
David Mehringer authored 62643f4f605


1 1 ##########################################################################
2 -#
2 +#
3 3 #
4 4 # Copyright (C) 2008, 2009
5 5 # Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
6 6 #
7 7 # This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
8 8 # under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
9 9 # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
10 10 # option) any later version.
11 11 #
12 12 # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
22 22 # Internet email:
23 23 # Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
24 24 # National Radio Astronomy Observatory
25 25 # 520 Edgemont Road
26 26 # Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
27 27 #
28 28 # <author>
29 29 # Dave Mehringer
30 30 # </author>
31 31 #
32 -# <summary>
33 -# Test suite for the CASA task imcollapse
34 -# </summary>
35 -#
36 -# <reviewed reviwer="" date="" tests="" demos="">
37 -# </reviewed
38 -#
39 -# <prerequisite>
40 -# <ul>
41 -# <li> <linkto class="">imcollapse</linkto>
42 -# </ul>
43 -# </prerequisite>
44 -#
45 -# <etymology>
46 -# Test for the imcollapse task
47 -# </etymology>
48 -#
49 -# <synopsis>
50 -# Test the imcollapse task and the ia.collapse() method upon which it is built.
51 -# </synopsis>
52 -#
53 -# <example>
54 -#
55 -# This test runs as part of the CASA python unit test suite and can be run from
56 -# the command line via eg
57 -#
58 -# `echo $CASAPATH/bin/casa | sed -e 's$ $/$'` --nologger --log2term -c `echo $CASAPATH | awk '{print $1}'`/code/xmlcasa/scripts/regressions/admin/ test_imcollapse[test1,test2,...]
59 -#
60 -# </example>
61 -#
62 -# <motivation>
63 -# To provide a test standard for the imcollapse task to ensure
64 -# coding changes do not break the associated bits
65 -# </motivation>
66 -#
67 -
68 32 ###########################################################################
33 +
34 +from __future__ import absolute_import
35 +from __future__ import print_function
36 +import math
37 +import numpy as np
38 +import os
69 39 import shutil
70 -import casac
71 -from tasks import *
72 -from taskinit import *
73 -from __main__ import *
74 40 import unittest
75 41
42 +try:
43 + from casatools import ctsys, image, table, quanta, regionmanager
44 + _tb = table()
45 + _rg = regionmanager()
46 + _qa = quanta()
47 + ctsys_resolve = ctsys.resolve
48 + is_CASA6 = True
49 +except ImportError:
50 + from tasks import *
51 + from taskinit import *
52 + import casac
53 + from __main__ import *
54 + _tb = tbtool()
55 + _rg = rgtool()
56 + image = iatool
57 + _qa = qatool()
58 + dataRoot = os.path.join(os.environ.get('CASAPATH').split()[0],'data')
59 + def ctsys_resolve(apath):
60 + return os.path.join(dataRoot,apath)
61 + is_CASA6 = False
62 +
63 +def _near(got, expected, tol):
64 + return _qa.le(
65 + _qa.div(_qa.abs(_qa.sub(got, expected)), expected), tol
66 + )
67 +
68 +def make_gauss2d(shape, xfwhm, yfwhm):
69 + fac = 4*math.log(2)
70 + values = np.empty(shape, dtype=float)
71 + for i in range(shape[0]):
72 + x = shape[0]/2 - i
73 + for j in range(shape[1]):
74 + y = shape[1]/2 - j
75 + xfac = x*x*fac/(xfwhm*xfwhm)
76 + yfac = y*y*fac/(yfwhm*yfwhm)
77 + values[i, j] = math.exp(-(xfac + yfac));
78 + return values
79 +
80 +def run_convolve2d(
81 + imagename, major, minor, pa, targetres,
82 + outfile, kernel="gauss", beam={}, overwrite=False
83 +):
84 + myia = image()
85 +
86 + res = myia.convolve2d(
87 + type=kernel,
88 + major=major, minor=minor, pa=pa,
89 + targetres=targetres, outfile=outfile,
90 + beam=beam, overwrite=overwrite
91 + )
92 + myia.done()
93 + res.done()
94 +
76 95 class ia_convolve2d_test(unittest.TestCase):
77 -
96 +
78 97 def setUp(self):
79 - pass
98 + self.datapath = 'regression/imsmooth'
80 99
81 100 def tearDown(self):
82 - pass
101 + self.assertTrue(len(_tb.showcache()) == 0, 'table cache is not empty')
102 + # make sure directory is clean as per verification test requirement
