
Takahiro Tsutsumi authored and Ville Suoranta committed 6f83e42ed2a Merge
Pull request #771: CAS-13705

Merge in CASA/casa6 from CAS-13705 to master * commit '9483e883e5d389032b40e1139100991582c7315e': (31 commits) add a commnet (mostly to retrigger the Bamboo build) Update tests for the added overwrite parameter Fixed a typo Minor parameter description edit Add overwrite parameter and check when overwrite=F Edit on error message A minor edit on the error message Catch if there is duplicated time in the returned query result and issue an error message with instruction for a workaround Fix xml tags Few documentation fixes Add some error handlings and documentation update Another typo fix More doc fixes Typo fix Fix typos and add a note that calendar months and years are not supported in interval. Allow only integer value in interval string. Add allowed units in the xml doc. Add support for float with unit and unitless integer for timeinterval Add content check for the output table Change isDatabaseURLreachable to isDatabaseURLunreachable and fixed return boolean values accordingingly. Fix test names to be more readable. Add back an accidentally removed line in the code ...


1 +'''
2 + main module for retreiving JPL-Horizons ephemeris data and
3 + convert it to CASA readable format (i.e. CASA table )
4 +'''
5 +import os
6 +import time
7 +from math import sqrt, sin, cos, log
8 +import numpy as np
9 +
10 +from casatools import table, quanta, measures
11 +from casatasks import casalog
12 +
13 +_tb = table()
14 +_qa = quanta()
15 +_me = measures()
16 +
17 +# debug
18 +_debug = False
19 +
20 +def gethorizonsephem(objectname, starttime, stoptime, incr, outtable, asis=False, rawdatafile=''):
21 + """
22 + Main driver function for ephemeris data query from JPL-Horizons
23 +
24 + arguments:
25 + objectname: ephemeris object name (case insensitive). Try to convert
26 + a common name to ID if asis = False.
27 + starttime: start time of the ephemeris data (expects YYYY/MM/DD/HH:MM
28 + format
29 + stoptime: stop (end) time of the ephemeris data in the same format as
30 + starttime
31 + incr: time increment (interval) of the ephemeris data
32 + outtable: output CASA table name
33 + asis: a toggle for additinal check to resolve object name
34 + rawdatafile: raw query result file name (optional)
35 + """
36 +
37 + # commented ones are not currently supported in setjy
38 + # Juno's table is exist in the data repo but not supported in setjy
39 + asteroids = {'ceres': '1;',
40 + 'pallas': '2;',
41 + 'juno': '3;', # large crater and temperature varies
42 + 'vesta': '4;',
43 + 'lutetia': '21;'
44 + }
45 + planets_and_moons = {'sun': '10',
46 + 'mercury': '199',
47 + 'venus': '299',
48 + 'moon': '301',
49 + 'mars': '499',
50 + 'jupiter': '599',
51 + 'io': '501',
52 + 'europa': '502',
53 + 'ganymede': '503',
54 + 'callisto': '504',
55 + 'saturn': '699',
56 + 'titan': '606',
57 + 'uranus': '799',
58 + 'neptune': '899',
59 + 'pluto': '999'}
60 + known_objects = planets_and_moons
61 + known_objects.update(asteroids)
62 + # default quantities (required by setjy) for CASA
63 + quantities = '1,14,15,17,19,20,24'
64 + ang_format = 'DEG'
65 +
66 + # check objectname. If it matches with the known object list. If asis is specified
67 + # it will skip the check.
68 + # For small bodies such as comets, objectname must include 'DES=' following designated
69 + # object name or id (SPK ID). Based on the JPL-Horizons documentaiton, for IAU ID, 'DES='
70 + # can be omitted.
