Bob Garwood authored b2b17e3f2a8 Merge
23 23 | import matplotlib.transforms |
24 24 | import numpy as np |
25 25 | import pylab as pb |
26 26 | from casatasks import casalog |
27 27 | from casatools import (atmosphere, ctsys, measures, ms, msmetadata, quanta, |
28 28 | table) |
29 29 | from matplotlib.ticker import (FormatStrFormatter, MultipleLocator, |
30 30 | ScalarFormatter) |
31 31 | from six.moves import input, range |
32 32 | ​ |
33 + | # CAS-13722, CAS-13385 |
34 + | import warnings |
35 + | import matplotlib.cbook |
36 + | warnings.filterwarnings("ignore",category=matplotlib.cbook.MatplotlibDeprecationWarning) |
33 37 | ​ |
34 38 | PLOTBANDPASS_REVISION_STRING = "$Id:,v 1.102 2018/01/21 14:45:41 thunter Exp $" |
35 39 | TOP_MARGIN = 0.25 # Used if showatm=T or showtksy=T |
36 40 | BOTTOM_MARGIN = 0.25 # Used if showfdm=T |
37 41 | MAX_ATM_CALC_CHANNELS = 512 |
38 42 | ​ |
39 43 | markeredgewidth = 0.0 |
40 44 | ​ |
41 45 | # This is a color sequence found online which has distinguishable colors |
42 46 | overlayColors = [ |
715 719 | """ |
716 720 | This is a task to plot bandpass and Tsys calibration tables faster and more |
717 721 | flexibly than plotcal, including the ability to overlay the atmospheric |
718 722 | transmission, and to create multi-page plots as pngs and combine them |
719 723 | into single PDF documents. |
720 724 | It works with both the old style and new style cal tables. The source code |
721 725 | is in For more detailed help, see examples at: |
722 726 | |
723 727 | -- Todd Hunter |
724 728 | """ |
725 - | axes = dict() # keep track of already created axes |
726 729 | def safe_pb_subplot(xframe): |
727 730 | """ |
728 731 | CAS-12786: old pyplots (up to CASA 5.6.1 used to accept "220" in the pos parameter |
729 732 | Newer pyplots won't. Assume the index effectively used was 1 ("221") |
730 - | |
731 - | CAS-13276: pb.subplot will return a different instance in future matplotlib versions rather than |
732 - | the same instance. We need to keep track of the axes that have been already created; otherwise, we will lose plots. |
733 733 | """ |
734 - | if (axes.get(xframe) != None): |
735 - | return axes.get(xframe) |
736 - | ​ |
737 - | if str(xframe).endswith('0'): |
738 - | adesc = pb.subplot(xframe + 1) |
739 - | else: |
740 - | adesc = pb.subplot(xframe) |
741 - | |
742 - | axes[xframe] = adesc |
743 - | return adesc |
734 + | xf = (xframe + 1) if str(xframe).endswith('0') else xframe |
735 + | return pb.subplot(xf) |
736 + | |
737 + | def safe_pb_clf(): |
738 + | pb.clf() |
744 739 | ​ |
745 740 | casalog.origin('plotbandpass') |
746 741 | casalogPost(debug,"%s" % (PLOTBANDPASS_REVISION_STRING)) |
747 742 | DEBUG = debug |
748 743 | help = False |
749 744 | vm = '' # unused variable, now that msmd is available in casa |
750 745 | if (help): |
751 746 | print("Usage: plotbandpass(caltable='', antenna='', field='', spw='', yaxis='amp',") |
752 747 | print(" xaxis='chan', figfile='', plotrange=[0,0,0,0], caltable2='',") |
753 748 | print(" overlay='', showflagged=False, timeranges='', buildpdf=False, caltable3='',") |
2158 2153 | # I added pb.ion() because Remy suggested it. |
2159 2154 | if (interactive): |
2160 2155 | pb.ion() # This will open a new window if not present. |
2161 2156 | else: |
2162 2157 | pb.ioff() # This will not destroy an existing window or prevent new plots from appearing there. |
2163 2158 | # # The call to pb.figure() causes an additional new window everytime. |
2164 2159 | # # pb.figure() |
2165 2160 | |
2166 2161 | newylimits = [LARGE_POSITIVE, LARGE_NEGATIVE] |
2167 2162 | |
2168 - | pb.clf() |
2163 + | safe_pb_clf() # pb.clf() |
2169 2164 | if (bpoly): |
