
smcastro authored 836c2337a6d
First version of the new regression test script based on the CASAguides on

simulation using component lists. This test script leaves four png files in disk, which are to be visualized, if needed, when running the tests on release branches.
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1 +########################################################################
2 +#
3 +# Copyright (C) 2018
4 +# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
5 +#
6 +# This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
7 +# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
8 +# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
9 +# option) any later version.
10 +#
11 +# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
12 +# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
13 +# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public
14 +# License for more details.
15 +#
16 +# Based on CASAguides
17 +#
18 +#
19 +##########################################################################
20 +
21 +import os
22 +import shutil
23 +import unittest
24 +
25 +# On purpose this script does not import any casatool or casatask
26 +# It is meant to run with casa -c testscript using a CASA monolithic tarball,
27 +# which will verify if tasks are automatically imported in the tarball
28 +
29 +class ALMASimComponentListTest(unittest.TestCase):
30 +
31 + def setUp(self) -> None:
32 + self.imname = ''
33 + self.imfits = 'Gaussian.fits'
34 + self.point = ''
35 + self.imagelist = 'Image_list'
36 +
37 + def tearDown(self) -> None:
38 + # the .png files created by simobserve and simanalyse will be kept
39 + # inside a directory called png_list. These png images will be available
40 + # at the Artifacts tab of the Bamboo plan that runs these tests
41 + shutil.rmtree(self.imname)
42 + os.remove(self.imfits)
43 + shutil.rmtree(self.point)
44 + if os.path.exists('png_list'):
45 + shutil.rmtree('png_list')
46 + os.system('mkdir png_list')
47 + os.system('cp '+self.imagelist+'/*.png png_list')
48 + shutil.rmtree(self.imagelist)
49 + cl.done()
50 + ia.done()
51 +
52 + def test_simulation_with_componentlist(self):
53 + """Make FITS image and simulate observations with component list"""
54 + direction = "J2000 10h00m00.0s -30d00m00.0s"
55 + cl.done()
56 + cl.addcomponent(dir=direction, flux=1.0, fluxunit='Jy', freq='230.0GHz', shape="Gaussian",
57 + majoraxis="0.1arcmin", minoraxis='0.05arcmin', positionangle='45.0deg')
58 +
59 + ia.fromshape(self.imname,[256,256,1,1],overwrite=True)
60 + self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(self.imname),"Cannot find %s"%self.imname)
61 +
62 + cs = ia.coordsys()
63 + cs.setunits(['rad','rad','','Hz'])
64 + cell_rad = qa.convert(qa.quantity("0.1arcsec"),"rad")['value']
65 + cs.setincrement([-cell_rad,cell_rad],'direction')
66 + cs.setreferencevalue([qa.convert("10h",'rad')['value'],qa.convert("-30deg",'rad')['value']],type="direction")
67 + cs.setreferencevalue("230GHz",'spectral')
68 + cs.setincrement('1GHz','spectral')
69 + ia.setcoordsys(cs.torecord())
70 + ia.setbrightnessunit("Jy/pixel")
71 + ia.modify(cl.torecord(),subtract=False)
72 + ia.done()
73 +
74 + # Export the image to a FITS file
75 + exportfits(imagename=self.imname,fitsimage=self.imfits,overwrite=True)
76 + self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(self.imname),"Cannot find %s"%self.imname)
77 +
78 + cl.done()
79 + cl.addcomponent(dir="J2000 10h00m00.08s -30d00m02.0s", flux=0.1, fluxunit='Jy', freq='230.0GHz', shape="point")
80 + cl.addcomponent(dir="J2000 09h59m59.92s -29d59m58.0s", flux=0.1, fluxunit='Jy', freq='230.0GHz', shape="point")
81 + cl.addcomponent(dir="J2000 10h00m00.40s -29d59m55.0s", flux=0.1, fluxunit='Jy', freq='230.0GHz', shape="point")
82 + cl.addcomponent(dir="J2000 09h59m59.60s -30d00m05.0s", flux=0.1, fluxunit='Jy', freq='230.0GHz', shape="point")
83 + cl.rename(self.point)
84 + cl.done()
85 + self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(self.point),"Cannot find %s"%self.point)
86 +
87 + # Simulate observations of the point sources the Gaussian flux distribution in the FITS file
88 + simobserve(project = self.imagelist, skymodel = self.imfits, inwidth = "1GHz", complist = self.point,
89 + compwidth = '1GHz', direction = "J2000 10h00m00.0s -30d00m00.0s", obsmode = "int",
90 + antennalist = 'alma.cycle6.1.cfg', totaltime = "28800s", thermalnoise = '')
91 +
92 + self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(self.imagelist),"Cannot find %s"%self.imagelist)
93 + self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.imagelist,"")))
94 +
95 + # Make a map of the emision using the project created in the previous simobser step
96 + simanalyze(project = self.imagelist, imsize = [256,256], imdirection = "J2000 10h00m00.0s -30d00m00.0s",
97 + cell = '0.1arcsec', niter = 5000, threshold = '10.0mJy/beam', analyze = True)
98 +
99 + self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.imagelist,"Image_list.alma.cycle6.1.image")))
100 +
101 +if __name__ == "__main__":
102 + unittest.main()
103 +

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