71 + start_time = None
72 + stop_time = None
73 + step_size = None
74 + if not asis:
75 + if not objectname.lower() in known_objects:
76 + raise ValueError(
77 + f"{objectname} is not in the known object list for CASA. To skip this check set asis=True")
78 + else:
79 + target = known_objects[objectname.lower()]
80 + else:
81 + target = objectname
82 + try:
83 + if starttime.startswith('JD') or starttime.startswith('MJD'):
84 + start_time = starttime
85 + stop_time = stoptime
86 + else:
87 + start_time = _qa.time(starttime, form='ymd')
88 + stop_time = _qa.time(stoptime, form='ymd')
89 + except ValueError as e:
90 +
91 +
92 + try:
93 + step_size = incr.replace(' ', '')
94 + except ValueError as e:
95 +
96 +
97 + if _debug:
98 + print("target=",target)
99 + print(f"start_time={start_time}, stop_time={stop_time}, step_size={step_size}")
100 + print(f"quantities={quantities}, ang_format={ang_format}")
101 + ephemdata = queryhorizons(target, start_time, stop_time, step_size, quantities, ang_format, rawdatafile)
102 + # return ephemdata
103 + if ephemdata and 'result' in ephemdata:
104 +'converting ephemeris data to a CASA table')
105 + tocasatb(ephemdata, outtable)
106 + if not os.path.exists(outtable):
107 +'Failed to produce the CASA ephemeris table', 'WARN')
108 + if rawdatafile=='':
109 +'You may want to re-run the task with rawdatafile'+\
110 + ' parameter specified and check the content of the output raw data file for the further information on the error.','WARN')
111 + else:
112 +'Please check the content of {rawdatafile} for the further information of the error','WARN')
113 +
114 +
115 +def queryhorizons(target, starttime, stoptime, stepsize, quantities, ang_format, rawdatafile=''):
116 + """
117 + Submit a query to the JPL-Horizons API
118 +
119 + arguments:
120 + target: a target solar system object name/id (str)
121 + starttime: ephemeris start time (e.g. '2021/12/01/00:00')
122 + stoptime: ephemeris stop time
123 + stepsize: ephemeris data time increment
124 + quantities: output data quantities given as a list of integers which represent the specific
125 + data as defined in https://ssd,
126 + ang_format: RA, Dec output format ('DEG' or 'HMS')
127 + rawdatafile: a file name to save raw query results (Optional)
128 +
129 + """
130 + import ast
131 + import certifi
132 + import ssl
133 + from urllib.request import Request, urlopen
134 + from urllib.parse import urlencode
135 + from urllib.error import URLError
136 + import socket
137 +
138 + context = ssl.create_default_context(cafile=certifi.where())
139 + urlbase = ''
140 + data = None
141 +
142 + values = {'format': 'json',
144 + 'OBJ_DATA': 'YES',
145 + 'COMMAND': f"'{target}'",
146 + 'START_TIME': starttime,
147 + 'STOP_TIME': stoptime,
148 + 'STEP_SIZE': stepsize,
149 + 'CENTER': '500@399',
150 + 'QUANTITIES': f"'{quantities}'",
151 + 'ANG_FORMAT': ang_format}
152 +
153 + pardata = urlencode(values, doseq=True, encoding='utf-8')
154 + params = pardata.encode('ascii')
155 + # for debugging
156 + #print("params=", params)
157 +
158 + req = Request(urlbase, params)
159 + datastr = None
160 + try:
161 + with urlopen(req, context=context, timeout=10) as response:
162 + datastr =
163 + except URLError as e:
164 + if hasattr(e, 'reason'):
165 + msg = f'URLError: Failed to reach URL={urlbase} (reason: {e.reason})'
166 +, 'WARN')
167 + if hasattr(e, 'code'):
168 + msg = f'URLError: Couldn\'t fullfill the request to {urlbase} (code: {e.code})'
169 +, 'WARN')
170 + except socket.timeout as e:
171 + msg = f'Failed to reach URL={urlbase}. Socket timeout {e}'
172 +, 'WARN')
173 +
174 + status = response.getcode()
175 + if datastr:
176 + try:
177 + data = ast.literal_eval(datastr)
178 + except RuntimeError as e:
179 +, 'SEVERE')
180 + if status == 200:
181 + #
182 + # If the ephemeris data file was generated, write it to the output file:
183 + if rawdatafile != "":
184 + if os.path.exists(rawdatafile):
185 + os.remove(rawdatafile)
186 + if "result" in data:
187 + with open(rawdatafile, "w") as f:
188 + f.write(data["result"])
189 + # Otherwise, the ephemeris file was not generated so output an error
190 + else:
191 +"ERROR: No data found. Ephemeris data file not generated", 'WARN')
192 + else:
193 + raise RuntimeError(f'Could not retrieve the data. Error code:{status}:{response.msg}')
194 + else:
195 + data = None
196 + return data
197 +
198 +
199 +def tocasatb(indata, outtable):
200 + """
201 + convert a JPL-Horizons query results to a CASA table
202 + indata: either query data ('results') or file name that contains the result data
203 + outtable: output CASA table name
204 + """
205 + # input data columns
206 + # Date__(UT)__HR:MN R.A.___(ICRF)___DEC ObsSub-LON ObsSub-LAT SunSub-LON SunSub-LAT ¥
207 + # NP.ang NP.dist r rdot delta deldot S-T-O
208 + import re
209 +
210 + # output CASA table columns
211 + # These are required columns for SetJy
212 + cols = {
213 + 'MJD': {'header': 'Date__\(UT\)',
214 + 'comment': 'date in MJD',
215 + 'unit': 'd'},
216 + 'RA': {'header': 'R.A.',
217 + 'comment': 'astrometric Right Ascension (ICRF/J2000)',
218 + 'unit': 'deg'},
219 + 'DEC': {'header': 'DEC',
220 + 'comment': 'astrometric Declination (ICRF/J2000)',
221 + 'unit': 'deg'},
222 + 'Rho': {'header': 'delta',
223 + 'comment': 'geocentric distance',
224 + 'unit': 'AU'},
225 + 'RadVel': {'header': 'deldot',
226 + 'comment': 'geocentric distance rate',
227 + 'unit': 'AU/d'},
228 + 'NP_ang': {'header': 'NP.ang',
229 + 'comment': 'North-Pole pos. angle',
230 + 'unit': 'deg'},
231 + 'NP_dist': {'header': 'NP.dist',
232 + 'comment': 'North-Pole ang. distance',
233 + 'unit': 'arcsec'},
234 + 'DiskLong': {'header': 'ObsSub-LON',
235 + 'comment': 'Sub-observer longitude',
236 + 'unit': 'deg'},
237 + 'DiskLat': {'header': r'ObsSub-LAT',
238 + 'comment': 'Sub-observer latitude',
239 + 'unit': 'deg'},
240 + 'Sl_lon': {'header': 'SunSub-LON',
241 + 'comment': 'Sub-Solar longitude',
242 + 'unit': 'deg'},
243 + 'Sl_lat': {'header': r'SunSub-LAT',
244 + 'comment': 'Sub-Solar longitude',
245 + 'unit': 'deg'},
246 + 'r': {'header': 'r',
247 + 'comment': 'heliocentric distance',
248 + 'unit': 'AU'},
249 + 'rdot': {'header': 'rdot',
250 + 'comment': 'heliocentric distance rate',
251 + 'unit': 'km/s'},
252 + 'phang': {'header': 'S-T-O',
253 + 'comment': 'phase angle',
254 + 'unit': 'deg'}
255 + }
256 +
257 + # do in a two-step
258 + # read the original query result dictionary containing ephemeris data and save the data part
259 + # to a temporary text file. Then re-read the temporary file to a casa table
260 + # with the approriate data format that setjy and measure expect.
261 + tempfname = 'temp_ephem_'+str(os.getpid())+'.dat'
262 + tempconvfname = 'temp_ephem_conv_'+str(os.getpid())+'.dat'
263 + try:
264 + exceedthelinelimit = None
265 + ambiguousname = None
266 + queryerrmsg = ''
267 + # Scan the original data
268 + if isinstance(indata, dict) and 'result' in indata:
269 + #print("ephem data dict")
270 + ephemdata = indata['result']
271 + elif isinstance(indata, str):
272 + if os.path.exists(indata):
273 + with open(indata, 'r') as infile:
274 + ephemdata = infile.readlines()
275 + # the relevant information in the main header section is extracted as
276 + # it is read line by line. The ephemeris data is stored in the separate text file
277 + # to be further processed in subsequent steps.
278 + with open(tempfname, 'w') as outfile:
279 + # Some initialization
280 + headerdict = {}
281 + # jplhorizonsdataIdFound = False
282 + datalines = 0
283 + readthedata = False
284 + startmjd = None
285 + endmjd = None
286 + incolnames = None
287 + # multiple entries (in different units) may exit for orb. per.