2170 2165 | # The number of polarizations cannot be reliably inferred from the shape of |
2171 2166 | # the GAIN column in the caltable. Must use the shape of the DATA column |
2172 2167 | # in the ms. |
2173 2168 | if (debug): print("in bpoly") |
2174 2169 | if (msFound): |
2175 2170 | (corr_type, corr_type_string, nPolarizations) = getCorrType(msName, spwsToPlot, mymsmd, debug) |
2176 2171 | casalogPost(debug,"nPolarizations in first spw to plot = %s" % (str(nPolarizations))) |
2177 2172 | else: |
2178 2173 | print("With no ms available, I will assume ALMA data: XX, YY, and refFreq=first channel.") |
2229 2224 | fieldString = str(field) |
2230 2225 | timeString = ', t%d/%d %s' % (mytime,nUniqueTimes-1,utstring(uniqueTimes[mytime],3)) |
2231 2226 | if (scansForUniqueTimes != []): |
2232 2227 | if (scansForUniqueTimes[mytime]>=0): |
2233 2228 | timeString = ', scan%d %s' % (scansForUniqueTimes[mytime],utstring(uniqueTimes[mytime],3)) |
2234 2229 | if ((yaxis.find('amp')>=0 or amplitudeWithPhase) and myap==0): |
2235 2230 | xframe += 1 |
2236 2231 | myUniqueColor = [] |
2237 2232 | if (debug): |
2238 2233 | print("v) incrementing xframe to %d" % xframe) |
2239 - | adesc = pb.subplot(xframe) |
2234 + | adesc = pb.safe_pb_subplot(xframe) |
2240 2235 | previousSubplot = xframe |
2241 2236 | if (ispw==originalSpw[ispw]): |
2242 2237 | # all this was added mistakenly here. If it causes a bug, remove it. |
2243 2238 | if (overlayTimes and len(fieldsToPlot) > 1): |
2244 2239 | indices = fstring = '' |
2245 2240 | for f in fieldIndicesToPlot: |
2246 2241 | if (f != fieldIndicesToPlot[0]): |
2247 2242 | indices += ',' |
2248 2243 | fstring += ',' |
2249 2244 | indices += str(uniqueFields[f]) |
2344 2339 | xant = antennasToPlot[xctr] |
2345 2340 | antstring, Antstring = buildAntString(xant,msFound,msAnt) |
2346 2341 | ispw = spwsToPlot[spwctr] |
2347 2342 | redisplay = True |
2348 2343 | else: |
2349 2344 | pagectr += 1 |
2350 2345 | if (pagectr >= len(pages)): |
2351 2346 | pages.append([xctr,spwctr,mytime,1]) |
2352 2347 | # print("appending [%d,%d,%d,%d]" % (xctr,spwctr,mytime,1)) |
2353 2348 | newpage = 0 |
2354 - | pb.clf() |
2349 + | safe_pb_clf() |
2355 2350 | |
2356 2351 | if (yaxis.find('phase')>=0 or amplitudeWithPhase): |
2357 2352 | xframe += 1 |
2358 2353 | myUniqueColor = [] |
2359 2354 | # # print("w) incrementing xframe to %d" % xframe) |
2360 - | adesc = pb.subplot(xframe) |
2355 + | adesc = pb.safe_pb_subplot(xframe) |
2361 2356 | previousSubplot = xframe |
2362 2357 | if (ispw==originalSpw[ispw]): |
2363 2358 | pb.title("%sspw%2d, field %d: %s%s" % (antennaString,ispw, |
2364 2359 | uniqueFields[fieldIndex],fieldString,timeString), size=titlesize) |
2365 2360 | else: |
2366 2361 | pb.title("%sspw%2d (%d), field %d: %s%s" % (antennaString,ispw,originalSpw[ispw], |
2367 2362 | uniqueFields[fieldIndex],fieldString,timeString), size=titlesize) |
2368 2363 | phaseSolutionX = calcChebyshev(polynomialPhase[index][0:nPolyPhase[index]], validDomain, frequenciesGHz[index]*1e+9) * 180/math.pi |
2369 2364 | phaseSolutionY = calcChebyshev(polynomialPhase[index][nPolyPhase[index]:2*nPolyPhase[index]], validDomain, frequenciesGHz[index]*1e+9) * 180/math.pi |
2370 2365 | if (nPolarizations == 1): |
2436 2431 | pagectr += 1 |
2437 2432 | if (pagectr >= len(pages)): |
2438 2433 | newpage = 1 |
2439 2434 | else: |
2440 2435 | newpage = 0 |
2441 2436 | if (debug): |
2442 2437 | print("1)Setting xframe to %d" % xframeStart) |
2443 2438 | xframe = xframeStart |
2444 2439 | if (xctr+1 < len(antennasToPlot)): |
2445 2440 | # don't clear the final plot when finished |
2446 - | pb.clf() |
2441 + | safe_pb_clf() |
