
Takahiro Tsutsumi authored 9af4431de79
Moved the tests to a new file and added some more tests


1 +##########################################################################
2 +#
3 +#
4 +# Copyright (C) 2021
5 +# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
6 +#
7 +# This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
8 +# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
9 +# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
10 +# option) any later version.
11 +#
12 +# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 +# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 +# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public
15 +# License for more details.
16 +#
17 +# []
18 +#
19 +# Based on the requirements listed in CASADocs found here:
20 +#
21 +#
22 +# Test case: requirement
23 +# methods tested: getoptimumsize, fitpsfbeam, advisechansel
24 +#
25 +# test_fitpsfbeam
26 +# test single term psf fitting
27 +# test a wrong nterms (>1) for single term psf fitting
28 +# test a wrong psfcutoff (<0, 1)
29 +# test mulit-term psf fitting (nterms=2)
30 +#
31 +##########################################################################
32 +
33 +
34 +#### Imports ####
35 +import os
36 +import sys
37 +import unittest
38 +import copy
39 +import shutil
40 +import numpy
41 +
42 +from casatestutils import testhelper as th
43 +from casatestutils import compare
44 +
45 +from casatools import ctsys, synthesisutils, image, msmetadata, measures, table, quanta
46 +#from casatasks import ...
47 +su = synthesisutils()
48 +_qa = quanta()
49 +
50 +class sutest_base(unittest.TestCase):
51 +
52 + @classmethod
53 + def setUpClass(cls):
54 + # Location of input data
55 + #datapath = ctsys.resolve('unittest/synthesisutils/')
56 + cls.datapath = '/export/home/murasame/casasrc/cas13590dev/testdata/'
57 + cls.ia = image()
58 + cls.tb = table()
59 + cls.msmd = msmetadata()
60 + @classmethod
61 + def tearDownClass(cls):
62 + cls.ia.done()
63 + cls.tb.done()
64 + cls.msmd.done()
65 +
66 + def checklistval(kind, inlist, reflist):
67 + state = False
68 + pstr = ''
69 + if inlist==reflist:
70 + state = True
71 + else:
72 + state = False
73 + pstr = 'Fail : {} {} expected {}'.format(kind,inlist, reflist)
74 + return (state, pstr)
75 +
76 + def checkdict(self,indict,refdict, testdesc=''):
77 + """
78 + Compare dictionaries between indict and refdict
79 + testesc: optional test description printed with the message for failed case
80 +
81 + Returns True/False and messages in cases of failures
82 + also print the failure messages if at least one of the tests fails
83 + """
84 + tests =[]
85 + msg = ''
86 + if testdesc!='':
87 + msg += '[ {} ]'.format(testdesc)
88 + for key in indict:
89 + if key in refdict:
90 + if isinstance(indict[key], numpy.ndarray):
91 + if isinstance(refdict[key], numpy.ndarray):
92 + if numpy.array_equal(indict[key],refdict[key]):
93 + tests.append(True)
94 + else:
95 + #print("{0}:{1} (current) != {0}:{2} (reference) ".format(key,indict[key],refdict[key]))
96 + msg += "Fail: {0}:{1} (current) != {0}:{2} (reference)\n ".format(key,indict[key],refdict[key])
97 + tests.append(False)
98 +
99 + else:
100 + msg += "Fail: Type mismatch for {}: current {}, reference {} \n".format(key,type(indict[key]), type(refdict[key]))
101 + elif isinstance(indict[key], list):
102 + if isinstance(refdict[key], list):
103 + if indict[key]==refdict[key]:
104 + tests.append(True)
105 + else:
106 + tests.append(False)
107 + msg += "Fail: {0}:{1} (current) != {0}:{2}(reference) \n".format(key, indict[key], refdict[key])
108 + else:
109 + if indict[key]==refdict[key]:
110 + tests.append(True)
111 + else:
112 + tests.append(False)
113 + msg += "Fail {0}:{1} (current) != {0}:{2} (reference) \n".format(key, indict[key], refdict[key])
114 + else:
115 + pass
116 +
117 + allpass = all(tests)
118 + if not allpass:
119 + print(msg)
120 +
121 + return (allpass, msg)
122 +
123 + def topof_to_outframef(self, vis, infreq, outframe, fieldid):
124 + """
125 + Calulate corresponding outframe frequencies for the input TOPO
126 + frequency for a specific source for the given observing time stamps
127 + as the outframe frequency shift.
