
George Moellenbrock authored and Ville Suoranta committed b57a321e7f4 Merge
Pull request #902: CAS-14195

Merge in CASA/casa6 from CAS-14195 to master * commit 'd74c9a0ba4ec491506f98bf594b2710a3258278a': For CAS-14195, tidy up doc info in fringefit.xml For CAS-14195, improve inline documentation for corrcomb parameter. changed np.alltrue to np.all for new test case For CAS-14195, added combine='spw',concatspws=True tests to Fringefit_corrcomb2 test For CAS-14195, add new Fringefit_corrcomb2 test class to test new corrcomb modes (requires new dataset in the DR) For CAS-14195, ensure corrcomb='stokes' and 'parallel' duplicate the combined-poln solution is duplicated to both polarizations within the output caltable (as was done for corrcomb='all' previously). For CAS-14195, in fringefit task and underlying mechanics, add support for correlation combinations: 'stokes' (which does formal Stokes I combination of parallel hands, strictly respecting flags; formerly 'all') and 'parallel' (which does optimally weighted parallel-hand correlation combination for all available unflagged data)


286 286 if os.path.exists(self.testout):
287 287 shutil.rmtree(self.testout)
288 288
289 289 def test_comb(self):
290 290 fringefit(vis=self.polcombtestms, caltable=self.testout, refant='0', spw='2~3', corrcomb='none')
291 291
292 292
293 293 none_result = np.nanmean(tblocal.getcol('SNR'))
294 294 tblocal.close()
295 295
296 - fringefit(vis=self.polcombtestms, caltable=self.testout, refant='0', spw='2~3', corrcomb='all')
296 + fringefit(vis=self.polcombtestms, caltable=self.testout, refant='0', spw='2~3', corrcomb='stokes') # formerly 'all'
297 297
298 298
299 299 combine_result = np.nanmean(tblocal.getcol('SNR'))
300 300 tblocal.close()
301 301
302 302 self.assertTrue(combine_result > none_result)
303 303
304 +class Fringefit_corrcomb2(unittest.TestCase):
305 + polcombtestms = ''
306 + testout = polcombtestms+'.ffcal'
307 +
308 + def setUp(self):
309 + shutil.copytree(os.path.join(datapath, ''),self.polcombtestms)
310 + # For local testing before data is in the DR
311 + #datapath0='/home/daibutsu/gmoellen/JIRA/CAS-14195/testdir/'
312 + #shutil.copytree(os.path.join(datapath0, ''),self.polcombtestms)
313 +
314 + def tearDown(self):
315 + shutil.rmtree(self.polcombtestms)
316 + if os.path.exists(self.testout):
317 + shutil.rmtree(self.testout)
318 +
319 + def test_corrcomb2(self):
320 +
321 + # NB: No SNR improvement tests here (cf test_corrcomb)
322 + # because these (raw) data are not coherent (not aligned)
323 + # between polarizations
324 + # TBD: add a solve for pol alignment (zerorates=True), and
325 + # add it as a prior cal in each corrcomb!='none' test
326 +
327 + # corrdepflags=False, corrcomb='none'
328 + # ant id=6 completely flagged
329 + fringefit(vis=self.polcombtestms, caltable=self.testout,
330 + spw='0,1',
331 + refant='0',solint='inf',
332 + corrdepflags=False,corrcomb='none',concatspws=False)
333 +
334 + fl=tblocal.getcol('FLAG')
335 + tblocal.close()
336 + #print(np.sum(fl),np.sum(fl)==16)
337 + #print(fl[:,0,6::10]) # both pols
338 + #print(np.alltrue(fl[:,0,6::10]))
339 +
340 + self.assertTrue(np.sum(fl)==16) # 4 params in 2 pols in 2 spws
341 + self.assertTrue(np.all(fl[:,0,6::10])) # both pols flagged
342 +
343 +
344 + # corrdepflags=True, corrcomb='none'
345 + # ant id=6 pol id=1 only flagged
346 + fringefit(vis=self.polcombtestms, caltable=self.testout,
347 + spw='0,1',
348 + refant='0',solint='inf',
349 + corrdepflags=True,corrcomb='none',concatspws=False)
350 +
351 + fl=tblocal.getcol('FLAG')
352 + tblocal.close()
353 + #print(np.sum(fl),np.sum(fl)==8)
