
Takeshi Nakazato authored 7dd0363ab94
CAS-13780 fix unused variable issue (F841)

- obvious ones were simply deleted - commented out variables that could be used in future


149 149'Apply Pressed-out method')
150 150
151 151 # CAS-5410 Use private tools inside task scripts
152 152 ia = iatool()
153 153
154 154 # mask
155 155 self.image = ia.newimagefromimage(infile=self.infiles, outfile=self.tmpmskname)
156 156 # back-up original mask name
157 157 is_initial_mask = (self.image.maskhandler('default')[0] != '')
158 158 temp_maskname = "temporal"
159 - imshape = self.image.shape()
160 - ndim = len(imshape)
161 - nx = imshape[0]
162 - ny = imshape[1]
159 + # imshape = self.image.shape()
160 + # ndim = len(imshape)
161 + # nx = imshape[0]
162 + # ny = imshape[1]
163 163 if len(self.thresh) == 0:
164 164'Use whole region')
165 165 else:
166 166 # mask pixels beyond thresholds
167 167 maskstr = ("mask('%s')" % self.tmpmskname)
168 168 if self.thresh[0] != self.nolimit:
169 169 maskstr += (" && '%s'>=%f" % (self.tmpmskname, self.thresh[0]))
170 170 if self.thresh[1] != self.nolimit:
171 171 maskstr += (" && '%s'<=%f" % (self.tmpmskname, self.thresh[1]))
172 172 # Need to flush to image once to calcmask ... sigh
340 340 ###
341 341'Apply Basket-Weaving')
342 342
343 343 # CAS-5410 Use private tools inside task scripts
344 344 ia = iatool()
345 345
346 346 # initial setup
347 347 outimage = ia.newimagefromimage(
348 348 infile=self.infiles[0], outfile=self.outfile, overwrite=self.overwrite)
349 349 imshape_out = outimage.shape()
350 - ndim_out = len(imshape_out)
350 + # ndim_out = len(imshape_out)
351 351 coordsys = outimage.coordsys()
352 352 axis_types = coordsys.axiscoordinatetypes()
353 353 # direction axis should always exist
354 354 try:
355 355 direction_axis0 = axis_types.index('Direction')
356 356 direction_axis1 = axis_types[direction_axis0 + 1:].index('Direction') \
357 357 + direction_axis0 + 1
358 358 except IndexError:
359 359 raise RuntimeError('Direction axes don\'t exist.')
360 360 finally:
397 397 if not self.realimage.getchunk(getmask=True).all():
398 398"Replacing masked pixels with 0.0 in %d-th image" % (i))
399 399 self.realimage.replacemaskedpixels(0.0)
400 400 self.realimage.close()
401 401 self.imagimage.close()
402 402
403 403 # Below working images are all 4D regardless of dimension of input images
404 404 # image shape for temporary images (always 4D)
405 405[0])
406 406 imshape = ia.shape()
407 - ndim = len(imshape)
407 + # ndim = len(imshape)
408 408 ia.close()
409 409
410 410 if len(self.thresh) == 0:
411 411'Use whole region')
412 412 else:
413 413 for i in range(nfile):
414 414 self.realimage = ia.newimage(self.tmprealname[i])
415 415 for iaxis2 in range(imshape[2]):
416 416 for iaxis3 in range(imshape[3]):
417 417 pixmsk = self.realimage.getchunk([0, 0, iaxis2, iaxis3],

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