
151 151 nbin = 30
152 152
153 153 npixx, npixy = uvgrid.shape[0], uvgrid.shape[1]
154 154 cx, cy = npixx//2, npixy//2
155 155
156 156 uvlen_m_grid = uvlen_m.reshape([npixx, npixy])
157 157
158 158 # Generate grid of radii
159 159 x = np.arange(npixx) - cx
160 160 y = np.arange(npixy) - cy
161 - rad = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2).astype(int)
161 + #rad = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2).astype(int)
162 162
163 163 yy, xx = np.meshgrid(x, y)
164 - radgrid = np.sqrt(xx**2 + yy**2).astype(int)
164 + #radgrid = np.sqrt(xx**2 + yy**2).astype(int)
165 165
166 166 # Create log-spaced annuli to account for reducing UV coverage with radius
167 167 # Minimum annulus is 5px
168 168 annuli = np.logspace(0, np.log10(uvlen_m_grid.max()), nbin)
169 169 annuli = np.round(annuli).astype(int)
170 170
171 171 radial_mean = np.zeros(nbin)
172 172 radial_mad = np.zeros(nbin)
173 173
174 174 ann_min = 0
259 259 radamp[rval]+=absval*wgtgrid[k,j]
260 260 radamp2[rval]+=absval*absval*wgtgrid[k,j]
261 261 radwght[rval]+=wgtgrid[k,j]
262 262 if(np.max(radwght)==0.0):
263 263 #empty channel
264 264 return
265 265 radamp[radwght!=0]=radamp[radwght!=0]/radwght[radwght!=0]
266 266 radamp2[radwght!=0]=radamp2[radwght!=0]/radwght[radwght!=0]
267 267 maxsenspos=np.argmax(radwght)
268 268 #normalize radweight
269 - normrdwght=radwght/np.max(radwght)
269 + #normrdwght=radwght/np.max(radwght)
270 270 sig=np.sqrt(np.abs(radamp2-radamp*radamp))
271 271 #nescale relative sigmas by number of weights att the point
272 - medsig=np.median(sig[sig !=0])
272 + #medsig=np.median(sig[sig !=0])
273 273 sigtouse=sig[maxsenspos]
274 274 #sig[normrdwght!=0]=sig[normrdwght!=0]/normrdwght[normrdwght!=0]
275 275 xvalnz=xval[(sig !=0.0) & (radamp !=0)]
276 276 radampnz=radamp[(sig !=0) & (radamp !=0)]
277 277 fitnz=curve_fit(self.resid_cinco, xvalnz, radampnz)
278 278 ###
279 279 #print('min max of sig and max sens one', np.min(sig), np.max(sig), sigtouse)
280 280 signz=sig[sig !=0.0]
281 281 sig=np.interp(xval, xvalnz, signz)
282 282 #print( 'corvar ', fitnz[1])
364 364 uvgrid_cont = np.zeros((npoints, npoints), dtype=np.complex128)
365 365 wgtgrid_cont = np.zeros((npoints, npoints), dtype=np.float64)
366 366
367 367 for pol in range(npol):
368 368 for chan in range(nchan):
369 369 dat = tb.getcolslice('DATA', [pol, chan], [pol, chan], [1, 1])
370 370 flg = tb.getcolslice('FLAG', [pol, chan], [pol, chan], [1, 1])
371 371 wgt = tb.getcolslice('WEIGHT_SPECTRUM', [pol, chan], [pol, chan], [1, 1])
372 372
373 373 if dat.size == 0 or flg.size == 0 or wgt.size == 0:
374 -"Zero size array read. Skipping.",
374 +"Zero size array read. Skipping.",
375 375 'WARN',
376 376 'task_msuvbinflag')
377 377 continue
378 378
379 379 dat_grid = dat[0, 0, :].reshape([npoints, npoints])
380 380 flg_grid = flg[0, 0, :].reshape([npoints, npoints])
381 381 wgt_grid = wgt[0, 0, :].reshape([npoints, npoints])
382 382
383 383 # Flag the data as necessary
384 384 dat_grid = dat_grid * ~flg_grid
450 450 #plt.savefig('uvgrid.jpg', bbox_inches='tight')
451 451
452 452
453 453 for pol in range(npol):
454 454 for chan in range(nchan):