354 + #print(fl[4:,0,6::10]) # 2nd pol only
355 + #print(np.alltrue(fl[4:,0,6::10]))
356 +
357 + self.assertTrue(np.sum(fl)==8) # 4 params in 1 pol in 2 spws
358 + self.assertTrue(np.all(fl[4:,0,6::10])) # 2nd pol only flagged
359 +
360 + # corrdepflags=True, corrcomb='stokes'
361 + # ant id=6 completely flagged
362 + # solutions identical in both pols
363 + fringefit(vis=self.polcombtestms, caltable=self.testout,
364 + spw='0,1',
365 + refant='0',solint='inf',
366 + corrdepflags=True,corrcomb='stokes',concatspws=False)
367 +
368 + fl=tblocal.getcol('FLAG')
369 + sol=tblocal.getcol('FPARAM')
370 + tblocal.close()
371 + #print(np.sum(fl),np.sum(fl)==16)
372 + #print(fl[:,0,6::10]) # both pols
373 + #print(np.alltrue(fl[:,0,6::10]))
374 + #print(np.alltrue(sol[0:4,0,:]==sol[4:,0,:])) # same soln in both pols
375 +
376 + self.assertTrue(np.sum(fl)==16) # 4 params in 2 pols in 2 spws
377 + self.assertTrue(np.all(fl[:,0,6::10])) # both pols flagged
378 + self.assertTrue(np.all(sol[0:4,0,:]==sol[4:,0,:])) # same soln in both pols
379 +
380 + # corrdepflags=True, corrcomb='parallel'
381 + # nothing flagged (ant id=6 pol id=0 solutions used for both pols)
382 + # solutions identical in both pols
383 + fringefit(vis=self.polcombtestms, caltable=self.testout,
384 + spw='0,1',
385 + refant='0',solint='inf',
386 + corrdepflags=True,corrcomb='parallel',concatspws=False)
387 +
388 + fl=tblocal.getcol('FLAG')
389 + sol=tblocal.getcol('FPARAM')
390 + tblocal.close()
391 + #print(np.sum(fl),np.sum(fl)==0) # no flagged solutions!
392 + #print(np.alltrue(sol[0:4,0,:]==sol[4:,0,:])) # same soln in both pols
393 +
394 + self.assertTrue(np.sum(fl)==0) # nothing flagged
395 + self.assertTrue(np.all(sol[0:4,0,:]==sol[4:,0,:])) # same soln in both pols
396 +
397 + # corrdepflags=True, corrcomb='stokes', concatspws=True
398 + # ant id=6 fully flagged
399 + # solutions identical in both pols
400 + fringefit(vis=self.polcombtestms, caltable=self.testout,
401 + spw='0,1,2,3',combine='spw',
402 + refant='0',solint='inf',
403 + corrdepflags=True,corrcomb='stokes',concatspws=True)
404 +
405 + fl=tblocal.getcol('FLAG')
406 + sol=tblocal.getcol('FPARAM')
407 + tblocal.close()
408 +# print(np.sum(fl),np.sum(fl)==8)
409 +# print(fl[:,0,6::10]) # both pols
410 +# print(np.alltrue(fl[:,0,6::10]))
411 +# print(np.alltrue(sol[0:4,0,:]==sol[4:,0,:])) # same soln in both pols
412 + self.assertTrue(np.sum(fl)==8) # ant id 6 completely flagged
413 + self.assertTrue(np.all(fl[:,0,6::10])) # both pols flagged
414 + self.assertTrue(np.all(sol[0:4,0,:]==sol[4:,0,:])) # same soln in both pols
415 +
416 +
417 + # corrdepflags=True, corrcomb='parallel', concatspws=True
418 + # no solutions flagged
419 + # solutions identical in both pols
420 + fringefit(vis=self.polcombtestms, caltable=self.testout,
421 + spw='0,1,2,3',combine='spw',
422 + refant='0',solint='inf',
423 + corrdepflags=True,corrcomb='parallel',concatspws=True)
424 +
425 + fl=tblocal.getcol('FLAG')
426 + sol=tblocal.getcol('FPARAM')
427 + tblocal.close()
428 +# print(np.sum(fl),np.sum(fl)==0) # no flagged solutions!
429 +# print(np.alltrue(sol[0:4,0,:]==sol[4:,0,:])) # same soln in both pols
430 + self.assertTrue(np.sum(fl)==0) # nothing flagged
431 + self.assertTrue(np.all(sol[0:4,0,:]==sol[4:,0,:])) # same soln in both pols
432 +
433 +
434 +
435 +
304 436 class Fringefit_paramactive_caltable(unittest.TestCase):
305 437 prefix = 'n08c1'
306 438 msfile = prefix + '.ms'
307 439 testcallib = 'testcaltable.txt'
308 440
309 441 preapplytable = ''
310 442 nocallib = ''
311 443 withcallib = ''
312 444 manualdefault = ''
313 445

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