
Takeshi Nakazato authored and Ville Suoranta committed 913367647c5 Merge
Pull request #708: CAS-14096

Merge in CASA/casa6 from CAS-14096 to master * commit '18fc9892844658a0f14f6d6996103c1b668fd1c7': CAS-14096 apply the same fix to similar code CAS-14096 insert extra condition suggested by Todd Hunter


4035 4035 transform=pb.gcf().transFigure)
4036 4036 if (debug): print("5) overlayAntennas=True")
4037 4037 DrawAntennaNames(msAnt, antennasToPlot, msFound, mysize)
4038 4038 if (debug): print("6) overlayAntennas=True")
4039 4039 elif (overlayTimes==True and bOverlay == False
4040 4040 and overlayAntennas==False): # try to support antenna,time
4041 4041 doneOverlayTime = True # assumed until proven otherwise in the 'for' loop
4042 4042 for f in fieldIndicesToPlot:
4043 4043 if (len(uniqueTimesPerFieldPerSpw[ispwInCalTable][f]) > 0):
4044 4044 if ((uniqueTimes[mytime] < uniqueTimesPerFieldPerSpw[ispwInCalTable][f][-1]-solutionTimeThresholdSeconds) and
4045 + scansForUniqueTimes[mytime] != scansForUniqueTimes[-1] and # fix for CAS-14096
4045 4046 (uniqueTimes[mytime] < timerangeListTimes[-1])):
4046 4047 if (debug):
4047 4048 print("-----------Not done because %.0f < %.0f-%d for fieldIndex=%d and <%.0f" % (uniqueTimes[mytime], uniqueTimesPerFieldPerSpw[ispwInCalTable][f][-1], solutionTimeThresholdSeconds, f, timerangeListTimes[-1]))
4048 4049 print("-----------ispwInCalTable=%d, mytime=%d, len(uniqueTimes) = %d" % (ispwInCalTable, mytime, len(uniqueTimes)))
4049 4050 doneOverlayTime = False
4050 4051 if (debug):
4051 4052 print("------doneOverlayTime = %s" % (str(doneOverlayTime)))
4052 4053 if (doneOverlayTime):
4053 4054 # either it is the last time of any times in solution, or the last time in the list of times to plot
4054 4055 if (debug):
4834 4835 else:
4835 4836 pb.text(x0+0.02, y0-0.03*subplotRows*1, corrTypeToString(corr_type[1]), color=overlayColors[0],
4836 4837 fontsize=mysize, transform=pb.gca().transAxes)
4837 4838 pdesc = pb.plot([x0], [y0+0.015*subplotRows-0.03*subplotRows*1],'%sk'%phasemarkstyle2, markersize=markersize,
4838 4839 scalex=False,scaley=False, transform=pb.gca().transAxes,markeredgewidth=markeredgewidth)
4839 4840 if (xframe == firstFrame):
4840 4841 # draw title including caltable name
4841 4842 pb.text(xstartTitle, ystartTitle, caltableTitle, size=titlesize, color='k',
4842 4843 transform=pb.gcf().transFigure)
4843 4844 DrawAntennaNames(msAnt, antennasToPlot, msFound, mysize)
4844 - elif (overlayTimes==True and bOverlay == False
4845 + elif (overlayTimes==True and bOverlay == False
4845 4846 and overlayAntennas==False): # try to support antenna,time
4846 4847 doneOverlayTime = True # assumed until proven otherwise in the 'for' loop
4847 4848 for f in fieldIndicesToPlot:
4848 4849 if (uniqueTimes[mytime] < uniqueTimesPerFieldPerSpw[ispwInCalTable][f][-1]-solutionTimeThresholdSeconds and
4850 + scansForUniqueTimes[mytime] != scansForUniqueTimes[-1] and # fix for CAS-14096
4849 4851 uniqueTimes[mytime] < timerangeListTimes[-1]):
4850 4852 doneOverlayTime = False
4851 4853 if (doneOverlayTime):
4852 4854 # either it is the last time of any times in solution, or the last time in the list of times to plot
4853 4855 mytime = nUniqueTimes-1
4854 4856 # We do this last, because by then, the limits will be broad enough and stable.
4855 4857 x0 = xstartPolLabel
4856 4858 y0 = ystartPolLabel
4857 4859 if (corrTypeToString(corr_type[0]) in polsToPlot):
4858 4860 if (channeldiff > 0):

Everything looks good. We'll let you know here if there's anything you should know about.

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