
Akeem Wells authored 72ef189801b
Add check for when component list is empty.

If yes, use default list of tests
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929 929 print("")
930 930
931 931 rcdir=""
932 932 if args.rcdir is not None:
933 933 rcdir="--rcdir=" + args.rcdir
934 934 print("rcdir: " + rcdir)
935 935
936 936 if args.test_group is not None:
937 937 components = args.test_group
938 938 components = [x.strip() for x in components.split(",")]
939 + if len(components) == 1 and not components[0]:
940 + print("Component list is empty. Using component 'default'")
941 + components = ["default"]
939 942 print("Testing Components" + str(components))
940 943 print("")
941 944
942 945 if not args.bamboo:
943 946 if args.mapfile is not None:
944 947 component_to_test_map = json.load(args.mapfile)
945 948 else:
946 949 try:
947 950 import casatestutils as _;
948 951 with open("{}/{}".format(_.__path__[0], "component_to_test_map.json")) as ctt:

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