103 + cwd = os.getcwd()
104 + for filename in os.listdir(cwd):
105 + file_path = os.path.join(cwd, filename)
106 + try:
107 + if os.path.isfile(file_path) or os.path.islink(file_path):
108 + os.unlink(file_path)
109 + elif os.path.isdir(file_path):
110 + # CASA 5 tests need this directory
111 + if filename != 'xml':
112 + shutil.rmtree(file_path)
113 + except Exception as e:
114 + print('Failed to delete %s. Reason: %s' % (file_path, e))
115 +
116 + def _compare_beams(self, beam1, beam2):
117 + self.assertTrue(_near(beam1["major"], beam2["major"], 2e-5))
118 + self.assertTrue(_near(beam1["minor"], beam2["minor"], 2e-5))
119 + pa = []
120 + for b in [beam1, beam2]:
121 + if "positionangle" in b:
122 + pa.append(b["positionangle"])
123 + else:
124 + pa.append(b["pa"])
125 +
126 + diff = abs(
127 + _qa.sub(
128 + _qa.quantity(pa[0]),
129 + _qa.quantity(pa[1])
130 + )["value"]
131 + )
132 + self.assertTrue(diff < 1e-5)
133 +
134 + def test_multibeam(self):
135 + """Test per plane beams"""
136 + myia = image()
137 + imname = ""
138 + shutil.copytree(ctsys_resolve(os.path.join(self.datapath, imname)), imname)
139 +
140 + major = "10arcmin"
141 + minor = "8arcmin"
142 + pa = "80deg"
143 + got = myia.convolve2d(axes=[0, 1], major=major, minor=minor, pa=pa)
144 + shape = myia.shape()
145 + for i in range(5):
146 + blc=[0, 0, i]
147 + trc=[shape[0]-1, shape[1]-1, i]
148 + reg =, trc=trc)
149 + xx = myia.subimage(region=reg)
150 + exp = xx.convolve2d(axes=[0, 1], major=major, minor=minor, pa=pa)
151 + expbeam = exp.restoringbeam()
152 + gotbeam = got.restoringbeam(channel=i)
153 + for j in ["major", "minor", "positionangle"]:
154 + self.assertTrue(_near(gotbeam[j], expbeam[j], 2e-7))
155 + self.assertTrue(abs(got.getchunk(blc=blc, trc=trc) - exp.getchunk()).max() < 3e-5)
156 + exp.done()
157 + xx.done()
158 + myia.done()
159 + got.done()
160 +
161 + def test_targetres(self):
162 + """Test targetres parameter"""
163 + myia = image()
164 + imagename = ""
165 + myia.fromshape(imagename, [100, 100])
166 + csys = myia.coordsys()
167 + csys.setunits(["arcsec", "arcsec"])
168 + csys.setincrement([-1, 1])
169 + myia.setcoordsys(csys.torecord())
170 + myia.setrestoringbeam(major="6arcsec", minor="3arcsec", pa="0deg")
171 + shape = myia.shape()
172 + values = make_gauss2d(shape, 3.0, 6.0)
173 + expected = make_gauss2d(shape, 5.0, 10.0)
174 + myia.putchunk(values)
175 + myia.done()
176 + emaj = _qa.quantity("10arcsec")
177 + emin = _qa.quantity("5arcsec")
178 + epa = _qa.quantity("0deg")
179 + for unit in ("Jy/beam", "K"):
180 +
181 + myia.setbrightnessunit(unit)
182 + myia.done()
183 + expected = make_gauss2d(shape, 5.0, 10.0)
184 + if (unit == "K"):
185 + expected *= 3.0*6.0/5.0/10.0
186 + # for code in (run_convolve2d, run_imsmooth):
187 + for targetres in [False, True]:
188 + if not targetres:
189 + major = "8arcsec"
190 + minor = "4arcsec"
191 + pa = "0deg"
192 + outfile = "tres1" + unit[0]
193 + else:
194 + major = "10arcsec"
195 + minor = "5arcsec"
196 + pa = "0deg"
197 + outfile = "tres2" + unit[0]
198 + run_convolve2d(
199 + imagename=imagename, kernel="gaussian",
200 + major=major, minor=minor, pa=pa, targetres=targetres,
201 + outfile=outfile
202 + )
203 +
204 + gotbeam = myia.restoringbeam()
205 + gotvals = myia.getchunk()
206 + myia.done()
207 + self._compare_beams(
208 + gotbeam, {"major": emaj, "minor": emin, "pa": epa}
209 + )
83 210
211 + def test_beam(self):
212 + """Test the beam parameter"""
213 + myia = image()
214 + imagename = ""
215 + myia.fromshape(imagename, [100, 100])
216 + csys = myia.coordsys()
217 + csys.setunits(["arcsec", "arcsec"])
218 + csys.setincrement([1, 1])
219 + myia.setcoordsys(csys.torecord())
220 + myia.setbrightnessunit("Jy/beam")
221 + myia.setrestoringbeam(major="6arcsec", minor="3arcsec", pa="0deg")
222 + shape = myia.shape()
223 + myia.putchunk(make_gauss2d(shape, 3.0, 6.0))
224 + expected = make_gauss2d(shape, 5.0, 10.0)