128 + (returns a list of measure frequency)
129 + """
130 + _me = measures()
131 + # source direction
132 +'/FIELD')
133 + dir = self.tb.getcell('PHASE_DIR',fieldid)
134 + self.tb.done()
135 + mdir = _me.direction('J2000', str(dir[0][0])+'rad',str(dir[1][0])+'rad')
136 +
137 + # location
139 + tel = self.tb.getcol('TELESCOPE_NAME')
140 + self.tb.done()
141 +
142 + # get time range for the source
143 +
144 + tms = self.msmd.timesforfield(fieldid)
145 + self.msmd.done()
146 +
147 + # set location
148 + _me.doframe(_me.observatory(tel[0]))
149 + # set direction
150 + _me.doframe(mdir)
151 +
152 + # input freq
153 + inmf = _me.frequency('TOPO',infreq)
154 +
155 + outflist=[]
156 + for tm in tms:
157 + ep = _me.epoch('UTC', str(tm)+'s')
158 + # set frame for a specific epoch
159 + _me.doframe(ep)
160 + #me.showframe()
161 +
162 + outf = _me.measure(inmf,outframe)
163 +
164 + outflist.append(outf)
165 +
166 + return outflist
167 +
168 +#### Tests ####
169 +class fitpsfbeam_test(sutest_base):
170 + ### su.fitpsBeam has three parameters, imagename, nterms, and psfcutoff.
171 + ### nterms and psfcutoff have the default values but other values need to be tested.
172 + ### Approriate multiterm psfs need to be present for nterms>1
173 +
174 +
175 + ### Set Up
176 + def setUp(self):
177 + # input images
178 + self.inputims=[]
179 + psfim1 = 'su_fitpsfbeam_test_mfs.psf'
180 + self.inputims.append(psfim1)
181 + shutil.copytree(os.path.join(self.datapath, psfim1),psfim1)
182 + # base name for multiterm
183 + psfim2base = ''
184 + for ext in ['0','1','2']:
185 + psfname = psfim2base+ext
186 + psf2ttfullpath = os.path.join(self.datapath, psfname)
187 + shutil.copytree(os.path.join(self.datapath, psfname),psfname)
188 + self.inputims.append(psfname)
189 +
190 + ### Teardown
191 + def tearDown(self):
192 + for img in self.inputims:
193 + shutil.rmtree(img)
194 +
195 + ### Test Cases
196 + def test_mfs(self):
197 + '''Test that fitting of mfs psf works '''
198 + # prep psf image
199 + # Save the origin restoringbeam for reference
200 + psfim = self.inputims[0]
201 +
202 + origbeam = self.ia.restoringbeam()
203 + # Set different values for the beam
204 + resetbeam = copy.deepcopy(origbeam)
205 + resetbeam['major']['value']=1.0
206 + resetbeam['minor']['value']=1.0
207 + resetbeam['positionangle']['value']=0.0
208 + self.ia.setrestoringbeam(major=resetbeam['major'], minor=resetbeam['minor'], pa=resetbeam['positionangle'])
209 + self.ia.done()
210 +
211 + # expected values
212 + bmref= {'major': {'unit': 'arcsec', 'value': 52.93011474609375}, 'minor': {'unit': 'arcsec', 'value': 49.147438049316406}, 'positionangle': {'unit': 'deg', 'value': -87.39420318603516}}
213 +
214 + su = synthesisutils()
215 + ret = su.fitPsfBeam(imagename=psfim[:-4])
216 + del su
217 +
218 + newbeam = self.ia.restoringbeam()
219 + self.ia.done()
220 + print("psfim=",psfim)
221 + print("origbeam=",origbeam)
222 + print("newbeam=",newbeam)
223 +
224 + self.assertTrue(ret)
225 + # test against expected values
226 + # - original beam in psf image is different from fitted values
227 + self.assertDictContainsSubset(newbeam, bmref)
228 +
229 + def test_mfs_wrong_nterms(self):
230 + '''Test that it catches if nterms is inconsistent with input psf (nterms=2, for a single term psf) '''
231 + su = synthesisutils()