288 + foundorbper = False
289 + ###
290 + lcnt = 0
291 + # for lnum, line in enumerate(infile):
292 + for lnum, line in enumerate(ephemdata.split('\n')):
293 + # JPL-Horizons data should contain this line at the beginning
294 + if'JPL/HORIZONS', line):
295 + # jplhorizondataIdFound = True
296 +"Looks like JPL-Horizons data","INFO2")
297 + elif'^\s*Ephemeris\s+', line): # date the data file was retrieved and created
298 + #m ='(API_USER\S+\s+(\S+)\s+([0-9]+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)')
299 + (_, _, _, wday, mon, day, tm, year, _) = re.split(' +', line, 8)
300 + # date info in 3-7th items
301 +
302 + try:
303 + float(mon)
304 + nmon = mon
305 + except:
306 + tonummon=time.strptime(mon,"%b")
307 + nmon = f"{tonummon.tm_mon:02d}"
308 + day2 = f"{int(day):02d}"
309 + headerdict['VS_CREATE'] = year + '/' + nmon + '/' + day2 + '/' + tm[0:5]
310 + # VS_DATE - use the current time to indicate the time CASA table is created
311 + headerdict['VS_DATE'] = time.strftime('%Y/%m/%d/%H:%M',time.gmtime() )
312 + headerdict['VS_TYPE'] = 'Table of comet/planetary positions'
313 + # VERSION stored in the output table may be incremented in the future.
314 + # For now, it is fixed, but it may be incremented from 0003 to 0004 to indiate
315 + # this new code is used to convert the jpl horizons data to a table.
316 + headerdict['VS_VERSION'] = '0004.000'
317 + # target object name
318 + elif re.match(r'^[>\s]*Target body name', line):
319 + m = re.match(r'^[>\s]*Target body name:\s+\d*\s*(\w+)', line)
320 + if m:
321 + headerdict['NAME'] = m[1]
322 + # start time (of the requested time range)
323 + elif'Start time', line):
324 + m = re.match(r'^[>\s]*Start time\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\w+)', line)
325 + if m:
326 + startmjd = _qa.totime(m[1] + '/' + m[2])
327 + #--This info will not be used but left here since it might be useful fo debugging.
328 + # # end time (of the requested time range)
329 + elif'Stop time', line):
330 + m = re.match(r'^[>\s]*Stop time\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\w+)', line)
331 + if m:
332 + endmjd = _qa.totime(m[1] + '/' + m[2])
333 + # date increment
334 + elif'Step-size', line):
335 + m = re.match(r'^[>\s]*Step-size\s+\S+\s+(\S+)\s+(\w+)', line)
336 + if m:
337 + unit = m[2]
338 + if unit == 'minutes':
339 + # this is the default unit returned by the JPL-Horizons
340 + theunit = 'min'
341 + elif unit == 'hours':
342 + theunit = 'h'
343 + elif unit == 'days':
344 + theunit = 'd'
345 + elif unit == 'steps':
346 + theunit = 'steps'
347 + elif unit == 'calendar':
348 + raise RuntimeError('Unit of Step-size in calendar month or year is not supported.')
349 + else:
350 + raise RuntimeError(f'Unit of Step-size, {unit} is not recognized.')