455 455 dat = np.asarray(tb.getcolslice('DATA', [pol, chan], [pol, chan], [1, 1]))
456 456 flg = np.asarray(tb.getcolslice('FLAG', [pol, chan], [pol, chan], [1, 1]))
457 457 wgt = np.asarray(tb.getcolslice('WEIGHT_SPECTRUM', [pol, chan], [pol, chan], [1, 1]))
458 458
459 459 if dat.size == 0 or flg.size == 0 or wgt.size == 0:
460 -"Zero size array read. Skipping.",
460 +"Zero size array read. Skipping.",
461 461 'WARN',
462 462 'task_msuvbinflag')
463 463 continue
464 464
465 465 # Do the flagging and write back
466 466 flg_new = self.apply_flags(dat, flg, uvlen_m, radial_mean, radial_mad, annuli, nsigma=sigma)
467 467
468 468 tb.putcolslice('DATA', dat, [pol, chan], [pol, chan])
469 469 tb.putcolslice('FLAG', flg_new, [pol, chan], [pol, chan])
470 470 tb.putcolslice('WEIGHT_SPECTRUM', wgt, [pol, chan], [pol, chan])
503 503 a = dat[k, 0, :].reshape([nx, nx])
504 504 f = flg[k, 0, :].reshape([nx, nx])
505 505 w = wgt[k, 0, :].reshape([nx, nx])
506 506 self.calc_radial_profile_and_fit(a,w,f,sigma)
507 507 if(self.doplot):
508 508
509 509 pl.savefig(f'rad_{self.binnedvis}_c{c}_p{k}.jpg')
510 510 #input("Press Enter to continue...")
511 511 #########
512 512 of = np.sum(flg[:,0,:])
513 - casa.logpost('AFTER chan %d number of unflagged points: %d max: %f' % (c, nx*nx*npol-of, np.max(np.abs(dat[:,0,:])),),
513 +'AFTER chan %d number of unflagged points: %d max: %f' % (c, nx*nx*npol-of, np.max(np.abs(dat[:,0,:])),),
514 514 'DEBUG',
515 515 'task_msuvbinflag')
516 516 #print (f'AFTER chan {c} number of unflagged points: {nx*nx*npol-of} max: {np.max(np.abs(dat[:,0,:]))}')
517 517 #print ('=======================================================================')
518 518 ########
519 519 if(not self.dryrun):
520 520 tb.putcolslice('FLAG', flg, [0,c], [npol-1,c], [1,1])
521 521 tb.putcolslice('DATA', dat, [0,c], [npol-1,c], [1,1])
522 522 tb.putcolslice('WEIGHT_SPECTRUM', wgt, [0, c], [npol-1, c], [1, 1])
523 523
524 524 tb.done()
525 525 #########################################################################################
526 526 def flag_gradient(self) -> None:
527 + sigma=3
527 528, nomodify=False)
528 529 msuvbinkey = tb.getkeyword('MSUVBIN')
529 530 nx = msuvbinkey['nx']
530 531 ny = msuvbinkey['ny']
531 532 if(nx != ny):
532 533 raise Exception('Do not deal with non square gridded vis')
533 534 npol = msuvbinkey['npol']
534 535 nchan = msuvbinkey['nchan']
535 536
536 537 for c in range(nchan):
567 568 tb.done()
568 569
569 570
570 571
571 572
572 573 @staticmethod
573 574 def locate_von(grid, radius=1, scale=0.3):
574 575 flagpoints = []
575 576 gridpoints = []
576 577 npoints = len(grid)
577 - gradients = gradient(10, 10,
578 + gradients = np.array(np.gradient(
578 579 du = gradients[0]
579 580 dv = gradients[1]
580 581 th = np.sqrt(np.max(du)*np.max(du) + np.max(dv)*np.max(dv))
581 582 print ('Max grad', th, np.max(du), np.max(dv))
582 583 scale = th * scale
583 584
584 585 for i in range(int(radius), int(npoints - radius)):
585 586 for j in range(int(radius), int(npoints - radius)):
586 587 if(grid.mask[i,j]==False):
587 588 du_up = du[i + radius][j]

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