225 + for beam in [
226 + {"major": "8arcsec", "minor": "4arcsec", "pa": "0deg"},
227 + {
228 + "major": {"unit": "arcsec", "value": 8},
229 + "minor": {"unit": "arcsec", "value": 4},
230 + "pa": {"unit": "deg", "value": 0},
231 + }
232 + ]:
233 + outfile = 'convolve2d'
234 + x = run_convolve2d(
235 + imagename=imagename, major="", minor="", pa="",
236 + beam=beam, outfile=outfile, targetres=False,
237 + overwrite=True
238 + )
239 + if type(x) == type(myia):
240 + x.done()
241 +
242 + maxdiff = (abs(myia.getchunk()-expected)).max()
243 + self.assertTrue(maxdiff < 1e-6)
244 + myia.done()
245 +
246 + def test_history(self):
247 + """Test that history is written"""
248 + myia = image()
249 + imagename = ""
250 + myia.fromshape(imagename, [20,20])
251 + major = "2arcmin"
252 + minor = "2arcmin"
253 + pa = "0deg"
254 + bb = myia.convolve2d("", major=major, minor=minor, pa=pa)
255 + myia.done()
256 + msgs = bb.history()
257 + bb.done()
258 + teststr = "ia.convolve2d"
259 + self.assertTrue(teststr in msgs[-4], "'" + teststr + "' not found")
260 + self.assertTrue(teststr in msgs[-3], "'" + teststr + "' not found")
261 +
84 262 def test_stretch(self):
85 263 """ ia.convolve2d(): Test stretch parameter"""
86 - yy = iatool()
264 + yy = image()
87 265 mymask = "maskim"
88 266 yy.fromshape(mymask, [200, 200, 1, 1])
89 267 yy.addnoise()
90 268 yy.done()
91 269 shape = [200,200,1,20]
92 270 yy.fromshape("", shape)
93 271 yy.addnoise()
94 272 self.assertRaises(
95 273 Exception,
96 274 yy.convolve2d, "", [0,1], "gaussian", "4arcmin",
99 277 zz = yy.convolve2d(
100 278 "", [0,1], "gaussian", "4arcmin", "4arcmin", "0deg",
101 279 mask=mymask + ">0", stretch=True
102 280 )
103 281 self.assertTrue(type(zz) == type(yy))
104 282 yy.done()
105 283 zz.done()
106 284
107 285 def test_precision(self):
108 286 """Test images of various precisions"""
109 - yy = iatool()
287 + yy = image()
110 288 for mytype in ['d', 'c', 'f', 'cd']:
111 289 yy.fromshape("", [20, 20, 1], type=mytype)
112 290 yy.addnoise()
113 291 if mytype == 'f' or mytype == 'd':
114 292 zz = yy.convolve2d(
115 293 "", [0,1], "gaussian", "4arcmin", "4arcmin", "0deg"
116 294 )
117 295 self.assertTrue(zz)
118 296 zz.done()
119 297 else:
120 298 self.assertRaises(
121 299 Exception, yy.convolve2d, "", [0,1], "gaussian",
122 300 "4arcmin", "4arcmin", "0deg"
123 301 )
124 302 yy.done()
125 303
126 - def test_CAS_12904(self):
127 - """Test fix of CAS-12904 bug"""
304 + def test_copying_of_input_mask(self):
305 + """CAS-12904: copy input mask to output image"""
128 306 imname = ''
129 - yy = iatool()
307 + yy = image()
130 308 yy.fromshape(imname, [100, 100, 3])
131 309 pix = yy.getchunk()
132 310 for i in range(3):
133 311 pix[:, :, i] = i
134 312 yy.putchunk(pix)
135 313 subi = yy.subimage("", mask=imname + '>0')
136 314 yy.done()
137 315 for i in range(3):
138 - reg =[0, 0, i], [99, 99, i])
316 + reg =[0, 0, i], [99, 99, i])
139 317 npts = subi.statistics(region=reg)['npts']
140 318 expec = 0 if i == 0 else 1
319 + # shows mask was created correctly
141 320 self.assertEqual(npts.size, expec, 'wrong length npts array')
142 321 if i>0:
143 322 self.assertEqual(npts[0], 10000, 'wrong number of pts')
144 323 conv = subi.convolve2d(
145 324 major='4arcmin', minor='4arcmin', pa='0deg', mask=imname + '<2'
146 325 )
147 326 subi.done()
148 327 for i in range(3):
149 - reg =[0, 0, i], [99, 99, i])
328 + reg =[0, 0, i], [99, 99, i])
150 329 npts = conv.statistics(region=reg)['npts']
151 330 expec = 1 if i == 1 else 0
331 + # shows mask was copied correctly
152 332 self.assertEqual(npts.size, expec, 'wrong length npts array')
153 333 if i==1:
154 334 self.assertEqual(npts[0], 10000, 'wrong number of pts')
155 335 conv.done()
156 336
157 337 def suite():
158 338 return [ia_convolve2d_test]
339 +
340 +if is_CASA6:
341 + if __name__ == '__main__':
342 + unittest.main()
343 +

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