351 + if theunit == 'd':
352 + dmjd = m[1]
353 + elif theunit == 'steps':
354 + # print('endtime=',endmjd['value'])
355 + dmjd = (endmjd['value'] - startmjd['value'])/int(m[1])
356 + else:
357 + dmjd = _qa.convert(_qa.totime(m[1] + theunit), 'd')['value']
358 + headerdict['dMJD'] = dmjd
359 + if startmjd is not None: # start mjd should be available before step-size line
360 + # MJD0 = firstMJD - dMJD (as defined casacore MeasComet documentation)
361 + headerdict['MJD0'] = startmjd['value'] - dmjd
362 + elif'Center geodetic', line):
363 + m = re.match(r'^[>\s]*Center geodetic\s*: ([-+0-9.]+,\s*[-+0-9.]+,\s*[-+0-9.]+)', line)
364 + if m:
365 + long_lat_alt = m[1].split(',')
366 + headerdict['GeoLong'] = float(long_lat_alt[0])
367 + headerdict['GeoLat'] = float(long_lat_alt[1])
368 + headerdict['GeoDist'] = float(long_lat_alt[2])
369 + # obs location
370 + elif'Center-site name', line):
371 + m = re.match(r'^[>\s]*Center-site name:\s+(\w+)', line)
372 + if m:
373 + headerdict['obsloc'] = m[1]
374 + headerdict['posrefsys'] = 'ICRF/J2000.0'
375 + elif'Target radii', line):
376 + m = re.match(r'^[>\s]*Target radii\s*:\s*([0-9.]+\s*x\s*[0-9.]+\s*x\s*[0-9.]+)\s*km.*|'
377 + '^[>/s]*Target radii\s*:\s*([0-9.]+)\s*km', line)
378 + if m:
379 + matchlist = m.groups()
380 + radiiarr = np.zeros(3)
381 + if len(matchlist)==2:
382 + if m[2] is None:
383 + radiiarr = np.asarray(np.array(m[1].split(' x ')), dtype=np.float64)
384 + headerdict['radii'] = {'unit': 'km', 'value': radiiarr}
385 + elif m[1] is None:
386 + radiiarr = np.array([m[2],m[2],m[2]], dtype=np.float64)
387 + headerdict['radii'] = {'unit': 'km', 'value': radiiarr}
388 + else:
389 +"Unexpected number or matches for Target radii:{m.groups} (expected 2)", 'WARN')
390 + #rotational period (few pattens seem to exist)
391 + elif'rot. period|Rotational period', line):
392 + m ='rot. period\s+\S*=\s*([0-9.]+h\s*[0-9.]+m\s*[0-9.]+\s*s)|'
393 + 'rot. period\s+\S*=\s*([0-9.]+)(?:\s*\+-[0-9.]+)?\s*([dh])|'
394 + 'Rotational period\s*=\s+Synchronous', line)
395 + if m:
396 + if m[0].find('Synchronous') != -1:
397 + headerdict['rot_per'] = 'Synchronous'
398 + else:
399 + if len(m.groups()) == 3:
400 + if m[1] is None:
401 + headerdict['rot_per'] = _qa.quantity(m[2] + m[3])
402 + elif m[2] is None and m[3] is None:
403 + #subm ='([0-9]+)h\s*([0-9]+)m\s*([0-9.]+)\s*s',m[1])
404 + headerdict['rot_per'] = _qa.convert(re.sub(r'\s+','',m[1]),'h')
405 + # another variation of rotational period entry
406 + elif'rot.\s+per.', line):
407 + m ='rot.\s+per.\s*=\s*([0-9.]+)\s*([dh])',line)
408 + if m:
409 + headerdict['rot_per'] = _qa.quantity(m[1]+m[2])
410 + # rotational period for asteroids
411 + elif'ROTPER', line):
412 + m ='ROTPER=\s*([0-9.]+)\s*', line)
413 + if m:
414 + headerdict['rot_per'] = {'unit': 'h', 'value': float(m[1])}
415 + elif'orbit period|orb per|orb. per.|orbital period', line.lower()) \
416 + and not foundorbper:
417 + m ='Orbital period\s*[=~]\s*([-0-9.]+)\s*(\w+)\s*|'
418 + 'orb. per., (\w)\s+=\s+([0-9.]+)\s+|'
419 + 'orb per\s+=\s+([0-9.]+)\s+(\w+)\s+|'
420 + 'orbit period\s+=\s+([0-9.]+)\s+(\w+)\s+', line)
421 + if m:
422 + if m[0].find('Orbital period') != -1:
423 + headerdict['orb_per'] = {'unit': m[2], 'value': float(m[1])}
424 + elif m[0].find('orb. per.') != -1:
425 + headerdict['orb_per'] = {'unit': m[3], 'value': float(m[4])}
426 + elif m[0].find('orb per') != -1:
427 + headerdict['orb_per'] = {'unit': m[6], 'value': float(m[5])}
428 + elif m[0].find('orbit period') != -1:
429 + headerdict['orb_per'] = {'unit': m[8], 'value': float(m[7])}
430 + if 'orb_per' in headerdict:
431 + foundorbper = True
432 + elif'Mean [Tt]emperature', line):
433 + m ='Mean [Tt]emperature\s+\(K\)\s+=\s+([0-9.]+)\s+',line)
434 + if m:
435 + headerdict['T_mean'] = {'unit':'K', 'value':float(m[1])}
436 + # start reading data
