098 6250 mymatch = i
6099 6251 if (matched == False and myprint==True):
6100 6252 print("sloppyMatch: %.0f is not within %.0f of anything in %s" % (newvalue,threshold, str([int(round(b)) for b in mylist])))
6101 6253 elif (myprint==True):
6102 6254 print("sloppyMatch: %.0f is within %.0f of something in %s" % (newvalue,threshold, str([int(round(b)) for b in mylist])))
6103 6255 if (whichone == False):
6104 6256 return(matched)
6105 6257 else:
6106 6258 return(matched,mymatch)
6107 6259
6108 -def sloppyUnique(t, thresholdSeconds):
6260 +# replacement function with extra optional parameter added on 2024Aug
6261 +def sloppyUnique(t, thresholdSeconds, cal_scans=None):
6109 6262 """
6110 - Takes a list of numbers and returns a list of unique values, subject to a threshold difference.
6263 + Takes a list of numbers and returns a list of unique values, subject
6264 + to a threshold difference.
6265 + cal_scans: if specified, then perform the analysis per scan number
6111 6266 """
6112 - # start with the first entry, and only add a new entry if it is more than the threshold from prior
6113 - sloppyList = [t[0]]
6114 - for i in range(1,len(t)):
6115 - keepit = True
6116 - for j in range(0,i):
6117 - if (abs(t[i]-t[j]) < thresholdSeconds):
6118 - keepit = False
6119 - if (keepit):
6120 - sloppyList.append(t[i])
6121 -# print("sloppyUnique returns %d values from the original %d" % (len(sloppyList), len(t)))
6267 + # start with the first entry (t[0]), and only add a new entry if it is more than the threshold from prior
6268 + if cal_scans is None:
6269 + sloppyList = [t[0]]
6270 + for i in range(1,len(t)):
6271 + keepit = True
6272 + # for j in range(0,i): # prior to PIPE-1519
6273 + # if (abs(t[i]-t[j]) < thresholdSeconds):
6274 + for j in range(len(sloppyList)):
6275 + if (abs(t[i]-sloppyList[j]) < thresholdSeconds):
6276 + keepit = False
6277 + if (keepit):
6278 + sloppyList.append(t[i])
6279 + else:
6280 + # build a list of one time per calibration scan
6281 + uniqueCalScans = np.unique(cal_scans)
6282 + t = np.array(t)
6283 + sloppyList = []
6284 +# print("len(t) = %d, len(cal_scans) = %d" % (len(t),len(cal_scans)))
6285 + for k,calscan in enumerate(uniqueCalScans):
6286 + times = t[np.where(calscan == cal_scans)]
6287 + sloppyList.append(times[0])
6288 +# print "sloppyUnique returns %d values from the original %d" % (len(sloppyList), len(t))
6122 6289 return(sloppyList)
6123 6290
6291 +# commented out 2024Aug
6292 +#def sloppyUnique(t, thresholdSeconds):
6293 +# """
6294 +# Takes a list of numbers and returns a list of unique values, subject to a threshold difference.
6295 +# """
6296 +# # start with the first entry, and only add a new entry if it is more than the threshold from prior
6297 +# sloppyList = [t[0]]
6298 +# for i in range(1,len(t)):
6299 +# keepit = True
6300 +# for j in range(0,i):
6301 +# if (abs(t[i]-t[j]) < thresholdSeconds):
6302 +# keepit = False
6303 +# if (keepit):
6304 +# sloppyList.append(t[i])
6305 +## print("sloppyUnique returns %d values from the original %d" % (len(sloppyList), len(t)))
6306 +# return(sloppyList)
6307 +
6124 6308 def SetLimits(plotrange, chanrange, newylimits, channels, frequencies, pfrequencies,
6125 6309 ampMin, ampMax, xaxis, pxl, chanrangeSetXrange, chanrangePercent=None):
6126 6310 """
6127 6311 This is the place where chanrange actually takes effect.
6128 6312 """
6129 6313 if (abs(plotrange[0]) > 0 or abs(plotrange[1]) > 0):
6130 6314 SetNewXLimits([plotrange[0],plotrange[1]])
6131 6315 if (plotrange[2] == 0 and plotrange[3] == 0):
6132 6316 # reset the ylimits based on the channel range shown (selected via plotrange)
6133 6317 SetNewYLimits(newylimits)
6405 6589 else:
6406 6590 # This can remain in axes units since it is the final plot.
6407 6591 pb.text(xEdgeLabel, otherEdgeYvalue,'%.0f%%'%(otherEdgeT*100),
6408 6592 color=atmcolor,
6409 6593 size=mysize, transform=pb.gca().transAxes)
6410 6594 pb.text(xEdgeLabel, zeroYValue,'%.0f%%'%(zeroValue*100),
6411 6595 color=atmcolor,
6412 6596 size=mysize, transform=pb.gca().transAxes)
6413 6597 if (lo1 != ''):
6414 6598 if (xframe == firstFrame):
6415 - pb.text(+0.96-0.08*subplotCols, -0.07*subplotRows,
6416 - 'Signal Sideband', color='m', size=mysize,
6599 + pb.text(+1.04-0.04*subplotCols, -0.07*subplotRows,
6600 + 'Signal SB', color='m', size=mysize,
6417 6601 transform=pb.gca().transAxes)
6418 - pb.text(-0.08*subplotCols, -0.07*subplotRows,
6419 - 'Image Sideband', color='k', size=mysize,
6602 + pb.text(-0.03-0.08*subplotCols, -0.07*subplotRows,
6603 + 'Image SB', color='k', size=mysize,
6420 6604 transform=pb.gca().transAxes)
6605 +# pb.text(+0.96-0.08*subplotCols, -0.07*subplotRows,
6606 +# 'Signal Sideband', color='m', size=mysize,
6607 +# transform=pb.gca().transAxes)
6608 +# pb.text(-0.08*subplotCols, -0.07*subplotRows,
6609 +# 'Image Sideband', color='k', size=mysize,
6610 +# transform=pb.gca().transAxes)
6421 6611 return ylim # CAS-8655
6422 6612
6423 6613 def DrawBottomLegendPageCoords(msName, uniqueTimesMytime, mysize, figfile):
6424 6614 msName = msName.split('/')[-1]
6425 6615 bottomLegend = msName + ' ObsDate=' + utdatestring(uniqueTimesMytime)
6426 6616 if (os.path.basename(figfile).find('regression') == 0):
6427 6617 regression = True
6428 6618 else:
6429 6619 regression = False
6430 6620 if (regression == False):

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