2447 2442 | if (spwctr+1<len(spwsToPlot) or mytime+1<nUniqueTimes): |
2448 2443 | # don't clear the final plot when finished |
2449 - | pb.clf() |
2444 + | safe_pb_clf() |
2450 2445 | pb.subplots_adjust(hspace=myhspace, wspace=mywspace) |
2451 2446 | if (redisplay == False): |
2452 2447 | mytime += 1 |
2453 2448 | if (debug): |
2454 2449 | print("Incrementing mytime to %d" % (mytime)) |
2455 2450 | # end while(mytime) |
2456 2451 | if (redisplay == False): |
2457 2452 | spwctr +=1 |
2458 2453 | if (debug): |
2459 2454 | print("Incrementing spwctr to %d" % (spwctr)) |
3229 3224 | print("1)setting myUniqueTime to %d" % (mytime)) |
3230 3225 | myUniqueTime = mytime |
3231 3226 | ctr += 1 |
3232 3227 | if (ctr > len(fieldIndicesToPlot) and bOverlay==False): |
3233 3228 | print("multi-field time overlay *************** why are there 2 matches?") |
3234 3229 | # # # # if (ctr == 0): |
3235 3230 | # # # # print("No match for %.1f in "%(t), uTPFPS) |
3236 3231 | |
3237 3232 | # # # # print("Overlay antenna %d, myUniqueTime=%d" % (xctr, myUniqueTime)) |
3238 3233 | if (xframe == xframeStart): |
3239 - | pb.clf() |
3234 + | safe_pb_clf() |
3240 3235 | xflag = [item for sublist in xflag for item in sublist] |
3241 3236 | yflag = [item for sublist in yflag for item in sublist] |
3242 3237 | # # pflag = [xflag, yflag] |
3243 3238 | # # flagfrequencies = [frequencies, frequencies2] |
3244 3239 | antstring, Antstring = buildAntString(xant,msFound,msAnt) |
3245 3240 | if (msFound): |
3246 3241 | fieldString = msFields[uniqueFields[fieldIndex]] |
3247 3242 | else: |
3248 3243 | fieldString = str(field) |
3249 3244 | if (overlayTimes): |
4256 4251 | #redisplay the current page by setting ctrs back to the value they had at start of that page |
4257 4252 | xctr = pages[pagectr][PAGE_ANT] |
4258 4253 | spwctr = pages[pagectr][PAGE_SPW] |
4259 4254 | mytime = pages[pagectr][PAGE_TIME] |
4260 4255 | myap = pages[pagectr][PAGE_AP] |
4261 4256 | xant = antennasToPlot[xctr] |
4262 4257 | antstring, Antstring = buildAntString(xant,msFound,msAnt) |
4263 4258 | ispw = spwsToPlot[spwctr] |
4264 4259 | # # # # print("Returning to [%d,%d,%d,%d]" % (xctr,spwctr,mytime,myap)) |
4265 4260 | if (xctr==pages[0][PAGE_ANT] and spwctr==pages[0][PAGE_SPW] and mytime==pages[0][PAGE_TIME] and pages[0][PAGE_AP]==myap): |
4266 - | pb.clf() |
4261 + | safe_pb_clf() |
4267 4262 | if (debug): |
4268 4263 | print("2)Setting xframe to %d" % xframeStart) |
4269 4264 | xframe = xframeStart |
4270 4265 | myUniqueColor = [] |
4271 4266 | continue |
4272 4267 | else: |
4273 4268 | pagectr += 1 |
4274 4269 | if (pagectr >= len(pages)): |
4275 4270 | if (xframe == lastFrame and overlayTimes and overlayAntennas and xctr+1==len(antennasToPlot) and |
4276 4271 | yaxis=='amp'): |
4277 4272 | # I'm not sure why this works, but is needed to fix CAS-7154 |
4278 4273 | myspwctr = spwctr+1 |
4279 4274 | else: |
4280 4275 | myspwctr = spwctr |
4281 4276 | pages.append([xctr,myspwctr,mytime,1]) |
4282 4277 | if (debug): |
4283 4278 | print("amp: appending [%d,%d,%d,%d]" % (xctr,myspwctr,mytime,1)) |
4284 4279 | newpage = 0 |
4285 - | pb.clf() |
4280 + | safe_pb_clf() |
4286 4281 | if (debug): |
4287 4282 | print("3)Setting xframe to %d" % xframeStart) |
4288 4283 | xframe = xframeStart |
4289 4284 | myUniqueColor = [] |
4290 4285 | else: |
4291 4286 | if (debug): |
4292 4287 | print("::: Not done page: Not checking whether we need to set xframe=xframeStart") |
4293 4288 | print("::: xframe=%d ?= lastFrame=%d, amplitudeWithPhase=" % (xframe, lastFrame), amplitudeWithPhase) |
4294 4289 | print("::: xctr+1=%d ?= len(antennasToPlot)=%d" % (xctr+1,len(antennasToPlot))) |
4295 4290 | print(":::: mytimeTest = %s" % (mytimeTest)) |