437 + elif'\s*Date__\(UT\)', line):
438 + incolnames = line.split()
439 + elif'\$\$SOE', line):
440 + readthedata = True
441 + elif'\$\$EOE', line):
442 + readthedata = False
443 + elif readthedata:
444 + datalines += 1
445 + outfile.write(line + '\n')
446 + elif'Projected output length', line):
447 + # this message occurs when requested data is too large
448 + exceedthelinelimit = line
449 + elif'Multiple major-bodies match', line):
450 + ambiguousname = line
451 + else:
452 + pass
453 + lcnt += 1
454 + if 'radii' in headerdict:
455 + radiival = headerdict['radii']['value']
456 + meanrad = _mean_radius(radiival[0], radiival[1], radiival[2])
457 + headerdict['meanrad'] = {'unit': 'km', 'value': meanrad}
458 + if datalines == 0:
459 +"No ephemeris data was found", "WARN")
460 + queryerrmsg = exceedthelinelimit if exceedthelinelimit != None else ambiguousname
461 +
462 + if queryerrmsg:
463 + raise RuntimeError(f'Error occurred at the query:{queryerrmsg}')
464 + else:
465 + raise RuntimeError(f'Error occurred at the query')
466 + else:
467 +'Number of data lines={datalines}')
468 +'Number of all lines in the file={lcnt}')
469 + #print("headerdict=", headerdict)
470 + # output to a casa table
471 +
472 + # check the input data columns and stored the order as indices
473 + foundncols = 0
474 + indexoffset = 0
475 + colkeys = {}
476 + #print('incolnames=',incolnames)
477 + if incolnames is not None:
478 + for outcolname in cols:
479 + # all colnames in cols should have unit defined.
480 + if 'unit' in cols[outcolname]:
481 + colkeys[outcolname] = np.array([cols[outcolname]['unit']])
482 + else:
483 + raise KeyError(f'Missing unit for {outcolname}.')
484 + inheadername = cols[outcolname]['header']
485 + # expect date is in the first column (date and mm:hh seperated by spaces)
486 + if outcolname == 'MJD':
487 + for incol in incolnames:
488 + if + '.+', incol):
489 + cols[outcolname]['index'] = incolnames.index(incol)
490 + foundncols += 1
491 + indexoffset = 1
492 + if 'index' not in cols[outcolname]:
493 +"Cannot find the Date column", "WARN")
494 + elif outcolname == 'RA':
495 + for incol in incolnames:
496 + if + '.+(ICRF).+', incol):
497 + cols[outcolname]['index'] = incolnames.index(incol) + indexoffset
498 + foundncols += 1
499 +
500 + if 'index' not in cols[outcolname]:
501 +"Cannot find the astrometric RA and Dec column", "WARN")
502 + elif outcolname == 'DEC':
503 + if 'index' in cols['RA']:
504 + # Dec data col is next to RA data col
505 + cols[outcolname]['index'] = cols['RA']['index'] + 1
506 + # add additional offset for index (4 data columns at this point)
507 + indexoffset +=1
508 + foundncols += 1
509 + else:
510 + if inheadername in incolnames:
511 + cols[outcolname]['index'] = incolnames.index(inheadername) + indexoffset
512 + foundncols += 1
513 + else:
514 +"Cannot find {inheadername}", "WARN")
515 +
516 + #print(cols)
517 +"expected n cols = {len(cols)} ")
518 +"foundncols = {foundncols}")
519 + if foundncols == len(cols):
520 + # Format the data to comply with measure/setjy
521 +"Found all the required columns")
522 + with open(tempconvfname, 'w') as outf, open(tempfname, 'r') as inf:
523 + ndata = 0
524 + earliestmjd = None
525 + mjd = None
526 + prevmjd = None
527 + for line in inf:
528 + outline = ''
529 + sep = ' '
530 + rawtempdata = line.split()
531 + tempdata = ['-999.0' if x == 'n.a.' else x for x in rawtempdata]
532 + # construct mjd from col 1 (calendar date) + col 2 (time)
533 + caldatestr = tempdata[0] + ' ' + tempdata[1]
534 + mjd = _qa.totime(caldatestr)
535 + if mjd == prevmjd:
536 + raise RuntimeError(f'Duplicated timestamp, {mjd}, is detected. This may occur when '+
537 + 'a time range is specified in MJD with a short time interval. If that is the case, '+
538 + 'try calendar date+time string for the time range.')