232 + psfim = self.inputims[0]
233 +
234 + self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, su.fitPsfBeam, imagename=psfim[:-4],nterms=2)
235 + del su
236 +
237 + def test_mfs_wrong_psfcutoff(self):
238 + '''Test that psfcutoff is given outside the allowed range (1.0) '''
239 + # prep psf image
240 + # Save the origin restoringbeam for reference
241 + psfim = self.inputims[0]
242 +
243 + su = synthesisutils()
244 + ret1 = su.fitPsfBeam(imagename=psfim[:-4],psfcutoff=1.0)
245 + ret2 = su.fitPsfBeam(imagename=psfim[:-4],psfcutoff=-1.0)
246 + del su
247 + self.assertFalse(ret1)
248 + self.assertFalse(ret2)
249 +
250 + def test_mfs_largerpsfcutoff(self):
251 + '''Test that psfcutoff with a valid (larger) number works '''
252 + # prep psf image
253 + # Save the origin restoringbeam for reference
254 + psfim = self.inputims[0]
255 +
256 + origbeam = self.ia.restoringbeam()
257 + # Set different values for the beam
258 + resetbeam = copy.deepcopy(origbeam)
259 + resetbeam['major']['value']=1.0
260 + resetbeam['minor']['value']=1.0
261 + resetbeam['positionangle']['value']=0.0
262 + self.ia.setrestoringbeam(major=resetbeam['major'], minor=resetbeam['minor'], pa=resetbeam['positionangle'])
263 + self.ia.done()
264 +
265 + # expected values
266 + bmref= {'major': {'unit': 'arcsec', 'value': 49.89558029174805}, 'minor': {'unit': 'arcsec', 'value': 46.80238342285156}, 'positionangle': {'unit': 'deg', 'value': -88.28898620605469}}
267 +
268 + su = synthesisutils()
269 + ret = su.fitPsfBeam(imagename=psfim[:-4],psfcutoff=0.5)
270 + del su
271 +
272 + newbeam = self.ia.restoringbeam()
273 + self.ia.done()
274 + print("psfim=",psfim)
275 + print("origbeam=",origbeam)
276 + print("newbeam=",newbeam)
277 +
278 + self.assertTrue(ret)
279 + # test against expected values
280 + # - original beam in psf image is different from fitted values
281 + self.assertDictContainsSubset(newbeam, bmref)
282 +
283 + def test_mtmfs_nterms2(self):
284 + '''Test that fitting of multiterm psf works '''
285 + # prep psf image
286 + # Save the origin restoringbeam for reference
287 + psfimtt0 = self.inputims[1]
288 +
289 + origbeam = self.ia.restoringbeam()
290 + # Set different values for the beam
291 + resetbeam = copy.deepcopy(origbeam)
292 + resetbeam['major']['value']=1.0
293 + resetbeam['minor']['value']=1.0
294 + resetbeam['positionangle']['value']=0.0
295 + self.ia.setrestoringbeam(major=resetbeam['major'], minor=resetbeam['minor'], pa=resetbeam['positionangle'])
296 + self.ia.done()
297 +
298 + # expected values
299 + bmref= {'major': {'unit': 'arcsec', 'value': 52.93011474609375}, 'minor': {'unit': 'arcsec', 'value': 49.147438049316406}, 'positionangle': {'unit': 'deg', 'value': -87.39420318603516}}
300 +
301 + su = synthesisutils()
302 + #print("psfimtt0==",psfimtt0)
303 + ret = su.fitPsfBeam(imagename=psfimtt0[:-8],nterms=2)
304 + del su
305 +
306 + newbeam = self.ia.restoringbeam()
307 + self.ia.done()
308 + #print("psfimitt0=",psfimtt0)
309 + #print("origbeam=",origbeam)
310 + #print("newbeam=",newbeam)
311 +
312 + self.assertTrue(ret)
313 + # test against expected values
314 + # - original beam in psf image is different from fitted values
315 + self.assertDictContainsSubset(newbeam, bmref)
316 +
317 +class getoptimumsize_test(sutest_base):
318 + ### su.getoptimumsize takes a single parameter, size.
