
Benjamin Bean authored 8bbd3c22513
CAS-6692 tweaks to documentation
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17 17 polarity id: {
18 18 summary key: {
19 19 cycle: value
20 20 }
21 21 }
22 22 }
23 23 }
24 24
25 25 Examples:
26 26
27 - 1. To get the number of iterations done on the channel 5 during the first minor cycle:
28 - chan5iters = ret[5][0][0]['iterDone']
27 + 1. To get the number of iterations done on the channel 5, polarity 0 during the second minor cycle:
28 + chan5iters = summMin[5][0]['iterDone'][1]
29 29
30 30 2. To get the number of available channels, and the ids of those channels:
31 - nchans = len(ret)
32 - avail_chans = ret.keys()
31 + nchans = len(summMin)
32 + avail_chans = summMin.keys()
33 33
34 34 3. To get the available minor cycle summary statistics:
35 - statkeys = ret.rowDescriptions
35 + summaryKeys = summMin.rowDescriptions
36 36
37 37 There are also a few additional methods:
38 38 getMatrix(): returns the original numpy.ndarray matrix
39 39 getDict(calc_iterdone_deltas, keep_startvals): to get the iterDone stat for iterations across all channels
40 40
41 - Extends the python dictionary interface (try the command "help(dict)" for more information on builtin python dicts)."""
41 + Extends the python dictionary interface (try the command "help(dict)" for more information on builtin python dicts).
42 +
43 + Note that this class will be saved as a plain python dict when saved with methods like pickle.dump() or
44 + This is done to prevent issues when loading later, when this class might not be available to the python interpretter."""
42 45 # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 "No Mask" 12 13 14 15 16 17
43 46 rowDescriptionsOldOrder = ["iterDone", "peakRes", "modelFlux", "cycleThresh", "mapperId", "chan", "pol", "cycleStartIters", "startIterDone", "startPeakRes", "startModelFlux", "startPeakResNM", "peakResNM", "masksum", "mpiServer", "peakMem", "runtime", "stopCode"]
44 47 rowDescriptions = ["startIterDone", "iterDone", "startPeakRes", "peakRes", "startModelFlux", "modelFlux", "startPeakResNM", "peakResNM", "cycleThresh", "mapperId", "cycleStartIters", "masksum", "mpiServer", "peakMem", "runtime", "stopCode", "chan", "pol"]
45 48 rowStartDescs = ["startIterDone", "startPeakRes", "startModelFlux", "startPeakResNM"]
46 49
47 50 def __init__(self, summaryminor_matrix, summaryminor_dict = None):
48 51 self.summaryminor_matrix = summaryminor_matrix
49 52 if (summaryminor_dict == None):
50 53 summaryminor_dict = SummaryMinor.indexMinorCycleSummaryBySubimage(self.summaryminor_matrix)
51 54 self.summaryminor_dict = summaryminor_dict

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