539 + outline += str(mjd['value']) + sep
540 + # position
541 + rad = tempdata[cols['RA']['index']]
542 + decd = tempdata[cols['DEC']['index']]
543 + outline += rad + sep + decd + sep
544 + # geocentric dist. (Rho)
545 + delta = tempdata[cols['Rho']['index']]
546 + outline += delta + sep
547 + # geocentric range rate (RadVel)
548 + valinkmps = tempdata[cols['RadVel']['index']]
549 + deldot = _qa.convert(_qa.quantity(valinkmps+'km/s'), 'AU/d' )['value']
550 + outline += str(deldot) + sep
551 + # NP_ang & NP_dist
552 + npang = tempdata[cols['NP_ang']['index']]
553 + npdist = tempdata[cols['NP_dist']['index']]
554 + outline += npang + sep + npdist + sep
555 + # DiskLong & DiskLat
556 + disklong = tempdata[cols['DiskLong']['index']]
557 + disklat = tempdata[cols['DiskLat']['index']]
558 + outline += disklong + sep + disklat + sep
559 + # sub-long & sub-lat
560 + sllon = tempdata[cols['Sl_lon']['index']]
561 + sllat = tempdata[cols['Sl_lat']['index']]
562 + outline += sllon + sep + sllat + sep
563 + # r, rot
564 + r = tempdata[cols['r']['index']]
565 + rdot = tempdata[cols['rdot']['index']]
566 + outline += r + sep + rdot + sep
567 + # S-T-O
568 + phang = tempdata[cols['phang']['index']]
569 + outline += phang
570 + outf.write(outline + '\n')
571 +
572 + ndata += 1
573 + if ndata == 1:
574 + earliestmjd = mjd
575 + prevmjd = mjd
576 + # record first and last mjd in the data
577 + headerdict['earliest'] = _me.epoch('UTC',earliestmjd)
578 + headerdict['latest'] = _me.epoch('UTC', mjd)
579 +
580 + else:
581 + missingcols = len(cols) - foundncols
582 +"Missing {missingcols}")
583 +
584 + # final step: convert to a CASA table
585 + dtypes = np.array(['D' for _ in range(len(cols))])
586 + _tb.fromascii(outtable, tempconvfname, sep=' ', columnnames=list(cols.keys()),
587 + datatypes=dtypes.tolist())
588 + _tb.done()
589 +
590 + # fill keyword values in the ephem table
591 + if os.path.exists(outtable):
592 + _fill_keywords_from_dict(headerdict, colkeys, outtable)
593 +"Output is written to a CASA table, {outtable}")
594 + else:
595 + raise RuntimeError("Error occured. The output table, " + outtable + "is not generated")
596 + else: #incolnames is None
597 + raise RuntimeError("No data header was found.")
598 +
599 + except RuntimeError as e:
600 +,"SEVERE")
601 +
602 + finally:
603 + tempfiles = [tempfname, tempconvfname]
604 + _clean_up(tempfiles)
605 +
606 +# This needs to change to read the ephem data from the generated casa table.
607 +# Will be called in fill_keywords_from_dict()
608 +
609 +# Copied from for mean_radius calc (when no NP-ang, NP_dist)
610 +# Note: this is not fully verified for the correctness but has been used
611 +# through JPLephem_reader2 for processing the ephemeris data to a CASA table.
612 +# For setjy, solar_system_setjy does own mean radius calculation and
613 +# meanrad is the table is not used for that. 2022.01.12 TT
614 +def _mean_radius(a, b, c):
615 + """
616 + Return the average apparent mean radius of an ellipsoid with semiaxes
617 + a >= b >= c.
618 + "average" means average over time naively assuming the pole orientation
619 + is uniformly distributed over the whole sphere, and "apparent mean radius"
620 + means a radius that would give the same area as the apparent disk.
621 + """
622 + # This is an approximation, but it's not bad.
623 + # The exact equations for going from a, b, c, and the Euler angles to the
624 + # apparent ellipse are given in Drummond et al., Icarus, 1985a.
625 + # It's the integral over the spin phase that I have approximated, so the
626 + # approximation is exact for b == a and appears to hold well for b << a.