319 +
320 + ### Set Up
321 + def setUp(self):
322 + pass
323 + ### Teardown
324 + def tearDown(self):
325 + pass
326 + ### Test Cases
327 + def test_default(self):
328 + '''Test default size'''
329 + su = synthesisutils()
330 + ret = su.getOptimumSize()
331 + del su
332 + self.assertEqual(ret,100)
333 +
334 + def test_2(self):
335 + '''Test odd non-optimal number'''
336 + su = synthesisutils()
337 + ret = su.getOptimumSize(size=501)
338 + del su
339 + self.assertEqual(ret,512)
340 +
341 + def test_3(self):
342 + '''Test even non-optimal number '''
343 + su = synthesisutils()
344 + ret = su.getOptimumSize(size=510)
345 + del su
346 + self.assertEqual(ret,512)
347 +
348 +class advisechansel_test(sutest_base):
349 + ### su.advisechansel returns data selections or frequency range for spectral imaging
350 +
351 + ### Setup
352 + def setUp(self):
353 + # input MSes
354 + self.inputmses=[]
355 + ms1 = ''
356 + ms2 = ''
357 + self.inputmses.append(ms1)
358 + self.inputmses.append(ms2)
359 + for inms in self.inputmses:
360 + if not os.path.exists(inms):
361 + shutil.copytree(os.path.join(self.datapath, inms),inms)
362 + # base name for multiterm
363 + #Epsfim2base = ''
364 + #for ext in ['0','1','2']:
365 + # psfname = psfim2base+ext
366 + # psf2ttfullpath = os.path.join(self.datapath, psfname)
367 + # shutil.copytree(os.path.join(self.datapath, psfname),psfname)
368 + # self.inputims.append(psfname)
369 +
370 +
371 + ### Teardown
372 + def TearDown(self):
373 + for inpdata in self.inputmses:
374 + if os.path.exists(inpdata):
375 + shutil.rmtree(indata)
376 +
377 + ### Test cases
378 + def test_advisechanelsel_datasel(self):
379 + '''Test that data seleciton parameters or given frequency range, etc is returned correctly'''
380 + # Run multiple tests with slightly different input but should yield identical result.
381 +
382 + # First, try it in the data frame
383 + su = synthesisutils()
384 +
385 + inputms = ''
386 + # start: Chan 500 of spw0, end: Chan 3840 of spw1
387 + fsttopo = '356.55897119140625GHz'
388 + fentopo = '358.2029418946312GHz'
389 + res = su.advisechansel(freqstart=fsttopo,freqend=fentopo, freqframe='TOPO', fieldid=2, msname=inputms)
390 + #print('res=',res)
391 + # res['nchan'] = [3340, 3840], res['spw'] = [0,1], res['start']=[500,0]
392 + refdict = {'nchan': numpy.array([3340, 3840]), 'spw': numpy.array([0, 1]), 'start': numpy.array([500, 0])}
393 +
394 + (pof, errmsg) = self.checkdict(res,refdict, 'TOPO test')
395 +
396 + # calculate input frequencies in LSRK in the time range for a specific source
397 + print("inputms=",inputms)
398 + listoffreqs = self.topof_to_outframef(inputms, fsttopo, 'LSRK', 2)
399 + fval = []
400 + for f in listoffreqs:
401 + fval.append(f['m0']['value'])
402 + fstlsrk = str(_qa.convert(str(min(fval))+'Hz', 'GHz')['value'])+'GHz'
403 +
404 + listoffreqs = self.topof_to_outframef(inputms, fentopo, 'LSRK', 2)
405 + fval.clear()
406 + for f in listoffreqs:
407 + fval.append(f['m0']['value'])
408 + fenlsrk = str(_qa.convert(str(min(fval))+'Hz', 'GHz')['value'])+'GHz'
409 +
410 + # run advisechansel with LSRK
411 + reslsrk = su.advisechansel(freqstart=fstlsrk,freqend=fenlsrk, freqframe='LSRK', fieldid=2, msname=inputms)
412 + del su
413 +
414 + (poflsrk, errmsglsrk) = self.checkdict(reslsrk,refdict,'LSRK test')
415 + self.assertTrue(all([pof,poflsrk]))
416 +
417 + def test_advisechanelsel_datasel_ephem(self):
418 + '''Test that data selection parameters for given frequency range,etc for ephemeris object returned correctly'''
419 +
420 + su = synthesisutils()
421 + #ret = su.advisechansel(xxxx)
422 + inputms = ''
423 + # spw2 descending freq order
424 + fst = '220.34439739444292GHz'
425 + fen = '220.29556926944292GHz'
426 + cw = '122.0703125kHz'
427 + res = su.advisechansel(freqstart=fst,freqend=fen, freqstep=cw, freqframe='SOURCE', fieldid=1, ephemtable='TRACKFIELD', msname=inputms)
428 + #print('res=',res)
429 + # res['nchan'] = [3340, 3840], res['spw'] = [0,1], res['start']=[500,0]
430 + refdict = {'nchan': numpy.array([402]), 'spw': numpy.array([2]), 'start': numpy.array([251])}
431 +
432 + (pof, errmsg) = self.checkdict(res,refdict, 'internal ephem table test')
433 +
434 + # alternatively use an external table
435 + shutil.copytree(inputms+'/FIELD/', '')
436 + resext = su.advisechansel(freqstart=fst,freqend=fen, freqstep=cw, freqframe='SOURCE', fieldid=1, ephemtable='', msname=inputms)
437 + (pofext, errmsgext) = self.checkdict(resext,refdict,'external ephem table test')
438 + shutil.rmtree('')
439 +
440 + # or alternatively use the default table of the object known by CASA
441 + resdef = su.advisechansel(freqstart=fst,freqend=fen, freqstep=cw, freqframe='SOURCE', fieldid=1, ephemtable='Uranus', msname=inputms)
442 + (pofdef, errmsgdef) = self.checkdict(resdef,refdict,'default ephem table test')
443 +
444 + del su
445 +
446 + self.assertTrue(all([pof,pofext,pofdef]))
447 +
448 +
449 + def test_su_adivsechansel_getfreqrange
450 + '''Test that frequency range for givne data selections returned correctly'''
451 + # to be filled
452 + pass
453 +
454 + def test_su_advisechansel_getfreqrange_ephem
455 + '''Test that frequency range for givne data selections for an ephemeris object returned correctly'''
456 + # to be filled
457 + pass
458 +
459 + def test_su_adivsechanel_defaults
460 + '''Test non specified parameter case for proper error/warning message '''
461 + pass
462 +
463 +#### Suite: Required for CASA5 ####
464 +#def suite():
465 +# return[fitpsfbeam_test]
466 +
467 +#### Imports ####
468 +if __name__ == '__main__':
469 + unittest.main()

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