627 + R = 0.5 * c ** 2 * (1.0 / b ** 2 + 1.0 / a ** 2) # The magic ratio.
628 + if R < 0.95:
629 + sqrt1mR = sqrt(1.0 - R)
630 + # There is fake singularity (RlnR) at R = 0, but it is unlikely to
631 + # be a problem.
632 + try:
633 + Rterm = 0.5 * R * log((1.0 + sqrt1mR) / (1.0 - sqrt1mR)) / sqrt1mR
634 + except RuntimeError:
635 + Rterm = 0.0
636 + else:
637 + # Use a (rapidly converging) series expansion to avoid a fake
638 + # singularity at R = 1.
639 + Rterm = 1.0 # 0th order
640 + onemR = 1.0 - R
641 + onemRtothei = 1.0
642 + for i in range(1, 5): # Start series at 1st order.
643 + onemRtothei *= onemR
644 + Rterm -= onemRtothei / (0.5 + 2.0 * i ** 2)
645 + avalfabeta = 0.5 * a * b * (1.0 + Rterm)
646 + return sqrt(avalfabeta)
647 +
648 +
649 +def _mean_radius_with_known_theta(disklat, radii):
650 + """
651 + Mean radius calculation extracted from solar_system_setjy
652 + """
653 + Req = 1000.0 * (radii[0] + radii[1]) / 2
654 + Rp = 1000.0 * radii[2]
655 +
656 + Rmean = 0.0
657 + index = 0
658 + for index, lat in enumerate(disklat):
659 + if lat == -999.0:
660 + lat = 0.0
661 + rlat = lat * (180. / np.pi)
662 + Rpap = sqrt(Req * Req * sin(rlat) ** 2.0 +
663 + Rp * Rp * cos(rlat) ** 2.0)
664 + # Rmean += ( sqrt (Rpap * Req) - Rmean )/ (index + 1.0)
665 + Rmean += sqrt(Rpap * Req)
666 +
667 + return (Rmean / (index + 1.0)) / 1000.0
668 +
669 +
670 +def _fill_keywords_from_dict(keydict, colkeys, tablename):
671 + # open tb
672 + # get ra,dec,np_ra, np_dec, and radii in the keyword
673 + # call mod version of mean_radius_with_known_theta
674 + orderedmainkeys = ['VS_CREATE','VS_DATE','VS_TYPE','VS_VERSION','NAME',
675 + 'MJD0','dMJD','GeoDist','GeoLat','GeoLong','obsloc',
676 + 'posrefsys','earliest','latest','radii',
677 + 'meanrad','orb_per','rot_per','T_mean']
678 + try:
679 +, nomodify=False)
680 + disklat = _tb.getcol('DiskLat')
681 + if 'radii' in keydict:
682 + radiival = keydict['radii']['value']
683 + calc_meanrad = _mean_radius_with_known_theta(disklat, radiival)
684 + if calc_meanrad and ('meanrad' in keydict):
685 + keydict['meanrad']['value'] = calc_meanrad
686 + if 'rot_per' in keydict and 'orb_per' in keydict and keydict['rot_per'] == 'Synchronous':
687 + keydict['rot_per'] = keydict['orb_per']
688 + sortedkeydict = {k: keydict[k] for k in orderedmainkeys if k in keydict}
689 + #print('sorteddict=',sortedkeydict)
690 + for k in sortedkeydict:
691 + _tb.putkeyword(k, sortedkeydict[k])
692 + datacolnames = _tb.colnames()
693 + for col in datacolnames:
694 + if col in colkeys:
695 + _tb.putcolkeyword(col, 'QuantumUnits', colkeys[col])
696 + # add table info required by measComet
697 + maintbinfo = {'readme': 'Derivied by jplhorizons-query from JPL-Horizons API '
698 + '(',
699 + 'subType':'Comet',
700 + 'type': 'IERS'}
701 + _tb.putinfo(maintbinfo)
702 + _tb.flush()
703 + _tb.done()
704 + except RuntimeError:
705 +'Internal error: Cannot add the data in keywords', "WARN")
706 +
707 +def _clean_up(filelist):
708 + """
709 + Clean up the temporary files
710 + """
711 + for f in filelist:
712 + if os.path.exists(f):
713 + os.remove(f)

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